von Neumann Algebra 2
Generation Theorem
[Main Theorem]
<Generation theorem>
Commutative von Neumann Algebra N is generated by only one self-adjoint operator.
[Proof outline]
N is generated by countable {An}.
An = *An
Spectrum deconstruction An = ∫1-1 λdEλ(n)
C*algebra that is generated by set { Eλ(n) ; λ∈Q∩[-1, 1], n∈N} A
A’’ = N
A is commutative.
Existence of compact Hausdorff space Ω = Sp(A )
A = C(Ω)
Element corresponded with f∈C(Ω) A∈A
N is generated by A.
[Index of Terms]
|| . ||Ⅱ2-2
<x, y>Ⅱ2-1
adjoint spaceⅠ12
axiom of infinityⅠ1-8
axiom of power setⅠ1-4
axiom of regularityⅠ1-10
axiom of separationⅠ1-6
axiom of sumⅠ1-5
B ( H )Ⅱ3-3
Banach algebraⅡ2-6
Banach spaceⅡ2-3
Banach* algebraⅡ2-6
Banach-Alaoglu theoremⅡ5
basis of neighbor hoodsⅠ4
binary relationⅡ7-2
bounded linear operatorⅡ3-3
bounded linear operator, B ( H )Ⅱ3-3
C* algebraⅡ2-8
cardinal numberⅡ7-3
cardinality, |A|Ⅱ7-5
character space (spectrum space), Sp( )Ⅱ3-6
closed setⅠ2-2
countable setⅡ7-6
countable infinite setⅡ7-6
D ( )Ⅱ3-2
dom( )Ⅱ3-2
domain, D ( ), dom( )Ⅱ3-2
empty setⅠ1-9
equal distance operatorⅡ4-1
Gerfand representationⅡ3-7
Gerfand-Naimark theoremⅡ4
Hausdorff spaceⅠ5
Hilbert spaceⅡ3-1
idempotent elementⅡ9-1
identity elementⅡ9-1
identity operatorⅡ6-1
inner productⅡ2-1
inner spaceⅠ6
linear functionalⅡ5-2
linear operatorⅡ3-2
linear spaceⅠ6
linear topological spaceⅠ11
locally compactⅠ3-2
locally vertexⅠ11
norm algebraⅡ5
norm spaceⅡ2-2
open coveringⅠ3-2
open setⅠ2-2
ordinal numberⅡ7-3
product setⅡ7-2
r( )Ⅱ2
R ( )Ⅱ3-2
ran( )Ⅱ3-2
range, R ( ), ran( )Ⅱ3-2
Schwarz’s inequalityⅡ2-2
spectrum radius r( )Ⅱ2
Stone-Weierstrass theoremⅡ1
subtopological spaceⅠ2-3
system of neighborhoodsⅠ4
τs topologyⅡ7-9
τw topologyⅡ7-9
the second adjoint spaceⅠ12
topological spaceⅠ2-2
total order in strict senseⅡ7-3
ultra-weak topologyⅢ6-4
unit sphereⅡ5-1
vertex setⅡ3-3
von Neumann algebraⅡ6-3
weak topologyⅡ5-3
weak * topologyⅡ5-3
zero elementⅡ9-1
[Explanation of indispensable theorems for main theorem]
<0 Formula>
0-1 Quantifier
(i) Logic quantifier ┐ ⋀ ⋁ → ∀ ∃
(ii) Equality quantifier =
(iii) Variant term quantifier
(iiii) Bracket [ ]
(v) Constant term quantifier
(vi) Functional quantifier
(vii) Predicate quantifier
(viii) Bracket ( )
(viiii) Comma ,
0-2 Term defined by induction
0-3 Formula defined by induction
<1 Set>
1-1 Axiom of extensionality ∀x∀y[∀z∈x↔z∈y]→x=y.
1-2 Set a, b
1-3 a is subset of b. ∀x[x∈a→x∈b].Notation is a⊂b. b-a = {x∈b ; x∉a} is complement of a.
1-4 Axiom of power set ∀x∃y∀z[z∈y↔z⊂x]. Notation is P (a).
1-5 Axiom of sum ∀x∃y∀z[z∈y↔∃w[z∈w∧w∈x]]. Notation is ∪a.
1-6 Axiom of separation x, t= (t1, …, tn), formula φ(x, t) ∀x∀t∃y∀z[z∈y↔z∈x∧φ(x, t)].
1-7 Proposition of intersection {x∈a ; x∈b} = {x∈b; x∈a} is set by axiom of separation. Notation is a∩b.
1-8 Axiom of infinity ∃x[0∈x∧∀y[y∈x→y∪{y}∈x]].
1-9 Proposition of empty set Existence of set a is permitted by axiom of infinity. {x∈a; x≠x} is set and has not element. Notation of empty set is 0 or Ø.
