The Time of Language
Ode to The Early Bourbaki To Grothendieck. …
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Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Hijiribashi, Holy Bridge, Ochanomizu, Tokyo
Hijiribashi, Holy Bridge, Ochanomizu, Tokyo
The Holy Bridge is constructed at the north side of the Ochanomizu Station, Tokyo, at Chuo Line. Under flows the Outer Moat of the Imperial Palace, constructed in the medieval period, some 550 years ago. The Edo Castle ever had the vast area in the central part of Tokyo. Now the Inner Moat is perfectly remained but the Outer Moat is partly remained mainly in the north part of Tokyo. Around Ochanomizu area now become the typical cultural zone of Tokyo, where many universities and colleges are gathered.
The Holy Bridge is named for what in the northern part there is the Yushima-seido, the Holy Building of Confucius which was constructed in 1690 and the southern part, there is the Nicolai-do, Cathedral of the Eastern Orthodox Church. So the bridge connects East and West, the two meet on the bridge.
The church was first built in 1891 and rebuilt in 1929 after the Kanto Plain Great Earthquake occurred in 1923. The name Nicolai is originated by the founder Nicolai Primate of Khristos Orthodox Church of Japan. The bridge was also constructed in 1925 after the Earthquake. This Holy Bridge is one of the most fantastic old-fashioned bridges in Tokyo. I love these old Tokyo's images. New architectures will be constructed one after another , but the old ones can never constructed as the same having the long and historical heritage.
24 July 2012
The Holy Bridge is constructed at the north side of the Ochanomizu Station, Tokyo, at Chuo Line. Under flows the Outer Moat of the Imperial Palace, constructed in the medieval period, some 550 years ago. The Edo Castle ever had the vast area in the central part of Tokyo. Now the Inner Moat is perfectly remained but the Outer Moat is partly remained mainly in the north part of Tokyo. Around Ochanomizu area now become the typical cultural zone of Tokyo, where many universities and colleges are gathered.
The Holy Bridge is named for what in the northern part there is the Yushima-seido, the Holy Building of Confucius which was constructed in 1690 and the southern part, there is the Nicolai-do, Cathedral of the Eastern Orthodox Church. So the bridge connects East and West, the two meet on the bridge.
The church was first built in 1891 and rebuilt in 1929 after the Kanto Plain Great Earthquake occurred in 1923. The name Nicolai is originated by the founder Nicolai Primate of Khristos Orthodox Church of Japan. The bridge was also constructed in 1925 after the Earthquake. This Holy Bridge is one of the most fantastic old-fashioned bridges in Tokyo. I love these old Tokyo's images. New architectures will be constructed one after another , but the old ones can never constructed as the same having the long and historical heritage.
24 July 2012
Ode to Kanda, Tokyo
Ode to Kanda
“I need not more wander the book shop streets.” / From Tale, Print, 2012
This tale was written by TANAKA Akio, pen-named LI Koh in autumn 2012 for remembering the poor but brilliant youth time of myself. This is one of my favourite phrases in this tale.
The book shop streets described in the tale is Kanda, Tokyo, which is located in the central Tokyo, where I frequently walked seeking the old Chinese classic books for the study from Oriental way of linguistics. In late 1960s, the streetcars were surely running in the old fashioned streets of Kanda, now perfectly changed to the subway streets.
The book shop streets described in the tale is Kanda, Tokyo, which is located in the central Tokyo, where I frequently walked seeking the old Chinese classic books for the study from Oriental way of linguistics. In late 1960s, the streetcars were surely running in the old fashioned streets of Kanda, now perfectly changed to the subway streets.
From Print 2012, Chapter 10
もはや本屋街をさまようことはない。I need not more wander the book shop streets. 対象は私のうちにある。The object exists in my mind. 私はただこの運河をながめていればいい。I would better watch the canal. 遍歴は終わった。Wandering is over now. たぶん永遠にマイスターにはなれないだろうが、みずからの小さな仕事場で、日が落ちるまで作業をすればいい。Perhaps I would not become meister forever. In my narrow working place, I ‘d better do my work till sunset. すると仕事場の窓辺を聖者が通って行く。 So out of the window by the working place, the saint passes by. かつてそんなロシアの民話を読んだ。I ever read the Russian folk tale like that.
