Russian Language Class
I met with her in 1969 at her Russian language class.
On the day, received the lecture on general semantics at the her neighboring room. The teacher was difficulty in writing the letters on the blackboard for the chalks all too short or chipped. So I went to get the right ones to use to her class.
The room was tiny and a few students attended the lesson from her. At that time I suddenly decided that the next year I absolutely will receive her Russian language because the scenery her image to teach the lesson was fantastically fine for me.
Next year, 1970, I got her Russian lesson at the same little room.
At that room I also received Korean language from KAJIMURA Hideki and Russian grammar from CHINO Eiichi.
The lesson of her style was always natural and familiar for the students.
AT first few lessons were the pronunciation of Russian. The accent and diphthong was especially important. She taught us many times using the blackboard writing the words and phrases.
Russian vowels have the two, Light and dark. The river Volga sound the Russian people always dark. She said so.
The Russian class had the the language festival in every Autumn. At where I was urged to enter the Russian poem’s recitation. Her choice for me was Lermontov. She gave me the note paper in that the poem was written in green colour pen.
She was the daughter of Russian army’s high class official. She ad her family came to Japan to escape from the Revolution. In Japan she kept teaching the Russian at the Japan-Russo Institute. Also taught at several universities.
She gave me the Russian name, Mikhail. She called me Misha in a sense of closeness.
I bought the Russian textbook of “Teach yourself” series. I used the phrases from the book in her classroom. She astonished my colloquial speaking unlikely in my real ability to the language. I apologised her that All was in the book I bought at the Kinokuniya, Shinjuku.” She understood the situation smiling.
Her pronunciation was excellent fine. I now remember her voice with her small build. Her class was now shining entering the Autumn light though the windows of the university.
17 July 2010
Sekinan Research Field of Language
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Wednesday, 31 July 2019
Grape at Garden New symbol of SRFL 2019

Grape at Garden
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Tuesday, 30 July 2019
Grape at Garden
Grape at Garden
July 2019
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Languagequantum theory Top page renewed
Languagequantum theory
Languagequntum theory is the latest theory of SRFL in Sekinan Library.
The theory has researched into the root of language.
Sekinan Library was founded in 1986.
SRFL was founded in 2003.
16 July 2019
The theory has researched into the root of language.
Sekinan Library was founded in 1986.
SRFL was founded in 2003.
16 July 2019
Languagequantum theory
1. Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003-2019 / Newly revised edition
2. From Quantum Theory for Language to Languagequantum theory / 16 July 2019 Edition
3. What is signal? Total Edition / 21 November 2018-23 April 2019
4. What is signal? Contents / 24 April 2019
Paper 2003-2018
1. The comparison between 2003 and 2017
From Chinese character's meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals
2. Time and Shape of Language from How is the time alive in language
3. Connection between early paper's quantum and recent paper's geometry 7th edition
Paper 2003-2018
1. The comparison between 2003 and 2017
From Chinese character's meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals
2. Time and Shape of Language from How is the time alive in language
3. Connection between early paper's quantum and recent paper's geometry 7th edition
KAJIMURA Hideki His Korean Classroom Note added version 2019
His Korean Classroom
I first met KAJIMURA at 1970 and he taught me the Korean in the small class of foreign language.
Text was SONG Jihak’s “Chosono Immun” published by Daigaku Shorin. It was one of a few books for beginners of Korean at late 1960s in Japan. Korean texts were published a few, so we could usually see only 2 or 3 kinds at a large bookshop.
I was age 21 and KAJIMURA was 30s.
Class was opened in the forth period and the room was dim-lit in late autumn season.
In the same room, I was also taught Russian from CHINO Eiichi and MURAVIJOVA Natary.
I have good memories of learning foreign languages in that tiny room.
KAJIMURA was a high school teacher in those days and also teaching Korean history and language in several universities. Rightfully he ought to become the special professor of national institute but he abandoned all the right to pioneer the new frontier of Korea, for which East Asia researchers seemed to be less important.
I remembered his words that Korean grammar was once explained by using Russian grammar which was far apart from Korean and its family of language.
He said the words with smiling. “Such times surely exist in short period.” I felt that the times had been changing rapidly before ours, nobody believes that Russian and Korean are family languages.
He wore the round glasses and no neck-tie. Jacket was old and shoulders were always down a little for his thin shape.
