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Saturday, 22 March 2025

Letter to a friend. February 2024. On language as a given. Translated by Google. 2025


 Friday, 21 March 2025

Letter to a friend. February 2024


Dear Sir,

Regarding Tsuneyuki KAWASAKI, I found a letter. I sent to a friend in my Gmail, so, now
I will send it to you.

The main thing I noticed was how amazing the teacher was at quoting the Man'yoshu.
As you also write in the letter, this was the turning point
for me to completely move away from history and return to my original language.


It's part of a letter.
The blue text remains the same.


After the lectures and seminars at Wako University were over and the students had gone home,
When I was talking face-to-face with the professor in the quiet lab,
It was an irreplaceable moment for me.

The conversation ranged from lectures and exercises to a wide range of topics.
The topics were wide-ranging, including the former First Higher School, his research at university, and his involvement with Mount Hiei after graduation.
In particular, he was deeply involved in the pioneering studies of Sanskrit, Tibetan, Pali, and other languages ​​that led the way in philosophy and modern Buddhist studies .
It was a sign of deep respect.
At the end of those days, the teacher would sometimes say,
His words were, "I have just done what I was given."

didn't understand what the teacher was trying to convey to me by using the word "given. "
Although it would generally be taken as a sign of humility, I didn't ask my teacher.
I knew that the teacher would rarely respond to my questions in more detail.

In the summer of 1982, the editing of a three-volume collection of historical writings to be published by the University of Tokyo Press was almost complete the proofreading stage was underway.
The author, the editors of the anthology, and the publishing company were all involved in this work.
Because I was involved in the chronology and bibliography, the publishing company asked me to also proofread the text of the entire anthology .

The university had already entered summer vacation and my regular night shift work had almost finished, so
From July to early September, I was dedicated to proofreading the text of all three volumes.
This was my first time doing such serious, responsible proofreading work.
I didn't know how to properly proofread, so I worked by going back and forth between the text and the typesetting many times.

And at that moment, the image of people who lived their lives wholeheartedly in history , something that had previously been completely invisible to me due to my lack of talent , emerged from each and every sentence of the professor's essay.
The teacher had quoted an exquisite poem in an exquisite place.
Although it is excluded from this collection, a careful reading of the first volume of the anthology, which deals with the relationship between ancient literature and history, reveals that
When just one poem by a poet who has only one or a few poems published in the Manyoshu was placed in the description of the professor's essay, the poet's entire life was revealed as if it were being surveyed .
More than any commentary on the poet or the waka poem, the deep and broad world that the poet had experienced emerged from .
The professor simply quoted that poem at a certain point in his essay .
The teacher truly " just did what he was told to do."

But through this encounter,
As a result, it has disappeared from history.
To me, my teacher's world was separate.
From now on, I will return to the world of language, which was my original subject .
The road from then on was long, long and winding.

His theory gave me a vague idea of ​​my own state of being in this world . I too felt that
I had to do my own thing .
Language itself taken as a given.

February 11, 2024


Yours sincerely,

18 March 2025

Tuesday, 18 March 2025




Sekinan Research Field of Language was established at Hakuba Nagano Japan on August 23, 2003.

It is abbreviated to SRFL.

The aim of SRFL is the research for the language universals.

Quantum theory for language is especially considered.

Partially the research will be useful for the quantification of language.

By the research language will be truly close to the human being.

Tokyo April 23, 2004
Sekinan Research Field of Language


Declaration 2 cf. Declaration Uniformity of Language


Declaration 2

cf. Declaration

Uniformity of Language 


I present <Quantum Theory for Language> to put language closer to human being.

The theory has two aims at first. One is to throw light on the meaning of language. The other is to clarify the generative process of sentence.
Two aims are probably linked together in the kernel function of language.

In the theory, to carry further logic, I use several theories, principles rules and terms. In other hand I present the model of language, which is named model simplified level, abbreviated to MSL.

The theory and MSL are mutual aided. The theory needs MSL for the examination and deepening. MSL needs the theory for advance of usefulness. 

The theory aims at obtaining the digitization of language function.
The digitization goes on toward the advent of automatic generating language machine, abbreviated to AGLM or more simply to LM .

The language machine is one goal of the theory. Because the machine is useful for handicapped people using natural language in their daily life.

The language in which the theory is in effect, needs natural but to be uniform.
The uniformity of language is the premise of the theory.  

