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Thursday, 31 May 2018


TANAKA Akio                                 
Reread Andre Martinet's ELEMENTS DE LINGUISTIQUE GENERALE, 1970. When I was a student in 1970s, the book was already determined the established reputation. Now at rereading, I confirmed that one of his most concerned things was the amalgamation of moneme, which may be still radically never solved . But Martinet-like style of approach seems to be very difficult to progress further more. I have taken the other way to think of the themes influenced from KARCEVSKIJ Sergej  ( my early trial paper ; Holomorphic meaning Theory 2008 ) by using the mathematical methods, especially algebraic geometry.
Recent result on the relation between characters and time in language is shown below.
Time of WANG Guowei, 2011, sekinanmetria 2011
Term explanation
Moneme    Morpheme, dans  la terminologie de la linguistique fonctionnelle.  (LE PETIT Larousse ILLUSTRE  2004)
Text revised and Tern explanattion added
31 May 2018
Sekinan Library

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Coffee shop named California 2015

Coffee shop named California


If C live, he also may ask me, "What are you researching now?"
And I also will answer him as same as ever. 
I have pursued universals, never done facts, without repenting. 
Oh C, if you live, will we also talk on language at the table facing each other
under the low ceiling of the shop, going up the steep stairs. 
The name of the shop is California.
For the memory of our daily forgetful life, its never miserable though poor all over,
I will write down our delight.


23 February 2015
29 July 2016 Add image
Sekinan Archive

SRFL Collection Sekinan Library's total portal site 2018

SRFL Collection

SRFL Collection contains papers and essays written at 
Sekinan Library that was founded at Tokyo in 1986.
30 May 2018 

New Invitational Site

Read more:

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

​I need not more wander the book shop streets 2012

​I need not more wander the book shop streets

Posted on May 19, 2015, SRFL Data 
From Print 2012, Chapter 10

I need not more wander the book shop streets. The object exists in my mind. I would better watch the canal. Wandering is over now.  Perhaps I would not become meister  forever. In my narrow working place, I ‘d better do my work till sunset. So out of the window by the working place,  the saint passes by. I ever read the Russian folk tale like that.
The Autumn evening is fast. The headlight of streetcar  is dazzling. In the yellow-lighten window the passengers are picked out by the light. The car disappeared  to the book streets. The station shop is also lighted up by the yard’s busy orange light.

Read more:

  1. 40 years passed from I read WANG Guowei / 16 November 2013
  2. Prague in 1920s, The Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij’s paper “Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique” / Print, 2012

​[Note  1 October 2014]
“I need not more wander the book shop streets.” 
From Tale, Print, 2012
This tale was written by TANAKA Akio, pen-named LI Koh in autumn 2012 for remembering the poor but brilliant youth time of myself. This is one of my favourite phrases in this tale.
The book shop streets described in the tale is Kanda, Tokyo, which is located in the central Tokyo, where I frequently walked seeking the old Chinese classic books for the study from Oriental way of linguistics. In late 1960s, the streetcars were surely running in the old fashioned streets of Kanda, now perfectly changed to the subway streets. 

SRFL Math - Mathematical Paper Data site Renewal and data added 2018

Sekinan Library

Mathematical Paper Data - SRFL Math

Sekinan Library is a research site on language founded at Tokyo in 1986, where I started study mainly related with Chinese classical philology called Small Study, that is the most fundamental learning based by Chinese character analysis using Chinese philological classics. 
After deepening down the study, from millennium days, I again started youth's dream, mathematical approach, inheriting the result of Linguistic Circle of Prague in 1920s, while I was a entirely incapable student affected by glorious Bourbaki in 1970s. 
SRFL has succeeded Sekinan Library since 2003 and specially researched language universals by geometry.  SRFL Math offers mathematical approach to language researchers. 
Tokyo, 21 March 2018, SRFL Math

Monday, 28 May 2018

​Linguistic Circle of Prague 2012

​Linguistic Circle of Prague 

The Linguistic Circle of Prague was taught from CHINO Eiichi in his class of Structural Linguistics in the late 1970s. We first met at the university in 1969. He was young, probably the age 30s. I was 21 years old.