When I was absent from my schedule in winter season, he wrote me a letter.
I wrote a reply immediately saying that Korean language was precious for me and I decided to keep learning the language all my life.
What I wrote there was true till now.
He also invited me to his home. But I could not depend too much to him.
But now I regret that I had not received his favour. Later when he became the professor of a university, I would go to his study room at once. But at that time I also did not go because I thought that this time I was always able to visit him.
He incessantly wrote the papers. A lot of researchers respected his sincere attitude of studying.
I did not meet him in those days.
And I suddenly heard his death.
He died from disease in 1989.
He taught me the Korean and further more sincerity of living style to the world.
4 April 2005
13 February 2016 Revised
15 May 2018 Revised
Sekinan Research Field of Language
30 July 2019
In Kojien the 6th edition 2008, one of the standard dictionaries in Japan, KAJIMURA Hideki is written as the following.
Researcher of Korean history. Born in Tokyo. Professor of Kanagawa university. The leading figure of research of Korean history after World War 2 in Japan.
(Translated by TANAKA from Japanese edition)
KAJIMURA Hideki His Korean Classroom
His Korean Classroom
I first met KAJIMURA at 1970 and he taught me the Korean in the small class of foreign language.
Text was SONG Jihak’s “Chosono Immun” published by Daigaku Shorin. It was one of a few books for beginners of Korean at late 1960s in Japan. Korean texts were published a few, so we could usually see only 2 or 3 kinds at a large bookshop.
I was age 21 and KAJIMURA was 30s.
Class was opened in the forth period and the room was dim-lit in late autumn season.
In the same room, I was also taught Russian from CHINO Eiichi and MURAVIJOVA Natary.
I have good memories of learning foreign languages in that tiny room.
KAJIMURA was a high school teacher in those days and also teaching Korean history and language in several universities. Rightfully he ought to become the special professor of national institute but he abandoned all the right to pioneer the new frontier of Korea, for which East Asia researchers seemed to be less important.
I remembered his words that Korean grammar was once explained by using Russian grammar which was far apart from Korean and its family of language.
He said the words with smiling. “Such times surely exist in short period.” I felt that the times had been changing rapidly before ours, nobody believes that Russian and Korean are family languages.
He wore the round glasses and no neck-tie. Jacket was old and shoulders were always down a little for his thin shape.
When I was absent from my schedule in winter season, he wrote me a letter.
I wrote a reply immediately saying that Korean language was precious for me and I decided to keep learning the language all my life.
What I wrote there was true till now.
He also invited me to his home. But I could not depend too much to him.
But now I regret that I had not received his favour. Later when he became the professor of a university, I would go to his study room at once. But at that time I also did not go because I thought that this time I was always able to visit him.
He incessantly wrote the papers. A lot of researchers respected his sincere attitude of studying.
I did not meet him in those days.
And I suddenly heard his death.
He died from disease in 1989.
He taught me the Korean and further more sincerity of living style to the world.
4 April 2005
13 February 2016 Revised
15 May 2018 Revised
Sekinan Research Field of Language
30 July 2019
In Kojien, one of the standard dictionaries in Japan, KAJIMURA Hideki is written as the following.
Researcher of Korean history. Born in Tokyo. Professor of Kanagawa university. The leading figure of research of Korean history after World War 2 in Japan.
(Translated by TANAKA from Japanese edition)
Grape at the garden
Grape at the garden is growing day by day. Fresh green is very fine under the June's long rain in Japan.
SRFL Collection Historical Note 2016
SRFL Collection
Historical Note
Sekinan Library's main theme is language universals that has been researched since 1920s at Linguistic Circle of Prague that had been always put at the centre of the study.
In Japan. on Prague School CHINO Eiichi probably first introduced systematically through his direct study experience at Prague between 1958 and 1964.
I first met with him in 1969 at Tokyo, from whom received Russian language at beginner's small class.
And after I again met him in 1979 for his lecture of structural linguistics., to which I listen till March 1986.
In Japan. on Prague School CHINO Eiichi probably first introduced systematically through his direct study experience at Prague between 1958 and 1964.
I first met with him in 1969 at Tokyo, from whom received Russian language at beginner's small class.
And after I again met him in 1979 for his lecture of structural linguistics., to which I listen till March 1986.