秋の日ぐれは早い。The Autumn evening is fast. 路面電車のヘッドランプがまぶしいくらいだ。The headlight of streetcar is dazzling. 黄褐色の窓に少ない乗客が照らし出され、古本屋街の方へ消えて行った。In the yellow-lighten window the passengers are picked out by the light. The car disappeared to the book streets. 駅の売店がにぎやかな橙の光に包まれている。The station shop is also lighted up by the yard’s busy orange light.
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CHEN Donghai. Love to old Beijing
CHEN Donghai
CHEN Donghai taught me the Chinese conversation in 1967. Time flies so fast.
He was the important adviser for making Iwanami Chinese Dictionary that was the first dictionary alphabetically arranged dictionary in Japan.
I have the dear memory for him.
He ever heard classical Chinese opera in Peijing, that was for hearing not for seeing, so hear-opera people sat sideways toward the opera's stage. He talked us the condition for hearing pleasantly.
CHEN Donghai, after all, taught us the Peijing's tradition on history and culture succeeding the glorious Qing's dynasty.
My language study's basis was constructed in those days being led by CHEN Donghai.
23 May 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language
CHEN Donghai taught me the Chinese conversation in 1967. Time flies so fast.
He was the important adviser for making Iwanami Chinese Dictionary that was the first dictionary alphabetically arranged dictionary in Japan.
I have the dear memory for him.
He ever heard classical Chinese opera in Peijing, that was for hearing not for seeing, so hear-opera people sat sideways toward the opera's stage. He talked us the condition for hearing pleasantly.
CHEN Donghai, after all, taught us the Peijing's tradition on history and culture succeeding the glorious Qing's dynasty.
My language study's basis was constructed in those days being led by CHEN Donghai.
23 May 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language
Monday, 20 June 2016
Winding road to physics, Revised version
Winding road to physics, Revised version
When I was a student of high school, I hoped to learn physics at university. But from various reasons in fact I learnt language at university, on the other still longing for physics. After graduation I once worked as a high school teacher and eight years passing I returned to university for investigating language study further more. On the way I again met CHINO Eiichi in 1979, from whom I ever learnt Russian in 1969. By his teaching I could have the distinct aim for my study, that was to make clear description to others, not using philosophical terms, but taking mathematical method being also assisted with physical thinking or approach. Mathematics was always set in my mind long before but my talent was not overtaken to its hardness. But aiming clear description I began to learn again or thrice to make a new stage where I had decided to come back someday. It was the very starting point of youth being strongly attracted by physics.
Fore more details refer to the next.
1. Remembrance
When I was a student of high school, I hoped to learn physics at university. But from various reasons in fact I learnt language at university, on the other still longing for physics. After graduation I once worked as a high school teacher and eight years passing I returned to university for investigating language study further more. On the way I again met CHINO Eiichi in 1979, from whom I ever learnt Russian in 1969. By his teaching I could have the distinct aim for my study, that was to make clear description to others, not using philosophical terms, but taking mathematical method being also assisted with physical thinking or approach. Mathematics was always set in my mind long before but my talent was not overtaken to its hardness. But aiming clear description I began to learn again or thrice to make a new stage where I had decided to come back someday. It was the very starting point of youth being strongly attracted by physics.
Fore more details refer to the next.
1. Remembrance
2. Physics
- To my dear friend KANEKO Yutaka / 22 May 2013
- Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague / 23 October 2013
- Perhaps Return to Physics /16 August 2014
3. Model
- Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented / Brane Simplified Model / Bend /17 October 2007
- Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented / Brane Simplified Model / Distance / 26 October 2007
4. Language
- Substantiality Dedicated to SAPIR Edward / 27 February 2005
- Language, Amalgamation of Mathematics and Physics / 15 April 2014
5. Mathematics
- The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka,1994 / 11 November 2012
- A Group of Mathematicians.1970 / 13 January 2013
- Description / 15 August 2013
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Thursday, 16 June 2016
Sekinan Study. The overview of study
Sekinan Study shows the overview of study at Sekinan Library between 1986 and 2016.