1-10 Axiom of regularity ∀x[x≠0→∃y[y∈x∧y∩x=0].
<2 Topology>
Set X
Subset of power set P(X) T
T that satisfies next conditions is called topology.
(i) Family of X’s subset that is not empty set <Ai; i∈I>, Ai∈T→∪i∈I Ai is belonged to T.
(ii) A, B ∈T→ A∩B∈T
(iii) Ø∈T, X∈T.
Set having T, (X, T), is called topological space, abbreviated to X, being logically not confused.
Element of T is called open set.
Complement of Element of T is called closed set.
Topological space (X, T)
Subset of X Y
S ={A∩Y ; A∈T}
Subtopological space (Y, S)
Topological space is abbreviated to subspace.
<3 Compact>
Set X
Subset of X Y
Family of X’s subset that is not empty set U = <Ui; i∈I>
U is covering of Y. ∪U = ∪i∈I ⊃Y
Subfamily of U V = <Ui; i∈J > (J⊂I)
V is subcovering of U.
Topological space X
Elements of U Open set of X
U is called open covering of Y.
When finite subcovering is selected from arbitrary open covering of X, X is called compact.
When topological space has neighborhood that is compact at arbitrary point, it is called locally compact.
<4 Neighborhood>
Topological space X
Point of X a
Subset of X A
Open set B
A is called neighborhood of a.
All of point a’s neighborhoods is called system of neighborhoods.
System of neighborhoods of point a V(a)
Subset of V(a) U
Element of U B
Arbitrary element of V(a) A
When B⊂A, U is called basis of neighborhoods of point a.
<5 Hausdorff space>
Topological space X that satisfies next condition is called Hausdorff space.
Distinct points of X a, b
Neighborhood of a U
Neighborhood of b V
U∩V = Ø
<6 Linear space>
Compact Hausdorff space Ω
Linear space that is consisted of all complex valued continuous functions over Ω C(Ω)
When Ω is locally compact, all complex valued continuous functions over Ω, that is 0 at infinite point is expressed by C0(Ω).
<7 Ring>
Set R
When R is module on addition and has associative law and distributive law on product, R is called ring.
When ring in which subset S is not φ satisfies next condition, S is called subring.
a, b∈S
<8 Algebra>
C(Ω) and C0(Ω) satisfy the condition of algebra at product between points.
Subspace A ⊂C(Ω) or A ⊂C0(Ω)
When A is subring, A is called subalgebra.
<9 Dense>
Topological space X
Subset of X Y
Arbitrary open set that is not Ø in X A
When A∩Y≠Ø, Y is dense in X.
<10 Involution>
Involution * over algebra A over C is map * that satisfies next condition.
Map * : A∈A ↦ A*∈A
Arbitrary A, B∈A, λ∈C
(i) (A*)* = A
(ii) (A+B)* = A*+B*
(iii) (λA)* =λ-A*
(iiii) (AB)* = B*A*
<11 Linear topological space>
Number field K
Linear space over K X
When X satisfies next condition, X is called linear topological space.
(i) X is topological space
(ii) Next maps are continuous.
(x, y)∈X×X ↦ x+y∈X
(λ, x)∈K×X ↦λx∈X
Basis of neighborhoods of X’ zero element 0 V
When V⊂V is vertex set, X is called locally vertex.
<12 Adjoint space>
Norm space X
Distance d(x, y) = ||x-y|| (x, y∈X )
X is locally vertex linear topological space.
All of bounded linear functional over X X*
Norm of f ∈X* ||f||
X* is Banach space and is called adjoint space of X.
Adjoint space of X* is Banach space and is called the second adjoint space.
When X = X*, X is called reflective.
ⅡIndispensable theorems for proof
<1 Stone-Weierstrass Theorem>
Compact Hausdorff space Ω
Subalgebra A ⊂C(Ω)
When A ⊂C(Ω) satisfies next condition, A is dense at C(Ω).
(i) A separates points of Ω.
(ii) f∈A → f-∈A
(iii) 1∈A
Locally compact Hausdorff space Ω
Subalgebra A ⊂C0(Ω)
When A ⊂C0(Ω) satisfies next condition, A is dense at C0(Ω).
(i) A separates points of Ω.
(ii) f∈A → f-∈A
(iii) Arbitrary ω∈A , f∈A , f(ω) ≠0
<2 Norm algebra>
C* algebra A
Arbitrary element of A A
When A is normal, limn→∞||An||1/n = ||A||
limn→∞||An||1/n is called spectrum radius of A. Notation is r(A).
[Note for norm algebra]
Number field K = R or C
Linear space over K X
Arbitrary elements of X x, y
< x, y>∈K satisfies next 3 conditions is called inner product of x and y.