In this year I also started own object on language, which was language universals by mathematical description, surging from Nicolas Bourbaki, that were applied to wide and deep approach even at human studies.
For me algebraic geometry was the great aid to deepen the theme, to which at 1920s most researchers were recognised important but hard to operate with clear description at the field of phonology.
In 2003 I narrowly wrote up a trial paper on characters, at that time not for total language, but I got the steady way to approach the hard target of meaning, through which I faintly could see the final target, language universals.
For me algebraic geometry was the great aid to deepen the theme, to which at 1920s most researchers were recognised important but hard to operate with clear description at the field of phonology.
In 2003 I narrowly wrote up a trial paper on characters, at that time not for total language, but I got the steady way to approach the hard target of meaning, through which I faintly could see the final target, language universals.
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Winding road to physics, Revised version
Winding road to physics, Revised version
When I was a student of high school, I hoped to learn physics at university. But from various reasons in fact I learnt language at university, on the other still longing for physics. After graduation I once worked as a high school teacher and eight years passing I returned to university for investigating language study further more. On the way I again met CHINO Eiichi in 1979, from whom I ever learnt Russian in 1969. By his teaching I could have the distinct aim for my study, that was to make clear description to others, not using philosophical terms, but taking mathematical method being also assisted with physical thinking or approach. Mathematics was always set in my mind long before but my talent was not overtaken to its hardness. But aiming clear description I began to learn again or thrice to make a new stage where I had decided to come back someday. It was the very starting point of youth being strongly attracted by physics.
Fore more details refer to the next.
1. Remembrance
When I was a student of high school, I hoped to learn physics at university. But from various reasons in fact I learnt language at university, on the other still longing for physics. After graduation I once worked as a high school teacher and eight years passing I returned to university for investigating language study further more. On the way I again met CHINO Eiichi in 1979, from whom I ever learnt Russian in 1969. By his teaching I could have the distinct aim for my study, that was to make clear description to others, not using philosophical terms, but taking mathematical method being also assisted with physical thinking or approach. Mathematics was always set in my mind long before but my talent was not overtaken to its hardness. But aiming clear description I began to learn again or thrice to make a new stage where I had decided to come back someday. It was the very starting point of youth being strongly attracted by physics.
Fore more details refer to the next.
1. Remembrance
2. Physics
- To my dear friend KANEKO Yutaka / 22 May 2013
- Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague / 23 October 2013
- Perhaps Return to Physics /16 August 2014
3. Model
- Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented / Brane Simplified Model / Bend /17 October 2007
- Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented / Brane Simplified Model / Distance / 26 October 2007
4. Language
- Substantiality Dedicated to SAPIR Edward / 27 February 2005
- Language, Amalgamation of Mathematics and Physics / 15 April 2014
5. Mathematics
- The Complete Works of TANIYAMA Yutaka,1994 / 11 November 2012
- A Group of Mathematicians.1970 / 13 January 2013
- Description / 15 August 2013
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Hijiribashi, Holy Bridge, Ochanomizu, Tokyo
Hijiribashi, Holy Bridge, Ochanomizu, Tokyo
The Holy Bridge is constructed at the north side of the Ochanomizu Station, Tokyo, at Chuo Line. Under flows the Outer Moat of the Imperial Palace, constructed in the medieval period, some 550 years ago. The Edo Castle ever had the vast area in the central part of Tokyo. Now the Inner Moat is perfectly remained but the Outer Moat is partly remained mainly in the north part of Tokyo. Around Ochanomizu area now become the typical cultural zone of Tokyo, where many universities and colleges are gathered.
The Holy Bridge is named for what in the northern part there is the Yushima-seido, the Holy Building of Confucius which was constructed in 1690 and the southern part, there is the Nicolai-do, Cathedral of the Eastern Orthodox Church. So the bridge connects East and West, the two meet on the bridge.
The church was first built in 1891 and rebuilt in 1929 after the Kanto Plain Great Earthquake occurred in 1923. The name Nicolai is originated by the founder Nicolai Primate of Khristos Orthodox Church of Japan. The bridge was also constructed in 1925 after the Earthquake. This Holy Bridge is one of the most fantastic old-fashioned bridges in Tokyo. I love these old Tokyo's images. New architectures will be constructed one after another , but the old ones can never constructed as the same having the long and historical heritage.