 November 18, 2004
For reminiscence of
 CHINO Eiichi
His Lecture on Linguistic Circle of Prague

Cube Theory Structure of Cube

 Cube Theory


Structure of Cube







1 On cube, structure consists of room, corridor, house, passage, garden, step and zone.

2 Quantum is putted in a room.

3 Two rooms are linked by a corridor.

4 The left room puts transmission quantum. The room is called transmission room, abbreviated to TR.

5 The right room puts frame quantum. The room is called frame room, abbreviated to FR.

6 On transmission and frame, see the paper Quantum Language   Frame and Transmission   February 26, 2006.

7 TR and FR are linked by a corridor that passes information of two rooms.

8 Two rooms and a corridor form a house where information passes freely.

9 Two houses are putted parallel.

10 Two houses are linked by passages.

11 The left passage links two TR.

12 The right passage links two FR.

13 Two houses form a garden.

14 A garden has four rooms, two corridors and two passages. The garden is called upper garden, abbreviated to UG.

15 Another garden has also four rooms, two corridor and two passages. The garden is called lower garden, abbreviated to LG.

16 UG and LG are piled up and linked by four steps. Each steps links TR to TR and FR to FR.

17 Two gardens form a zone.

18 A zone has eight rooms, four corridors, four passages and four steps.

19 A zone is briefly called cube.


20 A cube has meaning.

21 Meaning consists of signal, inclusion and connection.

22 The three are mentioned at the paper Cube Theory   Dimension   March 22, 2006.

23 Cubes are putted side by side and lined up.

23 Now a cube appropriates a word, and lined-up cubes are appropriates a sentence of natural language.

24 On word and sentence, see the below papers.

Quantum Linguistics   Growth of Word   January 30, 2006

Quantum Linguistics   Intension and Sentence   January 20, 2006 

Robot Language   Sentence   November 3, 2005

25 Cubes are putted one upper another and form a bigger cube. The cube is called compound cube, abbreviated CC.

26 CC makes a big word. The word is called derivative in natural language.

27 A cube itself grows up. The cube is called growing cube, abbreviated GC. Details are shown another paper.

28 See the paper Cube Theory   Dimension   March 22, 2006Especially see Line number 29.


29 Cube model is now presented for experiment.

30 Room, corridor, passage and step are made by glass material.

31 Photon is adopted for quantum.

32 Photon-cube structure is adopted for quantum computer.

33 Logical structure in cube keeps quantum optical conditions.


Tokyo March 25, 2006

Sekinan Research Field of Language

Cube Theory Dimension

 Cube Theory









1 Quantum language sends information that is derived from natural language.

2 Information contains figure, meaning and grammar.

3 Meaning is treated at first for significant role in quantum language.

4 The notation of meaning is /   /.

5 Meaning has hierarchy in quantum language.

6 Hierarchy is made of signal, inclusion and connection. Outline is referred by the paper Quantum Language   Substantiality of Language   February 21, 2006.

7 Signal is shown by number o and 1.

8 Inclusion is shown using set that is expressed by {    }.

9 Connection is shown for derivation of meaning. Connection is expressed by +.


10 Hierarchy of meaning is shown by structure.

11 Hierarchy is expressed by 3 situations of quantum’s folding.

12 The most simplified meaning is expressed by one quantum that folds 3 situations, for instance, 0, {   } and mark less.

13 Now / 0, {  }, mark less / means number 1.

14 Number 2 is expressed by one quantum, for instance, {0}, {  } and mark less.

15 The next simplified meaning is expressed by two quanta that folds double 3 situations, for instance, 0, {  }, + and {0}, { }, mark less. Expression is number 12.

16 The next simplified meaning is expressed by double two quanta that folds double double 3 situations, for instance, expressed number 12 and more 12. Expression is number 1212.

17 The next meaning is expressed by double two quanta and double two quanta that folds 4 times double 3 situations, for instance, expression 12121212.

18 The double double-two-quanta is constructed from 8 quanta. The form is similar to dice. So the expression of quantum language is called cube theory.

19 Cube theory uses quantum as an element.

20 Now photon is used for quantum.

21 Cube theory is generally worked in Hilbert Space.

22 Cube theory is worked at from 1 dimension to infinite high dimensions.

23 Cube is formed from 3 dimensions.

24 1dimension makes dot. The upper case expresses number 1.

25 2 dimensions makes segment. The upper case expresses number 12.

