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Monday, 7 May 2018

Quantum Language Substantiality of Language For the Memory of Encounter with CHINO Eiichi nearly thirty years ago 2006-2008

Substantiality of Language

For the Memory of Encounter with CHINO Eiichi nearly thirty years ago

1 Quantum is modeled by electron.
2 Modeled electrons have two orbits, inner and outer.
3 Inner orbit electron is not charged. The notation is 0.
4 Outer orbit electron is charged by unit energy. The notation is 1.
5 Inner orbit electron leaps to outer orbit by entering unit energy.
6 Entering half unit energy makes folded situation in electron.
7 Folded situation in electron shows non-charged and charged situation simultaneously.
8 Non-charged and charged electrons become signals.
9 Successions of signals become structures.
10 Signals and structures make a language that is named quantum language. It is abbreviated to QL. QL is merely called language in the papers after this.
11 Language has substantiality that induces distinct electric signals.
12 Language has discreteness that induces distinct lineal structures.
13 Electric signals consist of dichotomic two parts, 0 and 1.
14 Lineal structures consist of permutational succession of 0 or 1.
15 Electric dichotomy is simultaneously expressed by the folded situation of quantum.
16 Rotation gate and controlled NOT gate are used for demanded lineal structure.
17 Differential lineal structures are given semantic nomination.
18 A quantum makes two signals, 0 and 1, in folded situation.
19 Signals has name. Name is expressed by /    /.
20 Signal 0 is named /empty/.
21 Signal 1 is named /exist/.
22 Two quanta make four structures 00, 01, 10 and 11 in folded situation.
23 Structure 00 consists of signal 0 and signal 0.Expressing by name is /empty/ /empty/. The structure is called /empty continue/.
24 Structure 01 consists of signal 0 and signal 1. Expressing by name is /empty/ /exist/. The structure is called /appear/.
25 Structure 10 is /exist/ /empty/.It is called /disappear/.
26 Structure 11 is /exist/ /exist/. It is called /exist continue/.
27 Each name of signals or structures has situational substantiality of quantum.
28 Succession of signals and structures makes explanation.
29 For instance, signal 1, structure 01 and structure 11, that is abbreviated to describe 1,01,11 make a explanation that is expressed by name, /exist/ /appear/ /exist continue/.Now explanation is expressed by //   //. Granted that same name is omitted, the explanation is expressed to //exist appear continue//.
30 A quantum, a set of two quanta, a set of three quanta and so forth makes the complex of various names and explanations that form a data base. The data base is called quantum data base that is abbreviated to QDB or merely called data base after this.
31 In quantum language, name, explanation and data base are also called wordsentence and dictionary.
32 Name and explanation are concisely called meaning in quantum language.
33 Dictionary is stored in adequate device.
34 Stored dictionary is called quantum frame that is abbreviated to QF or merely called frame after this.
35 Frame has duplicable substantiality.

Tokyo February 21, 2006

[Postscript / Referential note / January 4, 2008]1
Quantum Language Groups
In the group, e
specially refer to the next.
Quantum Linguistics / Creation of Meaning / Tokyo February 12, 2006
Solid Trace Theory Group

In the group, e
specially refer to the next.
Solid trace Theory / Solid Trace Language / Tokyo April 30 – May 1, 2006

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