24 July 2012
The Holy Bridge is constructed at the north side of the Ochanomizu Station, Tokyo, at Chuo Line. Under flows the Outer Moat of the Imperial Palace, constructed in the medieval period, some 550 years ago. The Edo Castle ever had the vast area in the central part of Tokyo. Now the Inner Moat is perfectly remained but the Outer Moat is partly remained mainly in the north part of Tokyo. Around Ochanomizu area now become the typical cultural zone of Tokyo, where many universities and colleges are gathered.
The Holy Bridge is named for what in the northern part there is the Yushima-seido, the Holy Building of Confucius which was constructed in 1690 and the southern part, there is the Nicolai-do, Cathedral of the Eastern Orthodox Church. So the bridge connects East and West, the two meet on the bridge.
The church was first built in 1891 and rebuilt in 1929 after the Kanto Plain Great Earthquake occurred in 1923. The name Nicolai is originated by the founder Nicolai Primate of Khristos Orthodox Church of Japan. The bridge was also constructed in 1925 after the Earthquake. This Holy Bridge is one of the most fantastic old-fashioned bridges in Tokyo. I love these old Tokyo's images. New architectures will be constructed one after another , but the old ones can never constructed as the same having the long and historical heritage.
24 July 2012
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Monday, 29 July 2019
Where is the change's power or energy?
Where is the change's power or energy?
01/09/2015 16:59
Where is the change's power or energy?
I was born in 1947 and become 68 years old this summer.
My unripeness to language study has come to the declining years.
Return to physics or mathematics is almost alike to back to youth age, when almost every day solving rudimentary problems for entire interest to unknown world.
In my mind there still are some hard themes to challenge, one of which is energy in language. The theme is originated from Edward Sapir, who presented the concept "drift" in Language, 1921.
It was the macro and intuitive concept that was supposed by his precise thinking and vast field work of America native's language. I think that I would develop the theme from the physics-mathematics field.
1 January 2015
My unripeness to language study has come to the declining years.
Return to physics or mathematics is almost alike to back to youth age, when almost every day solving rudimentary problems for entire interest to unknown world.
In my mind there still are some hard themes to challenge, one of which is energy in language. The theme is originated from Edward Sapir, who presented the concept "drift" in Language, 1921.
It was the macro and intuitive concept that was supposed by his precise thinking and vast field work of America native's language. I think that I would develop the theme from the physics-mathematics field.
In the garden
Peony begins to come out in the cold winter.
If there be change in language, from which to which language changes in its true nature?
At where is there the change's power or energy?
Refer to the next.
0. General survey
1. Substantiality and time
- Substantiality, Dedicated to SAPIR Edward / 27 February 2005
- Macro time and Micro Time / 24 July 2013
2.Flow and energy
- Flow of Language / Heritage of WANG Guowei and Edward Sapir / 26 September 2014
- The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory / 19 December 2014
4. Stochastic theory, distance, functional, potential with energy
- Energy of Language / Stochastic Meaning Theory 4 / 24 July 2008
- Energy and Distance / Energy Distance Theory / 31 August 2008
- Energy and Functional / Energy Distance Theory /18 October 2008
- Potential of Language / Floer Homology Language / 2009
1 January 2015
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IYANAGA Shokichi's An Introduction to Geometry. Tokyo. 1968
IYANAGA Shokichi's An Introduction to Geometry. Tokyo. 1968
26/01/2016 19:47
IYANAGA Shokichi's An Introduction to Geometry, Tokyo, 1968 is one of the must book for me. In the Preface of the book, he writes that ( the content of this book) systematically constructs n-dimensional Euclid geometry. He also said that he hopes this book would become an introduction to modern mathematics through geometrical objects.
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Perhaps Return to Physics 2016
Perhaps Return to Physics
Recently my situation for language research has changed rather drastically.
I have loved mathematics ever since I understood that mathematics was the only fantastic way for solving the problems of the nature through absolute clear description.
When I was at the third grade of the high school, I remained in the class room for solving the swing state of a pendulum movement. It was the simple differential equation. But at that time I realised that one short equation contained the whole universe of a tiny pendulum. it was a real meeting with the mathematics and the our world.
At high school, I thought that the most fantastic way of life was in physics, especially in theoretical physics.