Now referring his chronological record, CHINO was born in 1932, graduated Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in 1955, entered Carrel University at Czechoslovakia in 1958 and returned to Japan in 1964. So we met after 5 years from his returning. 

Sometimes we conversed at the coffee shop near the station we used. California, it was the name of the shop, up the rattled stairs, under the dim light. It was the youth time of mine and probably with him.The greatest thing he gave me was teaching me the existence of KARCEVSKIJ Sergei in the Linguistic Circle of Prague. My latter half life was almost determined by KARCEVSKIJ's one paper, " Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique" .
One day on the train after school, he calmly but definitely said to me that he never was linguist because he never discovered any new language or law and he only was the introducer to general linguistics.

Now I really think that I am also never linguist nor introducer. I only love language, so have written on language or its around  till now. CHINO taught me the the study or rather more deep attitude  to the life itself.
Regretfully he died in 2002, age 70.

He wrote several books on linguistics. The masterpiece that I confirmed is Janua Linguisticae reserata, 1994, that is the general invitation to linguistics for further studying of wide and deep view.

The title was determined by the famous book of Jan Amos Komensky 1592-1670Janua Linguarum reserata 1632Here I feel CHINO's deep love to the history and culture to Czechoslovakia where he studied for Czech in 7 years. 

[Note added]
I frequently heard on Linguistic Circle of Prague (LCP) from CHINO. But now standing in the twilight of my learning, I have not understood anything about it essentially, that had probably much more heritage for contemporary language study than my thinking. I already old and  can never start to cultivate the new frontier on LCP  or its successive study. Only saying is what I really recognise that LCP and Russian philology is the heimat of my language study. It is and will be  the heimat of my soul evermore. 19 July 2012 

13 July 2012
19 July 2012 Note added
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Half Farewell to the Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij 2013

Half Farewell to the Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij


I have thought on language through the rich results of the linguistic Circle of Prague and its important member Sergej Karcevskij. But now my recent thinking has inclined towards algebraic or arithmetic geometrical method and description.

Probably it is the time of half farewell to those milestones which led me to the standing place here with rather sufficient results in my ability. Great thanks to all that always encouraged me for hard and vague target on language especially meaning and its surroundings. And also to CHINO Eiichi with love and respect who taught me all the bases of language study.

For recent results see the following papers group named AGL Arithmetic Geometry Language and related essays.

AGL Arithmetic Geometry Language 

23 October 2013
24 September 2014, references added
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Sekinan Library Mathematical Paper Data - SRFL Math 2018

Sekinan Library

Mathematical Paper Data - SRFL Math

Sekinan Library is a research site on language founded at Tokyo in 1986, where I started study mainly related with Chinese classical philology called Small Study, that is the most fundamental learning based by Chinese character analysis using Chinese philological classics. 
After deepening down the study, from millennium days, I again started youth's dream, mathematical approach, inheriting the result of Linguistic Circle of Prague in 1920s, while I was a entirely incapable student affected by glorious Bourbaki in 1970s. 
SRFL has succeeded Sekinan Library since 2003 and specially researched language universals by geometry.  SRFL Math offers mathematical approach to language researchers. 
Tokyo, 21 March 2018, SRFL Math.

Sunday, 27 May 2018

I need not more wander the book shop streets 2015

I need not more wander the book shop streets

About 6
​I need not more wander the book shop streets

Posted on May 19, 2015, SRFL Data 
From Print 2012, Chapter 10

I need not more wander the book shop streets. The object exists in my mind. I would better watch the canal. Wandering is over now.  Perhaps I would not become meister  forever. In my narrow working place, I ‘d better do my work till sunset. So out of the window by the working place,  the saint passes by. I ever read the Russian folk tale like that.
The Autumn evening is fast. The headlight of streetcar  is dazzling. In the yellow-lighten window the passengers are picked out by the light. The car disappeared  to the book streets. The station shop is also lighted up by the yard’s busy orange light.

