Thursday, 2 January 2025

Structure of Language To Sergej Karcevskij and Ludwig Wittgenstein 2012


Roger Penrose / 25 October 2012


Roger Penrose 


In 2005 Roger Penrose published THE ROAD TO REALITY A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe. At the preface he wrote, "We cannot get any deep understanding of the laws that govern the physical world without entering the world of mathematics."

Language and Spacetime Shift of Time From SAPIR Edward to KAWAMATA Yujiro 2003-2007


Language and Spacetime

1 Language is expressed as structure of spacetime.
2 Spacetime is expressed as manifold.
Affine algebraic variety is selected for description of spacetime.
Algebraic variety is pasted together from affine algebraic variety.
Affine algebraic variety is irreducible affine algebraic set.
Affine algebraic set is the set that consists of common zero point of finite polynominal
Polynominal is in n-dimensional complex affine space.
4 Now n-dimensional projective space n is presented.
C n+1 \ {O} / ~
O is the coordinate’s origin of complex affine space.
~ is mathematical equivalence on elements of set.
5 Projective space n is covered by n+1 affine space.
6 Now abelian category and derived category are presented.
Abelian category and algebraic variety is placed together.
Derived category is abelian category’s coherent sheaf’s complex that is composition of successive arrows becomes 0.
7 From derived category, distinguished triangle is presented.
8 Here time conjecture of language is presented.
(1)Distinguished triangle makes the model for shift of time on language.
(2)Time on language is closed, successive and circular in word.
Circulation is worked between starting point and ending point of word.

The origin of shift of time is derived from the following.
The concept of time in language is taught from the following.
SAPIR Edward   LANGUAGE  An Introduction to the Study of Speech   Harcout, Brace & Co. Inc
Special thanks to KAWAMATA Yujiro for the mathematical approach on language research, especially from the following.
KAWAMATA Yujiro   Daisukikagaku to doraiken   Sugaku 58-1, January 2006

Tokyo April 20, 2007

Language and Spacetime Construction of Spacetime Especially on Transformation with Boundary for Dimensions 2003-2007


Construction of Spacetime
Especially on Transformation with Boundary for Dimensions

1 Spacetime is putted to manifold.
2 When spacetime is expressed by sphere, spacetime becomes sphere symmetry.
Refer to the following paper.
3 The symmetry is special orthogonal transformational group.
4 Generally n-dimensional SO(n) is compact Rie group.
5 On symmetry of spacetime, geometric invariant is presented.
Now on invariant, metric tensor g is presented.
= Σgij dxidxj
g’s invariant transformation is isometry group.
When gij → gji is established, infinitesimal motion (Killing vector field) is 0.
6 Here Ricci flow is expressed by the following.
g(t) = gij(t)
gij / ∂t = -2Rij 
Rij is Ricci curvature tensor.
M defined by a time interval [0, T] has a unique g(0) = go on Ricci flow.
8 (S4,g0) is 4 dimensional sphere surface with radius 1.
g(t) = r(t)2g0
g(t) has finite time  T = 1/2(n-1).
Ricci flow becomes a point after finite time.
Phenomenon what manifold becomes smaller dimensional space is called collapse.
9 Now word has meaning and time.
10 Here word is expressed by manifold.
Refer to the following paper.
Also refer to the following paper.
On time of language, refer to the following paper.
On time principle of language, refer to the following paper.
10 Here time of word is defined by manifold’s time of Ricci flow’s collapse.
11 By Thurston conjecture, when compact 3 dimensional manifold is cut and separated by 2 dimensional sphere and torus, while generated compact manifold has sphere boundary, sphere is put together there. As the result new generated manifold has locally uniform structure.
Refer to the following paper.
Also refer to the following paper.
12 Peculiar solution of Thurston conjecture is Poincaré conjecture that is what simply connected 3 dimensional compact manifold is homomorphic to 3 dimensional sphere surface S3.
13 According by Thurston conjecture, what put together newly generated 3 dimensional manifold is called connected sum.
Connected sum is expressed by M1#M2M1 and M are 3 dimensional manifolds.
14 Here sentence is defined by manifold’s connected sum.

Tokyo April 24, 2007

Language and Spacetime Stability of Language 2007

Language has stability.
Stability is defined by the following.
From KAWAMATA Yujiro, Stab X that consists of the set having all <locally finite> and <numerical> <stability condition> on derived category D(Xhas finite dimensional complex manifold’s structure. Stab (X) is conjectured to be connected and simply connected. In derived category, exact sequence is extinct and distinguished triangle is generated.
Refer to the next paper. KAWAMATA Yujiro   Daisukikagaku to doraiken   Sugaku 58-1   Iwanami Shoten   2006
Now blow up and blow down is presented.
M is nonsingular variety. is M’s submanifold.
QY(M) is blow up along Y.
φis arrow of algebraic variety
φis called QY(M)’s blow down.
Also birational mapping that is extension of blow up and blow down is presented.
Birational mapping is what rational mappingφV has  mapping ψWV.     Here existsφ∘ψ= idV ψ∘φ=idW .
By birational mapping, algebraic variety VW and X is presented. These three are formed to be new distinguished triangle that is supposed to be equivalent with Vand X.
Word that consists of category makes sentence that consists of distinguished triangle by birational mapping with algebraic method.

