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Friday, 29 April 2016

Fortuitous Meeting, What CHINO Eiichi Taught Me in the Class of Linguistics

Fortuitous Meeting

What CHINO Eiichi Taught Me in the Class of Linguistics 

CHINO taught me the core of linguistics in the class of structural linguistics.
The most remarkable thing is what he explained the paper of KARCEVSKIJ to us.
The title is “Du dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique”. It became a miracle of my life.
 I summarize the essence of the paper from one of CHINO’s most major book,Gengogaku eno hirakareta tobira, Janua linguarum reserata in Latin. Language has the dualism.
One is firm structure. The other is flexible variability.
This is a very revelation in the roaming of study.
At first I selected the firmness of language for my research target.
It overlapped with the research of Chinese characters.
Thought of KARCEVSKIJ fructified the quantum of language.
The theory I reached is Quantum Theory for Language.
The starting point of the theory was given from CHINO.
I deeply appreciate him for teaching me almost all the things on language. 
CHINO Eiich died March 19, 2002.
At age 70.

December 5, 2004
July 16, 2014 Added

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Thursday, 28 April 2016

Winding road to physics

Winding road to physics 

    When I was a student of high school, I hoped to learn physics at university. But from various reasons in fact I learnt language at university on the other still longing for physics.After graduation I once worked as a high school teacher and eight years passing over I returned to university for investigating language study. On the way I again met CHINO Eiichi in 1979, from whom I ever learnt Russian in 1969. By his teaching I had distinct aim for my study on language, making clear description to others using mathematics being assisted with physical thinking or approach. Mathematics was always set in my mind but my talent was not overtaken to its hardness. But aiming clear description to every situation I decided to learn again or thrice to make a new stage where I decided to come back to my starting point of youth being attracted to physics.Refer to the next.

    1. Remembrance
    2. Physics
    3. Model
    4. Language
    5. Mathematics

    16 January 2015

    Read more:

    Wednesday, 27 April 2016

    Early summer will be soon

    I love early summer that is full of flowers.

    From my garden preparation

    SIL Data +1's, overview of Sekinan Library

    SIL Data +1's is a simple overview of Sekinan Library.

    National Western Art Museum, Ueno, Tokyo
    One of my favourite museums in Tokyo

    Sunday, 24 April 2016

    Thanks to physics through which I ever dreamt in my future

    Thanks to physics through which I ever dreamt in my future

    TANAKA Akio

    In the days of high school, I deeply dreamt that someday physics would perfectly write over this world's phenomena by the clearest descriptions. So I had longed for studying physics in the future. But I selected language's diverse and wide field at the university, from where returning to the clear description like mathematics needed long and winding road for me. Now in my mind language and physics/mathematics are happily living together for constructing the world's main frame. I wonder why I took so much time to reach here. Long time ago, at least the days I strongly influences by Pascal , philosophy and mathematics were both sides of areas for solving the world's hard problems. It is appropriate that the problems should be solved using all the tools from all the areas, should not be partitioned any artificial walls. From now on, philosophy so far may be parcially solved by mathematics and mathematics might open to the door of complexed phenomena in the world never being written clearly. Now they are suerly solved one by one by the researchers and we feel the solutions like those are becoming common sense now. Probably only I reached here being delayed. But at last I am now situated in a tranquil field. Thanks so many pioneers who had cultivated difficut problem to the easier states for applying to the different fields. Especially to mathematicians. Also to physicians through whose worlds I ever dreamt in my future.

    1. Substantiality Dedicated to SAPIR Edward / 27 February 2005
    2. To my dear friend, KANEKO Yutaka / 22 May 2013
    3. Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague / 23 October 2013 
    4. Language, Amalgamation of Mathematics and Physics / 15 April 2014
    5. Perhaps Return to Physics /16 August 2014
    6. Winding road to physics / 10 April 2015

    24 April 2016

    Read more:

    Friday, 22 April 2016

    SRFL Essay

    SRFL Essay

    Leading Essay

    Prague in 1920s

    Portal: SRFL Data
    SRFL Note
    SRFL Paper
    SRFL Theory
    Geometrization Language
    Story, A Youth of Student Enthralled by Language
    To Winter. RI Ko. Sekinan Library. 31 October 2015.

