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Thursday, 28 February 2013

My dear Murayama Dam

My dear Murayama Dam 


From child days how many times I went to the Murayama Dam, sometimes with my father and family, sometimes with my friends and now with my children and wife. Surely time flies like an arrow. But remembrance is always fresh in my mind.

Я буду ждать тебя
на берегу плотины
как ребенок дней с отцом

I will be waiting for you
at the bank of dam
like a child days with my father

29 July 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Books that were repeatedly read in life

Books that were repeatedly read in life

Sarashina Nikki   Sarashina Diary
Translated Title   As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams    
The memoirs that were written by a woman of the Heian period in Japan, about 1,000 years ago
Some poems in the Diary are below.
Sode nururu
Araiso-nami to shirinagara
Tomoni kadzuki wo
Seshi zo kohishiki
    Wetting sleeves
    We knew the shore was wave-beaten
    Together had worked rather merrily
    I miss the days with you 
Yume samete
Nezame no toko no uku bakari
Kohiki to tsugeyo
Nishi he yuku tsuki
    Awake out of a dream
    Tears full on the bed
    Tell her that I miss her, Moon
    For you are going down the west
Ikani ihi
Ikani tatohete kataramashi
Aki no
Yuhube no
Sumiyoshi no ura
    How to say
    How to speak figurative
    Creek Sumiyoshi

Izayoi Nikki   Izayoi Diary
The diary was written by Abutsu-ni who was born in Kamakura period in Japan and died 1283.
It records her journey from Kyoto to Kamakura. Her observation to the institutions and customs on the journey was fluent and fantastic.
Diary named by the departure’s date <izayoi means the sixteenth night-the sixteenth day of the moon calendar>.
She wrote verses on occasions. The one is following.
Kari no yo no
Yukiki to miru mo hakanashi ya
Mi wo ukihune wo ukihashi ni shite
In this transient world
All the <go and come> is fleeting
As my mind and light boat are also getting to floating bridge

Translated Title   The Monkey’s Straw Raincoat
Haikai collection that was composed by MATSUO Basho and poets of his school at 1691
First verse
Saru mo komino wo
In late autumn cold rain
Monkey is also seemed
To want his tiny straw raincoat

Zoku Sarumino
Following Haikai collection that was also composed by MATSUO Basho and his school poets
Last verse
Yado karite
Na wo nanorasuru
Shigure kana
For borrowing inn
Make me tell my name
Outside falls chilly autumn rain

MIYA Shuji Kasyu   Anthology of MIYA Shuji
He died in 1986 at 74.
From Hakusyu Tozo published in 1986
Hachiman-sama no
Keidai no yuki ni
Honen-bato no
Eda ha haewimu
Shrine Hachiman
On grounds falls snow
Pigeon dolls hope a good harvest in this year
      Branches attached them are shining

YU Dafu Quanji   Complete works of YU Dafu
He was born in China Zhejiang-sheng Guangxu 22, 1896 and killed 1945.
He modeled modern by his fine short stories in China.
From a short story in the Quanji 
Deng-e maizang zhi yie   Night that moth around lamp was buried
A masterpiece of modern china
In the story he speaks to her.
“Xianzai bu xiaode shenme shihou le?” 
 “What time is it now?”

WEN Yiduo Quanji   Complete works of WEN Yiduo
He was born in China Hubei-sheng Guangxu 25, 1899 and assassinated 1946.
He obtained realities from Chinese folkways.
A main work of his career was below.
Shenhua yu shi   Myths and poetry
In the above, Wenxue de lishi dongwu Recent tendency in literature contains contemporary insight toward nearly new-born China.
“Guoqu jiluli you weilaide fengse. Lishi yi gei women zhishile fangxiang-shoude fangxiang, rujin yaode zhi yongqi, gengduode yongqi a!”
     “In past documents exists future’s scenery. History already gave us a guideline-<receiving>, what is necessary now is only courage, furthermore courage!”

ZHANG Taiyan Guoxue Jiangyan Lu   ZHANG Mingfei Bishu   Lecture note of ZHANG Taiyan   Note-taken by ZHANG Mingfei
He was born in China Zhejiang-sheng 1869 and died 1936.
This lecture is concise and keen on Chinese classics.
Lecture date is not unknown.
The following is removed from the lecture.
“Zhongguo gushi zhi suowei tian, suowei shangdi, ze fei renqun, shi genben shang yi fei zhongjiao yie.”
     “ In China, ancient times so called heaven, is heaven’s emperor, is not people’s king, so absolutely not religion from the beginning. 
“Shuqiannen fangyian wenzi zhi bianqian, nai zhunf xue, gu bubi jinren jie tong, ran du gushu, ze buke buming xiaoxue.”
     “Changes on thousands years dialects and characters naturally brought expert studies. All the people do not need to understand the studies. But For apprehending classics, it is absolutely necessary to be well versed in <xiaoxue>, i.e. <small study-radical study on characters>.