Arbitrary x, y, z∈X, λ∈K
(i) <x, x> ≧0, <x, x> = 0 ⇔x = 0
(ii) <x, y> = 
(iii) <x, λy+z> = λ<x, y> + <x, z>
Linear space that has inner product is called inner space.
||x|| = <x, x>1/2
Schwarz’s inequality
Inner space X
|<x, y>|≦||x|| + ||y||
Equality consists of what x and y are linearly dependent.
||・|| defines norm over X by Schwarz’s inequality.
Linear space that has norm || ・|| is called norm space.
Norm space that satisfies next condition is called complete.
un∈X (n = 1, 2,…), limn, m→∞||un – um|| = 0
u∈X limn→∞||un – u|| = 0
Complete norm space is called Banach space.
Topological space X that is Hausdorff space satisfies next condition is called normal.
Closed set of X F, G
Open set of X U, V
F⊂U, G⊂V, U∩V = Ø
When A satisfies next condition, A is norm algebra.
A is norm space.
∀A, B∈A
||AB||≦||A|| ||B||
When A is complete norm algebra on || ・ ||, A is Banach algebra.
When A is Banach algebra that has involution * and || A*|| = ||A|| (∀A∈A), A is Banach * algebra.
When A is Banach * algebra and ||A*A|| = ||A||2(∀A∈A) , A is C*algebra.
<3 Commutative Banach algebra>
Commutative Banach algebra A
Arbitrary A∈A
Character X
[Note for commutative Banach algebra] ( ) is referential section on this paper.
<3-1 Hilbert space>
Hilbert space inner space that is complete on norm ||x|| Notation is H.
<3-2 Linear operator>
Norm space V
Subset of V D
Element of D x
Map T : x → Tx∈V
The map is called operator.
D is called domain of T. Notation is D ( T ) or dom T.
Set A⊂D
Set TA {Tx : x∈A}
TD is called range of T. Notation is R (T) or ran T.
α , β∈C, x, y∈D ( T )
T(αx+βy) = αTx+βTy
T is called linear operator.
<3-3 Bounded linear operator>
Norm space V
Subset of V D
sup{||x|| ; x∈D} < ∞
D is called bounded.
Linear operator from norm space V to norm space V1 T
D ( T ) = V
||Tx||≦γ (x∈V ) γ > 0
T is called bounded linear operator.
||T || := inf {γ : ||Tx||≦γ||x|| (x∈V)} = sup{||Tx|| ; x∈V, ||x||≦1} = sup{
; x∈V, x≠0} ||T || is called norm of T.
Hilbert space H ,K
Bounded linear operator from H to K B (H, K )
B ( H ) : = B ( H, H )
Subset K ⊂H
Arbitrary x, y∈K, 0≦λ≦1
λx + (1-λ)y ∈K
K is called vertex set.
<3-4 Homomorphism>
Algebra A that has involution* *algebra
Element of *algebra A∈A
When A = A*, A is called self-adjoint.
When A *A= AA*, A is called normal.
When A A*= 1, A is called unitary.
Subset of A B
B * := B*∈B
When B = B*, B is called self-adjoint set.
Subalgebra of A B
When B is adjoint set, B is called *subalgebra.
Algebra A, B
Linear map : A →B satisfies next condition, π is called homomorphism.
π(AB) = π(A)π(B) (∀A, B∈A )
*algebra A
When π(A*) = π(A)*, π is called *homomorphism.
When ker π := {A∈A ; π(A) =0} is {0},π is called faithful.
Faithful *homomorphism is called *isomorphism.
<3-5 Representation>
*homomorphism π from *algebra to B ( H ) is called representation over Hilbert space H of A .
<3-6 Character>
Homomorphism that is not always 0, from commutative algebra A to C, is called character.
All of characters in commutative Banach algebra A is called character space or spectrum space. Notation is Sp( A ).
<3-7 Gerfand representation>
Commutative Banach algebra A
Homomorphism ∧: A →C(Sp(A))
∧is called Gerfand representation of commutative Banach algebra A.
<4 Gerfand-Naimark Theorem>
When A is commutative C* algebra, A is equal distance *isomorphism to C(Sp(A)) by Gerfand representation.
[Note for Gerfand-Naimark Theorem]
<4-1 equal distance operator>
Operator A∈B ( H )
Equal distance operator A ||Ax|| = ||x|| (∀x∈H)
<4-2 Equal distance *isomorphism>
C* algebra A
Homomorphism π
π(AB) = π(A)π(B) (∀A, B∈A )
*homomorphism π(A*) = π(A)*
*isomorphism { π(A) =0} = {0}
<5 Banach-Alaoglu theorem>
When X is norm space, (X*)1 is weak * topology and compact.