Monday, 13 June 2016
Saturday, 11 June 2016
Sekinan Archive, Invitational site of Sekinan Library
Sekinan Archive is the invitational site of Sekinan Library.
Friday, 10 June 2016
Sekinan Library
Sekinan Library was founded in 1986. The 30th anniversary. Study on language's basis.

Thursday, 9 June 2016
SRFL Collection, compact archive site of Sekinan Library
SRFL Collection is the compact archive site of Sekinan Library. On language, mathematics and physics related with language universals.
Wednesday, 8 June 2016
To my dear friend, KANEKO Yutaka
We were always sitting at the right end of the classroom, where the seats were near the entrance from the corridor, so classmates entered the room with rattling noises. But we liked the seats rather satisfying. We were G class of the third year of the high school, which class was all hoped to go universities of the mathematical or science fields.
The seats were free to sit but almost determined by the personalities. Serious were sitting at the comparatively before widows sites. The seats were silent and easy to concentrate. We were also serious to the learning but liked the most bad seats that could not concentrate by the various noises for entering and out-going. Sometimes the
KANEKO Yutaka and I first met at this class and became best friend. He probably hoped to go to chemistry and I was physics. He was very good at mathematics and I was ordinary at math. I sometimes asked him how to solve the hard quests of math. At that time he smiled to me and said, " there's any little paper? The problem can be written enough by such a little space."
Over the our seats, frequently flew to the end of the class where the trash can was set always filled with the calculate-papers for math and writing of English. The members of the class all were eager to solve math quests for preparing to entrance examinations to the universities. At the result they threw the used papers over us to the can. So around the can, the scraps were littered with. I was never tidy but I was the nearest one to the can, so I sometimes went to trash dump to clean the can.
After we graduated the high school, he studied chemistry as planned at university. But I selected language study, not physics. I also liked philosophical or linguistic fields for their long historical heritages. What I returned to the field related with physics was already over the year 30s. My research object was narrowed to language universals using mathematical writing or physical approach.
1. Language, amalgamation of mathematics and physics / 13 May 2013
2. Clifford Algebra A trial for amalgamation of mathematics and physics / 20 April 2014
3. Reversion Conjecture Revised /1 May 2014
22 May 2013 Text written
20 April 2014 Reference added
20 April 2014 Reference added
8 August 2014 Reference added
Sekinan Research Field of LanguageTuesday, 7 June 2016
Perhaps Return to Physics
Perhaps Return to Physics
Recently my situation for language research has changed rather drastically.
I have loved mathematics ever since I understood that mathematics was the only fantastic way for solving the problems of the nature through absolute clear description.
When I was at the third grade of the high school, I remained in the class room for solving the swing state of a pendulum movement. It was the simple differential equation. But at that time I realised that one short equation contained the whole universe of a tiny pendulum. it was a real meeting with the mathematics and the our world.
At high school, I thought that the most fantastic way of life was in physics, especially in theoretical physics.
In the autumn 1965, the Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to TOMONAGA Shin-ichiro. In the next morning of announcement, at our mathematics-science class was full of the prize about his award.
In those days I already determined my university's speciality to theoretical physics. TOMONAGA's award was the splendid delight for me and the other science- course class mates.
But various reasons led me to philology at the university life.
Since then nearly half a century passed by. My study on language was dimmed in the vast historical heritage of linguistics that had surely shown the many results for language. But my mind was not fine on my road up to that time. My object gradually became to the one that was clear and understandable whoever desire to participate to talk with language. At the result after long winding road I reached at the concrete place for study. It was the description by mathematics. It was the days of my mid 30s in 1980s.
From those days some 20 years passed by. I became at 50s. I had written the short papers little by little. Mathematics was really free to approach. I freely thought and imagined on language's essential parts. Several models were made for the situation of language's particular phases. But I recognised that mathematics starts at the some axioms and theorems and reached a curtain high place' situation, which road is absolutely strict and exact and there is perfectly nothing related with real our world's phenomena, in my part on natural language.