February 25, 2007
Tokyo March 1, 2007 Added

Memory of Hakuba and Quantum Theory for Language

Memory of Hakuba 
Quantum Theory for Language
 In 2003, I had thought the structure of language that is consists of the isolated characters that never changes by the tense or the modal. Each part is the solid condition and only sequences determine the variety of meaning. In August 2003 at Hakuba, Nagano, I found that if the parts be spheres and they be floating in the space, the situation of sequence is free and it can get infinite variety. Thus I could shown the primitive structure of language model. It was named "Quantum Theory for Language".
TokyoFebruary 17, 2011

Aim / Dedicated to CHINO Eiichi / The dear old days of campus or coffee shop at the station front

Dedicated to CHINO Eiichi The dear old days of campus or coffee shop at the station front 
Quantum theory for language was at first aimed for the research of meaning structure in language. The theory has been influenced from the linguistic circle of Prague.
The person that taught me the history of the circle was CHINO Eiichiwho taught me the linguistics at the lectures of the university or in the daily talk crossing the campus in the late afternoon. He was young, and I was young too, in the 1970s.
Later quantum theory for language led for language universals. The theory has been also influenced from physics, especially from the book of SCHRÖDINGER Erwin.
More after  the life of DELBRÜCK Max was also gave me the courage of learning for his pioneer study of application to biology from physics.
June 16, 2004
September 28, 2004

         Aim again 
<Quantum theory for language >now entered the second stage.
The theory has two wheels. One is Prague theory which is an updating theory of <quantum theory for language>. The other is a model of <quantum theory for language>. The model is now named <model simplified level>, which is abbreviated to MSL.
Prague theory and MSL is based on language universals which are in my mind facing to the automatic generation of language for all the people all the opportunity on our daily life. 
For the automaton to generate language, the definition of word, sentence, end of sentence and so on must be basically researched quoting many phases of science.

Tokyo October 10, 2004
February 21, 2007 Revised
January 26, 2012 References added
Sekinan Research Field of Language

21 TOMONAGA’s Super Multi-time Theory

Note 5
TOMONAGA’s Super Multi-time Theory

1 <Schrödinger equation>
State vector     ψ
Time     t
Electromagnetic field     A
Hamiltonian     H
iψ(t) = (t),   ψ(0) = ψ     (1)
2 <Dirac’s paraphrase of Schrödinger equation >
Coordinate     x
Momentum     p
Electron     N in number
Electromagnetic field     A
H-em     Electromagnetic field Hamiltonian
H-em Hn ( xnpn(xn) ) +   ] ψ(t) = 0     (2)
3 <Representation by unitary transformation>
u(t) = exp{ H-em}
(xnt) u(t) A (xn) u(t)-1
Φ(t) = u(t) ψ(t)
Hn ( xnpn(xnt) ) +   ] Φ(t) = 0     (3)
4 < Dirac’s multi-time theory- Time variant in number >
[Hn ( xnpn(xntn) ) +   ] Φx1, t1; … ; xN, t) = 0     (4)
5 <Tomonaga’s representation of electromagnetic field>
Unitary transformation
U (t) = exp {  (H1 + H2 ) t }    
Schrödinger equation
[HH2 + H12  ] ψ(t) = 0    
Independent time variant txyz at each point in space 
H12 (xyztxyz ) +   ] Φ(t) = 0     (5)
6 < Tomonaga’s super multi-time theory>
Super curved surface     C
Point on C     P
4-dimensional volume’s transformation of     CP
Infinite small variation of state vectorΦ[C] = Φ[Txyz]      Φ[C]
H12 ( P ) +   ] Φ[C] = 0     (6)

<Past work on multi-time themes>
<For more details>

20 Time Shift of Meaning in Moduli Space

Time Shift of Meaning in Moduli Space

1 Word has variation of meaning in accordance with time shift in space.
Refer to the following papers.
2 Space that is deformed successively is described by parameter that is called moduli.
3 Set M consists of all of moduli.
4 Moduli space M (M) is presented for variation of word’s meaning.
5 Parameter t is presented for time shift of meaning in word.
Calabi-Yau manifold K has two moduli that are deformation of complex structure and Kähler manifold. Moduli have symmetry that is called Mirror symmetry.
K’s Ricci tensor is the following.
Rij¯ = 0   is regular coordinate. j¯ is non-regular coordinate.
Refer to the following paper.
8 Replaced two moduli in Calabi-Yau manifold K is called reflection Calabi-Yau manifold K~.
Refer to the following paper.
9 In K, Kähler manifold, n-dimensional toric manifold Pn is presented.
Complex torus of Kähler’s form ω described by polar coordinates is the following.
ω dzi  dzd|zi|2  dθi
P1 with line bundle’s direct sum becomes resolved conifold.
10 Conifold’s toric graph has line segment that has the longitude | z1 |2+ | z2 |2 = r. r is parameter of conifold.
11 Parameter r becomes parameter t that is described as complex.
12 Resolved conifold that has parameter = 0 and is deformed becomes deformed conifold that has S3.
13 Parameter t of deformed conifold Smeans time of word’s meaning variation in language.
14 Deformed conifold Smeans word in language.
15 P1× P1 becomes square that is connected by world sheets.
16 P1× P1 means sentence in language.
Refer to the following paper.

Tokyo May 23, 2007