Tokyo April 30, 2007

Language and Spacetime Structure of Word From KARCEVSKIJ to MACLANE 2006-2007


1 Word has structure.
On one case of the structure, refer to the following papers.
2 Now the simplest structure example is presented.
Word has starting point of meaning. The meaning is called ms.
Word has time for shifting meaning. The time is called ts.
Word has ending point of meaning. The meaning is called me.
3 By category, word’s ms, ts and me are expressed below.
ts : ms → me
Here ts is replaced by arrow f. ms and me are replaced by objects a and b. The relation is expressed by diagram below.
 : a  b
4 Here word X and word Y are presented as category that consists of topological space or group.
Word  X is expressed by   : a  b.
Word Y is expressed by g  : b  c.
Composition X and Y is expressed by composite g.
: a  c
5 Here is putted to h.
The diagram that consists of objects a, b, c and arrow f, g, h is presented.
6 Now category’s morphism is called functor.
Functor that is commutatively transformed to another functor is called natural transformation.
Natural transformation is called component.
On component, refer to the following paper’s concept <passage>.
Natural transformation means functor’s morphism.
7 Product of two categories B and C is defined by the following.
×C’s arrow <b, c> <b’, c’> is <f, g>.  Here, f : b → b’ and  g : c  c’
 <f’, g’><f, g> = <f’f, g’g>
8 C×2 consists of C×0, C×1 and arrows combined C×0, C×1.
Here when any natural transformation has unique functor, it is called universal natural transformation.
9 Product category C×2  is expressed by concept <garden> in <Cube Theory>.
10 By upper rough sketch, <Cube Theory>’ concepts are transplanted to category. 
11 Word is reconstructed by topological space or group.
12 Structure of word that is presented by KARCEVSKIJ has the chance affirmatively verified in accordance with the concepts of MACLANE.

Tokyo April 6, 2007

Language and Spacetime Generation of Sentence For WANG Guowei and CELAN Paul 2007


1 Word consists of meaning and time.
Refer to the following paper.
2 Now word is expressed by cylinder.
In category, cylinder is made by the following.
X is topological space that has base point x0.
I is unit closed interval.  I = {t 0t1} 
Cylinder is expressed by X×I.
Here t is time of word.
× 0 is meaning of starting point. × 1 is meaning of ending point.
3 Now Suspension Σof topological space X is presented.
ΣX is made by shortening of upper surface X × 0 and  under surface X × 1 of cylinder X × I.
4 Now Reduced suspension SX is presented.
SX= S1 ×X  
S1 is circumference that is stuck together of point 0 and 1 of closed interval I.
Here SSn =Sn+1  Sn is n-dimensional sphere.
SX is made by shortening of x0 × I from ΣX.
SX is expressed by point.
The point is base point of SX.
5 SX defines group in category.
6 SX has operation of group.
7 Now word follows operation of group in algebra.
8 Connection of words generates sentence.
9 Connection is made by the following.
Now H (I, X) is presented.
H ( I, X) is a road space of topological space X.
H ( I, X) is a set that consists of continuous mapping ψ: I  X at interval I = [0, 1].
Road isψ∈ H (I, X).
Ifψisψ(0) =ψ(1),space X becomes loop space ΩX.
10 If a topological space R is presented, H ( X, ΩR) becomes group.
11 If  an Abelian group A is presented, space K(n = 1,2,3….), a set H(X, Kn) becomes Abelian space.
This space is identified with connection of words, namely, sentence.

Tokyo April 13, 2007

Language and Spacetime Description of Meaning For KARCEVSKIJ Sergej 2007


Description of Meaning

6th Time

1 Word consists of meaning and time.
Refer to the following paper.
2 Sentence consists of connection of words.
Refer to the following paper.
3 Now presheaf is presented by MACLANE Saunders.
Presheaf is contravariant functor F on small category C.   F: Cop  Set   (Set is all of small sets and functions.)
Category has duality principle by axiom.
Category C has opposite category Cop.
Arrow has opposite arrow f op.
Object of Cop is object C.
Arrow of Cop is arrow op.
Presheaf F gives homomorphism by the following.
U    ( V and U  are arbitrary open sets.)
ρ : F (U)  F (V)
ρ gives restrictive mapping.
5 From category, word is given intuitively as below.
F (V) is starting point of meaning.
F (U) is ending point of meaning.
Presheaf is time for shifting meaning.
Grp that consists of groups and homomorphisms are presented.
Now here exist a group G and other groups H.
Arrow’s set HomGrp( H,G) makes the relation between H and G clear. ( HomGrp( H,G) is all the arrows’ set connecting objects H and G in category Grp.)
Here G is meaning of word. H is elements of meaning G.
7 Meaning of word is clarified by all the arrow’s set.
8 The clarification is called description of meaning. 

Tokyo April 16, 2007