So recently I began to think that no relation with models and natural phenomena on language was easily overcome by adopting the physical method using mathematics' various results. perhaps I return to physics which was my favourite in the high school days. Physics connects world and model freely. All the explanations are approximate values for world' phenomena. At this place I can freely adopt the models not thinking the theoretical consistency.
Now I am standing at the physical based place that was dreamt in my high school days.
- Language, amalgamation of mathematics and physics / 13 May 2013
- True and False / Hierarchy of Language / July 25 – July 27, 2006
- True-false problem of the Crete / 22 July 2013
- Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague / 23 October 2013
7 June 2016
Reprint from
Reprint from
Monday, 6 June 2016
Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s
Glitter of youth through philosophy and mathematics in 1970s
In 1970s at Tokyo or in my age 20s there surely exists glitter of youth in my life, now I remember.
In those days, in Japan many fabulous magazines were successively published. Episteme,Toshi(City)、Chugoku(China) and the likes. Especially I loved reading Episteme which had printed many philosophical or philological articles as the form of special issues concentrated important philosopher, thinker and writer. The chief editor of Episteme was NAKANO Mikitaka(1943-2007), probably one of the best editors in the latter half of the 20th century in Japan. The most impressive number was Ludwig Wittgenstein(1889-1951), probably in 1977. Also influenced from the issue of Kurt Gödel(1906-1978)who gave me the possibility of set theory.
In my life, Wittgenstein gave the big influence for thinking and writing style, never entering or approaching his essential philosophical themes.Aftermillennium year when I started the regular writing on language universals, my writing style was resembling in his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. My paper written in 2003, Quantum Theory for Language shows a very imitative style to him. This tendency kept on for some time till I changed to adopt algebraic method for more clear description to the themes.
1970s was a relatively calm times after those university’s revolution in the late 1960s in which I also compellingly rolled in. In those days I almost had been wandering between library and old book shops aiming my life-time true themes cowardly avoiding the turmoils of university and towns. Blaise Pascal(1623-1662)’s Pansees was my favourite one. One day at Kanda’s Taiwan chinese book shop Kaifu Shoten, I bought WANG Guowei(1877-1927)’s Guantangjilin that opened the new frontier for classical Chinese philology mainly streamed by “Small Study”, traditional exegetics in China. Influenced WANG Guowei I wrote a paper titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters, 2003 by which I began the latter start of language study.
In 1970s, I had cherished a dream in which I wanted to use mathematical description and get the essential of language. But I had not any ability to proceed the study for it while I read at random several mathematical books. One day I found and bought the amount Nicolas Bourbaki(1935-)’s text books at old book shop in Kanda, Tokyo. They were hard to keep reading for my talent in those days. After all, the books were put aside the desk. The remaining in my mind was adoration to Bourbaki and their brilliant achievement. My return to Bourbaki was long after in 1990s when I again tried the pursuit of language having a clear vision to study language universals according to the Linguistic Circle of Prague, especially aiming to resolve the supposition presented by Sergej Karcevskij(1884-1955).
Turning round the past days, my way was always narrow and winding road. But it keeps till now not breaking off in any situations. The way was finely glittering in my youth days despite under the cloudy sky. Probably I have kept happily walking till now being assisted by many people especially at the field of language, mathematics and relevant studies.
At random now I remember the dear names from whom I never cannot hear their voices. HASEGAWA Hiroshi, CHEN Donghai Chinese language, KAJIMURA Hideki, CHO Shokichi Korean language, Natary Muravijowa Russian language, ONO Shinobu Chinese literature, MIIYAZAKI Kenzo, FURUTA Hiromu, KONDO Tadayoshi Japanese literature, ANDO Tsuguo French poem, SAEKI Shoichi Haiku, IKEDA Hiroshi Japanese classical drama, SAITO Kohei sculpture, YAMAGISHI Tokuhei bibliography, NISHI Junzo Chinese philosophy, KAWASAKI Tsuneyuki Buddhism, CHINO Eiichi Russian language, the Linguistic Circle of Prague. At last dear friend of high school days KANEKO Yutaka mathematics and our youth.
