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Wednesday, 30 April 2014



Position of Language

Quantization1 is a cliff for consideration of language.
2 Mathematical interpretation of quantized language is now a first step to the theoretical ascent.
3 If there is not mathematics, next conjectures are impossible.
(i) Difference between word and sentence---Commutative and noncommutative ring
(ii) Continuation from word to sentence---Tomita’s fundamental theorem
(iii) Word’s finiteness and sentence’s infinity---Property infinite and purely infinite
(iv) Cyclic structure of word’s meaning---Infinite cyclic group
Meaning minimum2mirror language3 and mirror symmetry4 are inevitable approach to the study of language especially for language universals5.

1<Quantized Language>
2<Meaning minimum>
4<Mirror symmetry>
5<Language universals>
Tokyo December 10, 2005
Now traveling to a northern more place from the encounter
Tokyo November 27, 2008 Revised
Tokyo March 24, 2009 Revised
Tokyo June 27, 2009 Revised

Macro Time and Micro Time

24 July 2013

1. Through natural language, in human being, occurred the electrical signal by eye or ear. These complex situations are beyond this paper's limits.
2. Language is a physical object as signal and its transmission. At this circumstanstances, langauge must be recognised to be the existance that has finite time.
3. An apple on the desk gradually becomes rotten by passing the time very after the crop in the orchard. #0

4. Like an apple, language has passing physical time in oneself.

5. Language is metamorphosed  by the time progressing.  #1

6. Language includes the outer world from human being to universe. At this declaration, I recall Blaise Pascal's Pensées.

    The infinite distance between body and mind symbolizes the infinitely more infinite distance between mind and charity, for charity is supernatural.

  (Translated by A.J. Krailsheimer, 1966) #2

7. Language's time goes freely from the present to the future or the present to the past. #3

8. Language symbolises the time from finiteness to inifinity. #4

9. Human being recognises this vast language world perfectly. #5


#2 PASCAL PENSÉES. Translated with an introduction by A.J. Krailsheimer. PENGUIN BOOKS 1966.

Monday, 28 April 2014

MURAVIJOVA Natary, Russian Language Class

Russian Language Class

I met with her in 1969 at her Russian language class.
On the day, received the lecture on general semantics at the her neighbouring room. The teacher was difficulty in writing the letters on the blackboard for the chalks all too short or chipped. So I went to get the right ones to use to her class.
The room was tiny and a few students attended the lesson from her.  At that time I suddenly decided that the next year I absolutely will receive her Russian language because the scenery her image to teach the lesson was fantastically fine for me. 
Next year, 1970, I got her Russian lesson at the same little room.
At that room I also received Korean language from KAJIMURA Hideki and Russian grammar from CHINO Eiichi.
The lesson of her style was always natural and familiar for the students.
AT first few lessons were the pronunciation of Russian. The accent and diphthong was especially  important. She taught us many times using the blackboard writing the words and phrases.
Russian vowels have the two, Light and dark. The river Volga sound the Russian people always dark. She said so.
The Russian class had the the language festival in every Autumn. At where I was urged to enter the Russian poem’s recitation. Her choice for me was Lermontov. She gave me the note paper in that the poem was written in green colour pen.
She was the daughter of Russian army’s high class official. She ad her family came to Japan to escape from the Revolution. In Japan she kept teaching the Russian at the Japan-Russo Institute. Also taught at several universities.
She gave me the Russian name, Mikhail.  She called me Misha in a sense of closeness.
I bought the Russian textbook of “Teach yourself” series. I used the phrases from  the book in her classroom. She astonished my colloquial speaking un likely in my real ability to the language. I apologized her that All was in the book I bought at the Kinokuniya, Shinjuku.” She understood the situation smiling.
Her pronunciation  was excellent fine. I now remember her voice with her small build. Her class was now shining entering the Autumn light though the windows of the university. 

