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Monday, 23 May 2022

In the 21st century, language will definitely become one of the most important themes and targets of mathematics for us all 2016-2019


20/05/2019 19:01

In the 21st century, language will definitely become one of the most important themes and targets of mathematics for us all

The main reasons are the following.
1.Language is the most convenient tool for human being.
2.Language has the vast variations in natural language and technical language. 
3.Natural language has speech language, written language and their recorded language, for example books, records, CD and so on.
4.Technical language has many computer languages and their related devices.
5.At natural language, there exists many meanings not to confirm clear definitions, for example finite, infinite, discrete, continuity, universal and super. 
6.Technical language has naturally defines the meanings by its discrete arithmetical basic using of discreteness.
7.Mathematics is probably belonged to natural language, that uses speech and written language by usual conversations and papers or books. 
8.But mathematics can clearly define the meaning through a few axioms and derived theorems. for example boundary, continuity, distance, finite, infinite and space.
9.Mathematics has many strong tools for description, for example mapping, projection and identification.
10.Mathematics has solid structure through long historical verifications from ancient Greece.
8 February 2016
Important theme and target is now at
3 January 2019

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Hurrying up to library Note added 2015-2016


Hurrying up to library Note added

20/05/2019 19:03


Hurrying up to library


When I was a high school student, my dream of near future was to go to library everyday for reading, learning and researching my themes at that time unknown. In the school I liked solving easy questions of mathematics and physics,  but those were all rudimentary questions for general students aiming university’s entrance.

I thought that there would be clear themes of my own life somewhere in my learning world, which never came up to the surface. So above all things I wanted to go library to find my themes for my study life, in which I probably would satisfy in my youth time. I dreamed my figure hurrying up to library with carrying books under my arm being bothered nothing perfectly.

At university my dream surely came to true. But a new more difficult problem emerged up in my front. It was a talent or gift for keeping study deeply. I was a common person having nothing peculiar gift. From that time my true long winding road to language study started towards hard field or precipitous mountain.

27 January 2015

[Note added, 20 January 2016]
In June 2016, I become 69 years old, that is the time to remember the life to this day. How has my youth time dream realised? What has I obtained the objects I ever hoped?. Some are realised, some are not. I obtained the real aim to keep studying on. It is in language I ever dreamt. But I have not made enough contribution to the people around me and social itself. I only walked my narrow road for my study, not paid attention to others.

 I met many splendid people leading me generally to my study way. I was too happy to my tiny research results ever made. I sincerely thank to all and I truly love this small road. It was a long and winding road as the Beatles sang in my youth time and I feel that I surely got fine strawberry from language field. It is For Ever

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Thursday, 19 May 2022

Energy in language 2008-2009


Energy in language 2008-2009

01/05/2019 19:32

Energy in language


Energy in language is now preparatory description til now.

  1. Energy of Language / Stochastic Meaning Theory
  2. Energy and Distance / Energy Distance Theory
  3. Energy and Functional / Energy Distance Theory
  4. Potential of Language / Floer Homology Language


Stochastic Meaning Theory 4
Energy of Language
For ZHANG Taiyan and Wenshi 1908
Domain     Λ∈R3
Substantial particles     N-number m-mass 
Particles are assumed to Newton dynamics.
Place coordinate of particle i in N-number particles     riΛ
Momentum of particle     pi∈R3
State at a moment     γ = (r1, …, rN, p1, …, pN)
Set of state γ     PΛ, N ΛN ×R3N⊂R6N
PΛ, N is called phase space.
Volume     V
Particles     n- mol
Energy     U  
Parameter space     E
Point of E     UVn )
Subspace     PΛ, N ( U )
Volume of PΛ, N ( U )     WΛ, N ( U )
Adiabatic operation      ( UVn ) →  ( U’V’n’ )
Starting state of γPΛ, N
Ending state of γPΛ’, N
Map of time development    f
Volume of PΛ’, N U’ )     WΛ’, N ( U’ )
Volume of (PΛ, N ( U ) ) is equivalent to WΛ, N ( U ).
(PΛ, N ( U ) ) is subspace of PΛ’, N U’ )
WΛ, N ( U ) ≤ WΛ’, N ( U’ )
Equilibrium state     ( UVn )
Another equilibrium state       ( U’V’n’ )
Two volume of equilibrium states are seemed to be one state at phase space     WΛ, N ( U ) WΛ’, N’ ( U’ )
Operation of logarithm of equilibrium state at phase space     S ( UVn ) = k log WΛ, N ( U ) , (k ; arbitrary constant)
Phase space     2n- dimension
Differential 2-form    ω
Local coordinate     qipi
ω = ∑ni=1d qi, ∧dpi
ω is called symplectic form.
2n- dimensional manifold     M
Pair    (Mω)
(Mω) that satisfies the next is called symplectic manifold.
(i) dω = 0
(ii) ω≠0
Phase space is expressed by symplectic manifold.
Hamiltonian system
Coordinate    ( qp ) = (q1, …, qnp1, …, pn )
Phase space     R2n
C1 class function     = (qpt )
 = ( 1≤n )
 = ( 1≤n )
An assumption from upper 8
H : = Sentence
q : = Place where word exists
p : = Momentum of word
t : = Time at which sentence is generated
Equilibrium state of sentence     H
Another equilibrium state of sentence     H
Adiabatic process of language     H → H
Entropy of language     S
H → H’ ⇔ S (H ) ≤ S (H’ )
Warp Theory / Tokyo October 24, 2004
Quantum Warp Theory Warp / Tokyo December 31, 2005
To be continued
Tokyo July 24, 2008
Sekinan Research Field of Language