6 March 2015
Sekinan Library
In 1970s at Tokyo or in my age 20s there surely exists glitter of youth in my life, now I remember.
In those days, in Japan many fabulous magazines were successively published. Episteme,Toshi(City)、Chugoku(China) and the likes. Especially I loved reading Episteme which had printed many philosophical or philological articles as the form of special issues concentrated important philosopher, thinker and writer. The chief editor of Episteme was NAKANO Mikitaka(1943-2007), probably one of the best editors in the latter half of the 20th century in Japan. The most impressive number was Ludwig Wittgenstein(1889-1951), probably in 1977. Also influenced from the issue of Kurt Gödel(1906-1978)who gave me the possibility of set theory.
In my life, Wittgenstein gave the big influence for thinking and writing style, never entering or approaching his essential philosophical themes.Aftermillennium year when I started the regular writing on language universals, my writing style was resembling in his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. My paper written in 2003, Quantum Theory for Language shows a very imitative style to him. This tendency kept on for some time till I changed to adopt algebraic method for more clear description to the themes.
1970s was a relatively calm times after those university’s revolution in the late 1960s in which I also compellingly rolled in. In those days I almost had been wandering between library and old book shops aiming my life-time true themes cowardly avoiding the turmoils of university and towns. Blaise Pascal(1623-1662)’s Pansees was my favourite one. One day at Kanda’s Taiwan chinese book shop Kaifu Shoten, I bought WANG Guowei(1877-1927)’s Guantangjilin that opened the new frontier for classical Chinese philology mainly streamed by “Small Study”, traditional exegetics in China. Influenced WANG Guowei I wrote a paper titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters, 2003 by which I began the latter start of language study.
In 1970s, I had cherished a dream in which I wanted to use mathematical description and get the essential of language. But I had not any ability to proceed the study for it while I read at random several mathematical books. One day I found and bought the amount Nicolas Bourbaki(1935-)’s text books at old book shop in Kanda, Tokyo. They were hard to keep reading for my talent in those days. After all, the books were put aside the desk. The remaining in my mind was adoration to Bourbaki and their brilliant achievement. My return to Bourbaki was long after in 1990s when I again tried the pursuit of language having a clear vision to study language universals according to the Linguistic Circle of Prague, especially aiming to resolve the supposition presented by Sergej Karcevskij(1884-1955).
Turning round the past days, my way was always narrow and winding road. But it keeps till now not breaking off in any situations. The way was finely glittering in my youth days despite under the cloudy sky. Probably I have kept happily walking till now being assisted by many people especially at the field of language, mathematics and relevant studies.
At random now I remember the dear names from whom I never cannot hear their voices. HASEGAWA Hiroshi, CHEN Donghai Chinese language, KAJIMURA Hideki, CHO Shokichi Korean language, Natary Muravijowa Russian language, ONO Shinobu Chinese literature, MIIYAZAKI Kenzo, FURUTA Hiromu, KONDO Tadayoshi Japanese literature, ANDO Tsuguo French poem, SAEKI Shoichi Haiku, IKEDA Hiroshi Japanese classical drama, SAITO Kohei sculpture, YAMAGISHI Tokuhei bibliography, NISHI Junzo Chinese philosophy, KAWASAKI Tsuneyuki Buddhism, CHINO Eiichi Russian language, the Linguistic Circle of Prague. At last dear friend of high school days KANEKO Yutaka mathematics and our youth.
6 March 2015
Sekinan Library
Friday, 3 June 2016
Coffee shop named California
Coffee shop named California
From Print 2012, Chapter 10
If C live, he also may ask me, "What are you researching now?"
And I also will answer him as same as ever.
I have pursued universals, never done facts, without repenting.
Oh C, if you live, will we also talk on language at the table facing each other
under the low ceiling of the shop, going up the steep stairs.
The name of the shop is California.
For the memory of our daily forgetful life, its never miserable though poor all over,
I will write down our delight.
Source: Tale / Print by LI Kohr / 27 January 2012
Under the Dim Light / 1 August 2012
Road to Language Universals / 31 December 2012
Half Farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague with References / 23 October 2013
23 February 2015
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