SAITO Kohei, painter and tender teacher on art and life

Long time ago of my age 20s, when I talked with SAITO Kohei age 40s, painter of my colleague at high school, I asked him, “Which painter do you like best?”
He immediately answered “It’s Grunewald, do you know the painter?” At that time I did not know on this famous painter anymore. Probably feeling pitiful, soon after he brought me a book on the painter and showed me the famous The Crucifixion.
In those days I was an unskilled  high school teacher and he was also an art teacher of the same school.  He taught me the various things on art, literature and the way of living for researching own precious theme. At that time I had learned writing language mainly focused to Chinese old inscription on tortoise carapaces.
I frequently had visited his art study room and drank coffee being made from him. At one time, he let me take my portraits spending several days. Drawing the portraits, he said that contrary to my image I had a lean face. He was always gentle and took care of me.
Several years later, I left school teacher and again started study at a university to deepen the philological bases. He also stopped teaching at the school and devoted himself  to painting and lived apart from me at Yokohama.
In 2010 I heard the aluminum of the school, he died by disease.  I loved him so much and truly thanked him for his tender and wider kindness to my poor and immature young time.
18 May 2012
8 January 2013 added

Sekinan Research Field of Language

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Soon becomes the rose season

In my garden and hedge, soon becomes the rose season that I have waited over the long cold winter. I love white climbing rose, that name is "Fresh Snow". They are really like the winter-first- snow. But now the season is nearly early summer in Japan. Last season's hedge is the below.

From  the garden, many various flowers also salute their finest smile with splendid colours.

Saturday, 26 April 2014




THE SHORTER OXFORD DICTIONARY THIRD EDITION REVISED WITH AGENDA, 1956 is the most precious dictionary for me, that I bought at a old book shop in Shibuya, Tokyo when I attended a conference held at the city. I am very satisfied with all the styles of this dictionary. Hard solid dark blue cover, soft quarter-bound in leather, easy consulting quality of paper and more than anything else, that finest typology.
Today, as doing so every time on meeting with unknown occasion, I looked up one word, bandanna that I usually use at the working time for refreshing the spirit. Now I am making a little storehouse for using as gardening by wife and me. According to the dictionary, this word is derived from Hind. bundhnu, first appeared in 1752.
Oh my style of working possibly may be succeeded over 200 years.

20 October 2012

Sekinan Research Field of Language

Friday, 25 April 2014

Quilt archive from SRFLData

Quilt is my wife's pleasant work for daily life. I also receive her work's result. Here shows the lust summer's her work.

Quilt for sofa

April is the flower season

April is the flower season. Wind is fresh and light rain cleans the soil and air. A daffodil lets me feel the beginning of the new year.

In the garden

Now I am Enough Old for Remembering the Past

Now I am Enough Old for Remembering the Past  


Recently I read Susan Sontag's WHERE THE STRESS FALLS, 2001. The impression is a little different with the other books.
I was never the good reader of her, but her existence was always strong and had glittered.
The time was Sixties that contained the infinite things in it.
Now I am enough old for remembering the time.
She wrote a fine essay on the time, 
Thirty Years Later ... , 1996. The pages are short but sufficient to describe the time that was infinite and endless.
 If her life was able to be shine, while my Sixties was always under the tiny dim light.
At the place where I was, the long view never could be seen. I never thought on the things as I was very coward and was fluttered even at the very tiny event of the time. I was infirm and timidity.

What I could do at that time was read or turned pages of the text books of some foreign languages.
How little and shallow heart I had, pitiable and poor existence. Probably till now.

Under the Dim Light

27 September 2012

Sekinan Research Field of Language

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

SRFLPhoto.Flower and Woodwork / Pinterest

SRFLPhoto. Flower and Woodwork is my Pinterest Site for my gardening.
The URL is the next.

 SRFLPhoto.Flower and Woodwork
White rose Named "Fresh Snow" at the hedge

Tuesday, 22 April 2014


  Bourbaki's ELEMENTS DE MATHEMATIUE, THEORIE DES ENSEMBLES is the datum of my mathematical thinking in youth time in the late 1960s to the early 1970s. So I was also one ofthe product of the  Bourbaki's age. I have confirmed that the basis of mathematics is in the freedom as the saying of Cantor. This book reflects the great flow from Cantor.


SRFLTheory is the update site of Sekinan Research Field of Language which has kept on researching language, especially on language universals from making models of mathematical description. The former site is shown at sekinanlatest.Sekinan Research Field of Language was established at Hakuba, Nagano in 2003. Next year 2004, the base was referred at Tokyo. 