Read more:

  1. 40 years passed from I read WANG Guowei / 16 November 2013
  2. Prague in 1920s, The Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij’s paper “Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique” / Print, 2012

​[Note  1 October 2014]
“I need not more wander the book shop streets.” 
From Tale, Print, 2012
This tale was written by TANAKA Akio, pen-named LI Koh in autumn 2012 for remembering the poor but brilliant youth time of myself. This is one of my favourite phrases in this tale.
The book shop streets described in the tale is Kanda, Tokyo, which is located in the central Tokyo, where I frequently walked seeking the old Chinese classic books for the study from Oriental way of linguistics. In late 1960s, the streetcars were surely running in the old fashioned streets of Kanda, now perfectly changed to the subway streets. 

Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces of French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow


On 25 May 2018 I went to Tokyo Metropolitan Museum, Ueno, Tokyo to see the exhibition titled French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow.

I have frequently see the modern French paintings represented by the Post-impressionists at National Western Art Museum,Ueno. But the impression after seeing was pretty different.
The paintings are ranged widely from the 17th to 20th century. 
I felt that the The Russian eyes were effected to collect the paintings. For example, Arcadia and the relevant concepts of it were not so popular in Japan but at Russian collectors payed enough attention to them like the Europeans.

One of the most fantastic works for me was Luigi Loir's Smoke on the Paris Circuit Line ( Paris Suburb).  Floating smoke, Cloudy sky, Two horses and people chatting or coming and going. 
At the  moment to see the painting I recalled the famous quotation, Vita brevis, ars longa.
The painting was drew in 1885, over 130 years ago. But all the landscapes were vivid like the present and probably in future.

27 May 2018
Sekinan Zoho     

The catalogue of the exhibition
French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Sekinan Zoho 2016-2018

Sekinan Zoho 2016-2018

 Sekinan Zoho

Sekinan Zoho

Tokyo​​1 August 2016
Sekinan Library

The Time of WANG Guowei 2011

The Time of WANG Guowei


I learned the language study from CHINO Eiichi at Tokyo in 1970s.
He taught me the Llinguistic Circle of Prague and the existance of KARCEVSKIJ Sergej.
One day he admonished me not to study the hard problems such as language unversals that are the themes worked on by the geniuses like WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig.
But I chose the theme probably by my youth.

For long time I kept thinking on language universals being aided from KARCEVSKIJ’s paper, “Dusualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique“.
I roamed the vast field of language wondering the streets of Tokyo.
The time passed.
CHINOI suddunly died by the fatal disease in 2002.

I wrote the original note on language universals at Hakuba, Nagano in March 2003.
The note were fundamental but conceptive.
The title was ” On Time Property Inherent in Characters“.
It was written on the written language of ancient Chinese characters inscribed on tortoise shells.
WANG Guowei was the pioneer scholar on that field.

I had liked his papers that were almost contained in his most important work, “Guantangjilin”.
I bought the book Kanda, Tokyo in the earky 1970s.
The bookshop name was “Haifeng Shudian”, that are now removed to Chiba Prefecture.
Oh how many times I went to the shop and bought the Chinese classics.
Qing Dynasty produced the linguistic scholars who almost all researched the Chinese characters for their scholastic basis.

I also liked ZHANG Binglin, DUAN Yucai, WANG Niansun, WANG Yinzhi and so on.
In my first note I quoted WANG Guowei and DUAN Yucai.
They are the precursors of the study of language universals for the prime of life.
The study was traditionally called “Small study” in China.
But I coud not remain standing in the conceptive place influenced from Small study.

The second note was “Quantum Theory for Language“, that were also written at Hakuba in August 2003.

The third note was “Distance Theory“.
In the early stage of my research, “distance” was one of the important concepts for language unversals.
The concept was inevitably related with time and space.
So I began to think the themes on Language universals based on mathematics that were another prime time theme of my youth.