[Note for Banach-Alaoglu theorem]
<5-1 Unit sphere>
Unit sphere X1 := {x∈X ; ||x||≦1}
<5-2 Linear functional>
Linear space V
Function that is valued by K f (x)
When f (x) satisfies next condition, f is linear functional over V.
(i) f (x+y) = f (x) +f (y) (x, y∈V)
(ii) f (αx) = αf (x) (α∈K, x∈V)
<5-3 weak * topology>
All of Linear functionals from linear space X to K L(X, K)
When X is norm space, X*⊂L(X, K).
Topology over X , σ(X, X*) is called weak topology over X.
Topology over X*, σ(X*, X) is called weak * topology over X*.
<6 *subalgebra of B ( H )>
When *subalgebra N of B ( H ) is identity operator I∈N , N ”= N is equivalent with τuw-compact.
[Note for *subalgebra of B ( H )]
<6-1 Identity operator>
Norm space V
Arbitrary x∈V
Ix = x
I is called identity operator.
<6-2 Commutant>
Subset of C*algebra B (H) A
Commutant of A A ’
A ’ := {A∈B (H) ; [A, B] := AB – BA = 0, ∀B∈A }
Bicommutant of A A ' ’’ := (A ’)’
A ⊂A ’’
<6-3 von Neumann algebra>
*subalgebra of C*algebra B (H) A
When A satisfies A ’’ = A , A is called von Neumann algebra.
<6-4 Ultra-weak topology>
Sequence of B ( H ) {Aα}
{Aα} is convergent to A∈B ( H )
Topology τ
When α→∞, Aα →τ A
Hilbert space H
Arbitrary {xn}, {yn}⊂H
∑n||xn||2 < ∞
∑n||yn||2 < ∞
|∑n<xn, (Aα- A)yn>| →0
A∈B ( H )
Notation is Aα →uτ A
[ 7 Distance theorem]
For von Neumann algebra N over separable Hilbert space, N1 can put distance on τs and τw topology.
[Note for distance theorem]
<7-1 Equipotent>
Sets A, B
Map f : A → B
All of B’s elements that are expressed by f(a) (a∈A) Image(f)
a , a’∈A
When f(a) = f(a’) →a = a’, f is injective.
When Image(f) = B, f is surjective.
When f is injective and surjective, f is bijective.
When there exists bijective f from A to B, A and B are equipotent.
<7-2 Relation>
Sets A, B
x∈A, y∈B
All of pairs <x, y> between x and y are set that is called product set between a and b.
Subset of product set A×B R
R is called relation.
x∈A, y∈B, <x, y>∈R Expression is xRy.
When A =B, relation R is called binary relation over A.
<7-3 Ordinal number>
Set a
a is called transitive.
x, y∈a
x∈y is binary relation.
When relation < satisfies next condition, < is called total order in strict sense.
When a satisfies next condition, a is called ordinal number.
(i) a is transitive.
(ii) Binary relation ∈ over a is total order in strict sense.
<7-4 Cardinal number>
Ordinal number α
α that is not equipotent to arbitrary β<α is called cardinal number.
<7-5 Cardinality>
Arbitrary set A is equipotent at least one ordinal number by well-ordering theorem and order isomorphism theorem.
The smallest ordial number that is equipotent each other is cardinal number that is called cardinality over set A. Notation is |A|.
When |A| is infinite cardinal number, A is called infinite set.
<7-6 Countable set>
Set that is equipotent to N countable infinite set
Set of which cardinarity is natural number finite set
Addition of countable infinite set and finite set is called countable set.
<7-7 Separable>
Norm space V
When V has dense countable set, V is called separable.
<7-8 N1>
von Neumann algebra N
A∈B ( H )
N1 := {A∈N; ||A||≦1}
<7-9 τs and τw topology>
<7-9-1τs topology>
Hilbert space H
A∈B ( H )
Sequence of B ( H ) {Aα}
{Aα} is convergent to A∈B ( H )
Topology τ
When α→∞, Aα →τ A
|| (Aα- A)x|| →0 ∀x∈H
Notation is Aα →s A
<7-9-2 τw topology>
Hilbert space H
A∈B ( H )
Sequence of B ( H ) {Aα}
{Aα} is convergent to A∈B ( H )
Topology τ
When α→∞, Aα →τ A
|<x, (Aα- A)y>| →0 ∀x, y∈H
Notation is Aα →w A
<8 Countable elements>
von Neumann algebra N over separable Hilbert space is generated by countable elements.
<9 Only one real function>
For compact Hausdorff space Ω,C(Ω) that is generated by countable idempotent elements is generated by only on real function.
Set that is defined arithmetic・ S
Element of S e
e satisfies a・e = e・a = a is called identity element.
Identity element on addition is called zero element.
Ring’s element that is not zero element and satisfies a2 = a is called idempotent element.
To be continued
Tokyo April 20, 2008
Sekinan Research Field of Language