Energy Distance Theory
Note 1
Energy and Distance
Curve in 3-dimensional Euclidian space     : [0, 1] → R3
Longitude of l     L ( ) = dt
Surface     S
Curve combines A and B in S     l
Coordinate of     φ : U → S
Coordinate of     x1x2
φ = (φ1, φ2, φ3 )
=φ ( x0 )
=φ x1 )
Curve in S     : [0, 1] → R3
Curve on U    x ( )
Ω(x0x1) = { l : [0, 1] → R(0 ) = x0l (1 ) = x}
l ( ) =φ ( ( t ) )
x ( 0 ) = x0
( 1 ) = x1
L ( ) = dt   dt
gij is Riemann metric.
Longitude is defined by the next.
L ( x, xˑ )  =  dt
Energy is defined by the next.
E ( x, xˑ )  = I,j gi,j (x(t))i(t)j(t)dt
2 E ( x, xˑ ) ≥ (L ( x, xˑ ) )2
For xΩ(x0x1), the next two are equivalent.
(i) E takes minimum value at x.
(ii) L takes minimum value at x.
What longitude is the minimum in curve is equivalent what energy is the minimum in curve.
Longitude L is corresponded with distance in Distance Theory.
Distance Theory / Tokyo May 4, 2004
Property of Quantum / Tokyo May 21, 2004                        
Mirror Theory / Tokyo June 5, 2004
Mirror Language / Tokyo June 10, 2004
Guarantee of Language / Tokyo June 12, 2004
Reversion Theory / Tokyo September 27, 2004
Tokyo August 31, 2008
Sekinan Research Field of Language


Energy Distance Theory
Note 3
Energy and Functional
Riemannian manifold     (Mg) , (Nh)
C class map u : M → N
Tangent vector bundle of N     TN
Induced vector bundle on M from TN     u-1TN
Tangent space of N     Tu(x)N
Cotangent vector bundle of M     TM*
Map      du : → TM*⊗ u-1TN    
Section     du ∈Γ(TM*⊗ u-1TN )
Norm     |du|
|du|2 =∑mi,j=1 nαβ=1 gijhαβ(u)(δuα/δxi)δuβ/δxj)
Energy density     e(u)(x) = 1/2  |du|2(x),  xM
Measure defined on from Riemannian metric g    μg
Energy     E(u) = e(u)dμg
is compact.
Space of all u     . C(MN)
Functional     E : C(MN) → R
[Additional note]
1 Vector bundle TM*⊗ u-1TN is compared with word.
2 Map du is compared with one time of word.
3 Norm |du| is compared with distance of tome.
4 Energy E(u) compared with energy of word.
5 Functional E is compared with function of word.
Substantiality / Tokyo February 27, 2005
Substantiality of Language / Tokyo February 21, 2006
Stochastic Meaning Theory 4 / Energy of Language / Tokyo July 24, 2008
Tokyo October 18 2008
Sekinan Research Field of Language


Floer Homology Language

Potential of Language

¶ Prerequisite conditions
Note 6 Homology structure of Word

(Gromov-Witten potential)

(Witten-Dijkggraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde equation)

(Structure of Frobenius manifold)
Symplectic manifold     (MwM)
Poincaré duality     < . , . >
Product     <V1°V2V3> = V1V2V3)
(MwM) has structure of Frobenius manifold over convergent domain of Gromov-Witten potential.

Mk,β (Q1, ..., Qk) = 

N(β) expresses Gromov-Witten potential.

When Mk,β (Q1, ..., Qk) is identified with language, language has potential N(β).


First designed on <energy of language> at
Tokyo April 29, 2009
Newly planned on further visibility at
Tokyo June 16, 2009

30 April 2019


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Letter to WPM. On Nerve Theory. 29 April 2021. References 1. 2. and 3. added 30 April 2021.



Letter to WPM. On Nerve Theory. 29 April 2021. References 1. 2. and 3. added 30 April 2021.


Dear WPM,

Thanks a lot to retweets of my papers.

In Japan, cherry blossoms fell in an instant at the beginning of April probably by global warning.
In  my youth days, I had loved the hills’ cherry in my town at the end of April pedalling a bicycle up a slope. Sad change in the weather lately.
I did not upload papers in this winter season to WordPress for concentratively writing a biography of Japanese excellent researcher who died early in his age 30s by cancer. I learnt French from him at university.
Biography’s title is Hananoi Kazumi and  small university on the hill.

URL is the next.

In 1970s I was in my youth and he was only eight years older than me.
He loved French language and literature especially novelist Stendhal. 
He was born at Buddhism temple and he ought to become Buddhism priest.
But he selected the road to researcher in his carrier.
He sadly died at the age 37 in 1976.

Now I am back to my main work of thinking and writing on language.
I have renewed the site SRFL Lab, new titling SRFL Lab-Nerve for Nerve Theory which was originally titled Quantum-Nerve Theory from 2018.

URL is the next. 

New Nerve Theory successes Quantum-Nerve Theory widening the theory which totally includes energy-signal- nerve through algebraic geometry mainly using the splendid results of Perelman.

Best regards,

29 April 2021
SRFL Lab-Nerve

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