20 December 2011
Sekinan Research Field of Language

40 years passed from I read WANG Guowei 2013

40 years passed from I read WANG Guowei 


Guantangjilin is the selection of works by WANG Guowei, which contents contains vast area of history, literature and linguistics. Some people say that his works is a thousand-year peak from Song era’s philosopher SHU Xi. I bought his book at Haifeng shudian, Kanda, Tokyo in my mid 20s. The date  of colophon is February 1973, publisher is Zhonghua shuju Xianggang fenju.

Probably I bought it in 1973 or 1974. In those days I frequently went Haifeng shudian bookshop for buying Chinese classics,  mainly Qing Dynasty’s linguistic works that is called ” Xiaoxue”, Small study at China. Guantangjilin is a very difficult book to understand  by my poor study result.

His study era is from Yin Dynasty to Qing Dynasty some 2,500 years of Chinese literary history. At his vast works I was especially charmed in Qing Dynasty’s ancient Chinese hieroglyphic charactersJiaguwenzi by Chinese. After 40 years, in 2003 I wrote a small paper on language universals through this  ancient Chinese hieroglyphic characters at the view point of written language.

The title is On Time Property inherent in Characters. From at that time 10 years passed by. Now I am still learning on language universals but its style is far apart from the days 2003 or 1973. Ambiguity of approach by traditional linguistics is not for my part. I dare challenge to a new frontier of description for language study using mathematics or algebraic geometry.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Operad Meaning Theory From Cell to Operad 2013

Operad Meaning Theory

From Cell to Operad

24 March 2013

I ever wrote a next paper in which cell and meaning minimum  are defined.
Cell Theory. From Cell to Manifold For LEIBNIZ and JAKOBSON. Tokyo June 2, 2007.
In the paper, through Roman Jakobson's intuitive assist, the concept of meaning minimum is described by the elementary algebraic  geomtry. At the deeper basis, Gottfried Leibniz's Monadologie , 1714 may influence for making this Cell Theory.   
The main target of Cell Theory was in the generation of meaning in word. This target was more clearly described soon later at the next paper.
von Neumann Algebra 2. Generation Theorem. Tokyo April 20, 2008.
But the balance of soft part and hard part in word, that was conjectured by Sergej Karcevskij in 1920s,  is very hard theme to describe. For solving the hardness, trial papers were proposed at the next paper group,  Notes for KARCEVSKIJ.
At the first paper of the Notes, Note for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej, the soft part in word was described by the free group's definition.
There is more difficult theme on the gradual changeable addition of meaning for which language has always efficiently useful in the thus complicated contemporary world. 
For this theme, I ever tried to write some papers related with time shift. The example is the next.
From another view on language, I had thought brane model for the connection of words or construction of language. The example is the next.
Briefly summarising I have thought on language from its freeness, flexibility and changeability against long stern structure of soft and hard magical agalgum.
The gist is as the following.
Language shows many phases from thinking levels and viewpoints. 
Language can be captured more clearly from descreteness but more flexibly thinkable from meaning variation and changeability.
Changeability of language implies the eternity of time, but this eternity cannot be easily obtained probably without loop condition of movement. 
Loop space can capture this eternality, that is shown often by the repetition. I firmly noticed this situation at the Shinto dance perfomance at a shrine festival.
Loop space was also notified early stage of Chinese histiory in circa. 500 B.C. at one of the five classics,Y ijing that is the fortune-telling text of ancient China.
On Yijing, I was taught from philosopher NISHI Junzo.
From Infinite loop space, the concept of operad is lead as the next.
 is the space that has base *.
 is the loop space over .
Theorem (J.P. May's recognition theorem)
 operates all the fold loop space. 
Continuous space  to which  operates is weak homotopy equivalent with a certain fold loop space. 
 is  identified as a operator that has j number input and 1 number output.
Here I think that  is identified as a word that has j number meaning minimums and 1 number compound meaning.

J. P. May. The Geometry of Iterated Loop Spaces. 1972.
Iek Moerdijk, Bertrand Toen. Simplicial Methods for Operads and Algebraic Geometry. 2010. 

♦Here ends paper.