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Friday, 19 November 2021

Time and Eternity. 6 June 2018


Time and Eternity. 6 June 2018

6 June 2018
Time and Eternity
When I saw Luigi Loir's Smoke on the Paris Circuit Line ( Paris Suburb), I felt a fresh awareness of time, which was probably came from the vivid smoke floating in the air or the road partly glistered by the rain immediately before. This landscape was filled with time feeling which was coming on and stopped and was going to the future till now. All paintings may contain such a feeling on time. Now I faced a large canvas of Luir, I freshly got the greatness of painting which has a moment and eternity from the 2 dimensional space.

Does this greatness is only in my mind and not out in the outer world? Do I only feel the eternity in my mind? Almost maybe so, but partly maybe not. Time is real and time feeling floating in the panting is also real. Where is the difference between the two ? Time is direct and time in the painting is in direct, which floats via my eyes and mind. The painting gives me the start of time floating.  In that case, what is the painting's giving moment?

The moment is made from form and colour on the canvas. Thus direct time has no tool for going on and indirect time has tools, now canvas, paints and brushes. Direct time and indirect time both enters in my body especially in my mind. The two times both floats in my body. I cannot analyse direct time. But indirect time can be analysed using several methods, form analysis, colour analysis and so forth. Language's letter, character and voice also maybe contain moments for making indirect time. 
Luigi Loir's Smoke on the Paris Circuit Line ( Paris Suburb) gave reconfirmation of a fresh awareness of indirect time's existence.   

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