In the autumn 1965, the Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to TOMONAGA Shin-ichiro. In the next morning of announcement, at our mathematics-science class was full of the prize about his award.
In those days I already determined my university's speciality to theoretical physics. TOMONAGA's award was the splendid delight for me and the other science- course class mates.
But various reasons led me to philology at the university life.
Since then nearly half a century passed by. My study on language was dimmed in the vast historical heritage of linguistics that had surely shown the many results for language. But my mind was not fine on my road up to that time. My object gradually became to the one that was clear and understandable whoever desire to participate to talk with language. At the result after long winding road I reached at the concrete place for study. It was the description by mathematics. It was the days of my mid 30s in 1980s.
From those days some 20 years passed by. I became at 50s. I had written the short papers little by little. Mathematics was really free to approach. I freely thought and imagined on language's essential parts. Several models were made for the situation of language's particular phases. But I recognised that mathematics starts at the some axioms and theorems and reached a curtain high place' situation, which road is absolutely strict and exact and there is perfectly nothing related with real our world's phenomena, in my part on natural language.
So recently I began to think that no relation with models and natural phenomena on language was easily overcome by adopting the physical method using mathematics' various results. perhaps I return to physics which was my favourite in the high school days. Physics connects world and model freely. All the explanations are approximate values for world' phenomena. At this place I can freely adopt the models not thinking the theoretical consistency.
Now I am standing at the physical based place that was dreamt in my high school days.
Recently my situation for language research has changed rather drastically.
I have loved mathematics ever since I understood that mathematics was the only fantastic way for solving the problems of the nature through absolute clear description.
When I was at the third grade of the high school, I remained in the class room for solving the swing state of a pendulum movement. It was the simple differential equation. But at that time I realised that one short equation contained the whole universe of a tiny pendulum. it was a real meeting with the mathematics and the our world.
At high school, I thought that the most fantastic way of life was in physics, especially in theoretical physics.
In the autumn 1965, the Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to TOMONAGA Shin-ichiro. In the next morning of announcement, at our mathematics-science class was full of the prize about his award.
In those days I already determined my university's speciality to theoretical physics. TOMONAGA's award was the splendid delight for me and the other science- course class mates.
But various reasons led me to philology at the university life.
Since then nearly half a century passed by. My study on language was dimmed in the vast historical heritage of linguistics that had surely shown the many results for language. But my mind was not fine on my road up to that time. My object gradually became to the one that was clear and understandable whoever desire to participate to talk with language. At the result after long winding road I reached at the concrete place for study. It was the description by mathematics. It was the days of my mid 30s in 1980s.
From those days some 20 years passed by. I became at 50s. I had written the short papers little by little. Mathematics was really free to approach. I freely thought and imagined on language's essential parts. Several models were made for the situation of language's particular phases. But I recognised that mathematics starts at the some axioms and theorems and reached a curtain high place' situation, which road is absolutely strict and exact and there is perfectly nothing related with real our world's phenomena, in my part on natural language.
So recently I began to think that no relation with models and natural phenomena on language was easily overcome by adopting the physical method using mathematics' various results. perhaps I return to physics which was my favourite in the high school days. Physics connects world and model freely. All the explanations are approximate values for world' phenomena. At this place I can freely adopt the models not thinking the theoretical consistency.
Now I am standing at the physical based place that was dreamt in my high school days.
- Language, amalgamation of mathematics and physics / 13 May 2013
- True and False / Hierarchy of Language / July 25 – July 27, 2006
- True-false problem of the Crete / 22 July 2013
- Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague / 23 October 2013
7 June 2016
Reprint from
Reprint from
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From Quantum Theory for Language to Languagequantum theory
From Quantum Theory for Language to Languagequantum theory
15 July 2019
In 2003 I wrote Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language.
In 2004 I wrote Quantum Theory for language.
In 2007 I wrote Cell Theory Continuation of Quantum Theory for Language From Cell to Manifold For LEIBNIZ and JAKOBSON.
Also refer to the next papers in 2008 and 2009.
Kac-Moody Lie Algebra Note 2 Quantum Group 2008
In 2018 I wrote Quantum Group Language Word Indexed and Word Synthesized.
In 2019 I have started to write a new theory named Languagequantum theory.
For the preparation to the theory I wrote What is signal? Total Edition 21 November 2018-23 April 2019.
This paper is unfinished.
16 July 2019
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