    Read more:

    Prague in 1920s, Note added

    The paper Prague in 1920s has added the note. 22 April 2016 Sekinan Comment

    Wednesday, 20 April 2016

    Prague in 1920s

    Prague in 1920s

    ​From Print 2012, Chapter 18

    Non-symmetry. It was the very theme that I repeatedly talked on with C. Prague in 1920s. Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique" that appeared in the magazine TCLP.  Absolutely contradicted coexistence between flexibility and solidity, which language keeps on maintaining, by which language continues existing as language.  Still now there will exist the everlasting dual contradiction in language. Why can
    language stay in such solid and such flexible condition like that. Karcevskij proposed the duality that is seemed to be almost absolute contradiction.
    Sergej Karcevskij's best of papers, for whom C called as the only genius in his last years' book Janua Linguisticae reserata 1994. 

    Source: Tale / Print by LI Kohr / 27 January 2012

    Reference 2:
    References 3:
    References 4:
    Reference 5:

    [Note, 2 October 2014]
    In this Tale, Print 2012, C is CHINO Eiichi who was the very teacher in my life, taught me almost all the heritage of modern linguistics. I first met him in 1969 at university's his Russian class as a student knowing nothing on language study.

    [Note, 1 March 2015]
    Heritage of The Linguistic Circle of Prague in 1920s
    The LCP showed us the eternal flexibility of language, which has overcame the vast trial approach to language and its bases and language universals.  The LCP had never persisted one theory or the main stream theories at that time. I have inherited this noble spirit on my study.

    1 July 2015
    Sekinan Paper

    Sunday, 17 April 2016

    SRFL Note, Main site of SRFL

    SRFL Note


    Visual Portal: SRFL Data

    Visual Portal 2: SIL Lab





    A Youth of Student Enthralled by Language
    To Winter. RI Ko. Sekinan Library. 31 October 2015.


    Specilised Site

    Essay: SRFL Essay

    Paper: SRFL Paper

    Theory: SRFL Theory


    7 April 2014 
    Sekinan Library
    Founded in 1986

    Read more:

    Friday, 15 April 2016

    SEKINAN PHOTO, On Fukushima Power Plant Accident

    SEKINAN PHOTO was the Photo site of Sekinan Library. But at 11 March 2011 The East Japan Great Earthquake occurred. The site gradually reported the documents gathered from the area.


    15 April 2016

    Wednesday, 13 April 2016

    Document 2, On-going letter about East Japan Great Earthquake to グエン。ヌータック, Vietnam

    Document 2, On-going letter about East Japan Great Earthquake to グエン。ヌータック, Vietnam

    Recorded by グエン。ヌー タック's Flickr site,  for whom the deepest thanks.
    Akio TANAKA.  13 April 2016.
    Be strong Japan...
    Be strong Japan.../View 43 previous comments 


    View 43 previous comments

    These are on-going letters to グエン。ヌー タック.
    I sincerely thanks her to remain the letters till now.
    I send these letters to all the people praying the peace and happiness in the world where is still occurring many sadness everyday.

    13 April 2016

    Document East Japan Great Earthquake, 11 March 2011, Data copied

    Recorded by グエン。ヌー タック's Flickr site,  for whom the deepest thanks.
    Akio TANAKA.  13 April 2016.
    Be strong Japan...


    This is my record on East Japan Great Earthquake, 11 March 2011.
    This record is remained by グエン。ヌー タック, Vietnam.
    I had vanished all may written data for my sadness of the disaster.

    SEKINAN KEEP is my site for the disaster that is still remained at the broken piece. But at the site my all letters were already vanished by myself.
    Now I remember the days of sadness but want to tell the on-going situation of the quake and nuclear power station for the peace of the world where many sadnesses are still occurring everywhere.
    The deepest thanks are going toward to  グエン。ヌー タック, Vietnam.

    13 April 2016. Five years already passed away form the day.
    SIL Lab

    Saturday, 9 April 2016

    SRFL Data, Visual site of Sekinan Library

    SRFL Data is the visual portal site of Sekinan Library. Several fields of Sekinan Library can be seen at the simple overview.