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Tuesday, 28 December 2021

SRFL Theory. 2003-2021


SRFL Theory


Theory 2003 - 2016



  1. On Time Property Inherent in Characters



  1. Quantum Theory for Language
  2. Distance Theory
  3. Prague Theory
  4. Reversion Theory
  5. Mirror Theory
  6. Mirror Language
  7. Guarantee of Language
  8. Property of Quantum
  9. Quantification of Quantum
  10. Actual Language and Imaginary Language
  11. Guarantee of language
  12. Place where quantum of language exists
  13. Actual language and imaginary language
  14. Property of quantum
  15. Quantification of quantum  
  16. Direction
  17. Uniformity



  1. Changeability
  2. Individuality
  3. Time
  4. Fixation
  5. Grammar
  6. Substantiality
  7. Frame
  8. Recognition
  9. Ideogram
  10. Conversation
  11. Descriptiveness
  12. Lineation
  13. System
  14. Automaton
  15. Vector



  1. Algebraic Linguistics



  1. CLifford Algebra
  2. Energy Distance Theory
  3. Functional Analysis
  4. Holomorphic Meaning Theory
  5. Kac-Moody Lie Algebra
  6. Operator Algebra
  7. Reversion Analysis Theory
  8. Stochastic Meaning Theory
  9. von Neumann Algebra
  10. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory



  1. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
  2. Language Manifold Theory
  3. Topological Group Language Theory
  4. Symplectic Language Theory
  5. Floer Homology Language
  6. Arithmetic Geometry Language



  1. Imaginary Language
  2. Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej
  3. Time of WANG Guowei
  4. Stable and Unstable of Language



  1. Projective Space Model
  2. Diophantine Language
  3. Hyperbolic Language
  4. Grassmann Language
  5. Grassmann Language 2
  6. Birational Language
  7. Dual Language
  8. Infinite Loop Space Language



  1. Homotopy Language         
  2. Operad Meaning Theory
  3. Arithmetic Geometry Language 2



  1.  Algebraic Geometry Language



  1. Flow, Time and Dimension of Language
  2. Energy of language



  1. Derived Category Language


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SRFL Theory shows the update research result for language universals at Sekinan Library.
New theory, Quantum-Nerve Theory  is now preparing for the total language model of natural language's radical root.


Sekinan Library 

which was founded in 1986 at Tokyo for the study of language universals.


Which was founded in 2003 for the study of language's mathematica basis





Quantum-Nerve Theory
Part 1
 Making nerve's mathematical model preparation

and Comment
Contents Edition

21 November 2018 - 24 April 2019
Original Title 

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve  
For father and mother

Quantum-Nerve Theory
Part 2
Physical mathematics from algebraic quantum group

Read more:

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