9 April 2014

Sekinan Research Field of Language

Read Andre Martinet

Reread Andre Martinet’s ELEMENTS DE LINGUISTIQUE GENERALE, 1970. When I was a student in 1970s, the book was already determined the established reputation. Now at rereading, I confirmed that one of his most concerned thing was the amalgamation of moneme, which is still radically never solved . But by his approach or any other similar approached researchers, Martinet-like style of studying is very difficult to progress. I have taken the another way to think on the themes influenced from KARCEVSKIJ Sergej (the early example ;Holomorphic meaning Theory 2008 ) by using the mathematical methods, especially algebraic geometry.
Recent result on the relation between characters and time in language is shown below.
Time of WANG Guowei / sekinanmetria 
16 July 2012
On WANG Guowei, refer to the next.The Time of WANG Guowei / sekinanlum
Tokyo21 January 2013 added

NOGUCHI Hiroshi. A Group of Mathematicians. Tokyo. 1970

Yesterday read over NOGUCHI Hiroshi’s A Group of Mathematicians, Tokyo, 1970. The book begins the first chapter from the seminar of Karl Menger (1902-1985)  at Wien in 1930s. The presentators were Heinrich Tietze and Herbert Seifert (1907-1996). There TERASAKA (pseudonym) from Japan heard them, that became friendly with Seifert after his presentation. Seifert spoke with an accent of Dresden.
Tietze spoke with the title ” On the embedding of n-dimensional distance space”. Seifelt’s theme at the seminar was the connection between geometry and algebra. Thus the book opens the curtain of topology’s development in the twentieth century. The second chapter describes the meeting at Asakusa, Tokyo in 1935, where young mathematicians in Japan conversed the new mathematics trend in Europe mainly by NAKAMURA ( pseudonym) who went to Swiss to study algebraic topology from Heinz Hoph (1894-1971). The author NOGUCHI writes, ” Thus, the history of algebraic topology in Japan started at this night.”
The book has eight chapters and the last chapter describes “the third generation” young topologists emerged in 1960s. KOMATSU (pseudonym) remember the past good days that opened the tiny  flower of homology, and the next all was destroyed by the second world war and now Japanese young mathematicians are studying under Sariban, Robion Kirby, Laurent Siebemann and John Milnor at Princeton in 1969.

Ode to the Early Bourbaki to Grothendieck

In early 1970s, I had thought of language from the side of mathematics, that level of mine is very low and primitive, moreover I never had any talent to mathematics.
But my eager to trying the approach was going to overcome hard barriers before me. So the route had really fascinated my mind for long time.
At that time I had read Chinese classics almost every day. WANG Guowei*, DUAN Yucai and WANG Yingzhi. They were giants on Chinese language historically and modernly.
On the other hand I had thought of language generally, not defined by Chinese.
But in front of the vast world of language, I had stood still lonely, not taking any method for approaching.
Mathematics was the only gleam of hope in the wasteland.
I never took the route of ordinary linguistics.
I really dreamed a dream that time.
There exists set theory before me.
Probably there was the influence of Bourbaki**, that several translations to Japanese, shared from Tokyo Tosho Publisher, were on the desk of mine.
My talent and endeavor were so low, so I had not any results at that time.
My desire was deep but my hand was so shallow.
The time passed by.
In 1979 the meeting again with CHINO Eiichi*** made me the chance to learn on language, the object was clear and direct.
Language universals by mathematics became the never-ending goal of the study hereafter.
Sergej Karcevskij**** gave me the courage to the research.
All the way to investigation were taught from CHINO, who was the genuine teacher on language.
In mathematics I took the route from geometry, especially by projection.
Now I stand at algebraic geometry.
Grothendieck is in the northernmost at the end of Bourbaki.
SAITO Takeshi said at the essay on Grothendieck***** that the object of mathematics for Bourbaki was the set of being attached by construction and the object of mathematics for Grothendieck was the object of category representing the presentable functor.
The time has come for describing****** on langauge by mathematics despite my poor ability.
Sincere thanks for the pioneers letting us make the fascinating route of modern mathematics.
*WANG Guowei
Encounter in life / A Letter /2005
Influenced paper / On Time Property Inherent in Characters / 2003 , Quantum Theory for Language / 2004
SAITO Takeshi. Bourbaki, Mathematics Seminar, vol.41 no.4 487. Nihonhyoronsya, Tokyo, 2002.
***CHINO Eiicji
First met in 1969, again in 1979. Fortuitous Meeting
****Sergej Karcevskij
Note on Karcevskij’s theme. Note for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej’s “Dudualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique”
SAITO Takeshi. Grothendieck, Mathematics Seminar, vol.49 no.5 584. Nihonhyoronsya, Tokyo, 2010.
Note on Grothendieck’s theorem. Vector Bundle Model
January 10, 2012