26 Double 2 dimensions makes double segments. The upper case expresses number 1212.

27 Double double-2-dimensions makes cube. The upper case number 12121212.

28 Cube is measured by 3 dimensions, for instance, x, y and z axis.

29 Cube develops by time. The case has 4 dimensions, axes are x, y, z and t.

30 Developing cube shows a universe.


31 Distance between two quanta is defined by other papers.

32 Space where quanta are specially put is defined by other papers.


Tokyo March 22, 2006

Sekinan Research Field of Language

Cube Theory Cube Word


Cube Theory


Cube Word







1 Cube word, abbreviated to CW, is expressed by matrix.

2 CW is likened to a house. The first floor is row of matrix and the ground floor is column of it.

3 CW expresses 4 dimensional universe that is developing situation of 3 dimensional universe.

4 Now cube sentence that is the succession of CW, is defined to multiplication of matrix.

5 Cube sentence, abbreviated to CS has non-commutativity by matrix.

6 CS contains uncertainty principle on the basis.

7 CS expresses quantum mechanics.


8 Two rooms of a house also express complex plane.

9 The first floor, abbreviated to FF, that is a pair of two rooms, expresses 2 complex planes.

10 FF is expressed by (a+bi)(c+di).

11 FF is also expressed by r(cosα+isinα)s(cosβ+isinβ)=rseiαeiβ=rsei(α+β)


12 CW is expressed by matrix. (a1 a2 a3 a4)(b1 bbb4)

13 When CW is matrix (x y z t) (x y z t), there comes matrix (x2 y2 z2 t2).

14 CW expresses Dirac’s function x2 +y2 +z2 +t2.

15 Dirac’s function is expressed by enlarged CW.

16 Enlarged CW, abbreviated ECW, is the third floor’s house of England.

17 Dirac matrix is peculiar one of the house.

18 ECW is also expressed by determinant.

19 Complex of conjugate on square matrix expresses imaginary space.

20 Complex of conjugate also expresses imaginary language that is roughly mentioned in the following papers.

Mirror Theory June 5, 2004

Mirror Language June 10, 2004

Actual Language and Imaginary Language September 23, 2004


21 Imaginary language is connected to Fourier series.

22 Normalized orthogonal basis of ECW is expressed by fn(x)=1/2πeinx  (n=--∞, ------, +).

23 ECW is also connected to infinite dimensional vector space.

24 So ECW is connected to eternally developing language, namely, infinite language.



Hakuba April 1, 2006

Sekinan Research Field of Language

Cube Theory Cube Language

 Cube Theory



Cube Language







1 Language has substantiality.

2 Substantiality is embodied by quantum.

3 Quantum is expressed by photon.

4 Photon is in a glass bead.

5 A bead is called room.

6 Room is worked under the conditions of quantum optics.

7 Two rooms are connected by a corridor.

8 Corridor is also made by glass.

9 Central system of language consists of frame and transmission. 

10 Frame and transmission form a pair.

Refer to the paper Quantum Language Frame and Transmission February 26, 2006.

11 A pair of quanta makes the basis of structure on meaning of cube language.

12 Existence, vacancy, creation, extinction, continuation, alteration and so forth are shown by the expression of sets.

Refer to the paper Quantum Liguistics Creation of Meaning February 12, 2006.

13 Two rooms and a corridor make a pair. Another two rooms and a corridor also make a pair. Two pairs of rooms are also connected by two corridors. Four rooms and four corridors make the first floor. Another four rooms and four corridors make the ground floor. Eight rooms and eight corridors make a house. Names are altered from the paper Cube Theory Structure of Cube March 25, 2006.


14 A photon in a room has, for instance, 2 folded conditions, <upper 0> and <lower 1>.

15 4 photons of the first floor are 4 situations of 2 folded conditions, from <0000> to <1111>.

16 Now the first floor, abbreviated to F, is adopted for row of matrix. The ground floor, abbreviated to G, is adopted for column of matrix.

17 Inner product of F and G is expressed by matrix, from ( 0 0 0 0 ) ( 0 0 0 0 ) to ( 1 1 1 1 ) ( 1 1 1 1 ).

18 Cube expresses 4 dimensions by matrix.

19 4 dimensions are adopted for 3 dimensions-space and time dimension.

20 A cube expresses a word of cube language. The word is called cube word, abbreviated to CW.

21 Cubes connection expresses a sentence of cube language. The sentence is called cube sentence, abbreviated to CL.

22 Cube language expresses 4 dimensional developing world. The world is called cube universe, abbreviated to CU.


Hakuba April 1, 2006

Sekinan Research Field of Language