Symbolic Repetition

Symbolic Repetition 

26 jan 13
Trough some ten year learning I have confirmed that the meaning of word has a certain repetition which I call symbolic repetition for generating the core symbolic meaning of word. I strongly became aware of this repetition’s importance when I saw the Kagura, the traditional village dance performing at the shrine. The theme of the dance was the generation of nation by God from the myth of the ancient Japanese classics. The situation at the play-going is shown at the next.
Sato-kagura, Village Shinto dance, Fuchu, Tokyo / 20 November 2012
From now on, I will describe this symbolic repetition using infinite loop space of algebraic K theory. The proto-type of symbolic repetition are already presented at the intuitive style at my early works. The relative papers are shown at the below.
On Time Property Inherent in Characters / 28 March 2003
Quantum Theory for Language / 15 January 2004
Prague Theory / 2 October 2004~
Loop space as language’s representation is roughly shown at the below.
Loop Time of Character / 15 September 2011
5 December 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Reference added
27 December 2012
Word as Infinite Loop Space / 6 December 2012
Sato-kagura, Dance Performance, at Okunitama-jinja Shrine,
Fuchu, Tokyo, 20 November 2012

Sato-kagura, Village Shinto dance, Fuchu, Tokyo

Edo-no-sato-kagura, Edo Times’ village Shinto dance playing at Okunitama-jinja Shrine, Fuchu, Tokyo, at Tori-no-ichi, the Festival of Bird.
20 November 2012, at Okunitama-jinja Shrine, Fuchu, Tokyo, we saw the Sato-kagura, Village Shinto dance.
The story was the myth of nation-building. The Izanagi-no-mikoto God danced at the returning from the land of the dead where his wife existed. The God purified himself with cold water ablutions at the Hyuga country.
The dance repeated alike behaviours many times.
Seeing the stage at that time I suddenly realised the origin of word meaning. The myth of nation-building led to the origin of meaning.
Concisely saying, meaning of word is born from repeating as the dance produced the story. This fact strongly hit me.
Now I call the situation of the dance symbolic repetition. This repetition will be the brand new basis of the description for the word by mathematics.

Pinterest, SRFLPhoto

Pinterest, SRFLPhoto

Pinterest, SRFLPhoto is the next URL.
It shows the photos of flower and woodwork.

From the garden

Monday, 21 April 2014

Another pass-way to mathematics

In some 40 years I had concerned with mathematics to which I only had read several books as if it is  the books of arts, for example, the verses of Chinese classics that are always obscure to understand by my Chinese ability. On the Tang Dynasty’s famous poet, DU fu’s work I had not clearly understood, probably till now. But the works are all pleasant in its own way. As like them mathematics I had read some books and papers. Definitely  I could not make DU Fu-like work. But I liked DU Fu so much. And I also cannot understand mathematics any more, but also like it. If there be not valuation that is usual done at school, more people maybe like it as same as they read poems putted before them. Mathematicians are put to study stern logics for its long history while the poets make poems that need severe rules of rhythm and meaning. That is all, for my standpoint on mathematics or Chinese classics,or my life.

Aster in the Garden, For Mother

Aster in the Garden 
For Mother


In the garden, there is a tiny root of aster now, that was ever also blooming in my old home. My mother made much of it. So the flowers had increased year by year.
Recently in my garden, I found out that the way of mother was one of the most important style for really loving the flowers. The tiny root someday will become more flourishing without clearly noticing if one really cultivate it. This truth is the gift from mother, noticing much too late for me.

Language, Amalgamation of Mathematics and Physics

Language, Amalgamation
of Mathematics and Physics



Language will become the urgent agenda of this century. Language will be recognised as the amalgamation of mathematics and physics. Because language is mathematically designed physical transmission system in human being. This transmission is finite and compact within a human body  but infinite and eternal connected with the outer worlds in the universe.
  1. Relation between mathematics and physics  Operad Meaning Theory. From Cell to Operad. 24 March 2013. ifbetruezoho
  2. finite and compact  Simplicial Space language. Composition of Word. 20 January 2013. ifbetruezoho
  3. Infinite and eternal Infinite Loop Space language. Word as Infinite Loop Space. 6 December 2012. sekinanmodel

                                                         15 April 2014

                                  Sekinan Research Field of Language

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Clifford Algebra. A trial for amalgamation of mathematics and physics

Clifford Algebra
A trial for amalgamation of mathematics and physics

From Super Space to Quantization
Anti-self-dual Form
Dirac Operator
TOMONAGA's Super Multi-time Theory
Creation Operator and Annihilation Operator

Meaning Product 

To My Dear Friend