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Thursday, 5 January 2023



Letter to Sebastian

Dear Sebastian,

Thanks a lot for your likes to my blogging.

I think that my papers and essays are of very narrow fields and themes, so I feel pleasant for your likes many times.

From last year Autumn to April this year, I kept on writing Essay on a researcher of French literature who died at 37 in 1976. I learnt French from him at university.

The days are 1970s and we were all young and eager to study towards future.

But everybody was in the confusion at those days after disturbance at universities.

I am also in the same situation.

I hoped to study linguistics but never found its way adequate to me . I only learnt several languages, Chinese, Korean, Russian, French and so forth.

At last my object and its way to learn were found in the end of the 20th century.

It was really a long and winding road as the Beatles sang at those days.

All were dear for me, all were thankful to the pioneers of language and mathematics.

Yours sincerely,


7 June 2021


One of pioneers of language is CHINO Eiichi 1932-2002, who studied Czech language at Czech and became authority on Old Slavic language. I learnt Russian language and the Linguistic Circle of Prague from him.

I ever wrote several essays on his memory.

Dedicated to CHINO Eiichi

Aim/Aim again
Aim 2
CHINO Eiichi and Golden Prague
Coffee shop named California
Fortuitous Meeting What CHINO Eiichi Taught Me in the Class of Linguistics
The Days of Distance  From Distance to Pseudo-Kobayashi Distance
Half farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague
Linguistic Circle of Prague
Mirror Theory
My heimat of Learning, the Linguistic Circle of Prague
Prague in 1920s
Prague, Karcevskij and CHINO Reference added
Under the Dim Light

14 June 2021


Dear Sebastian,

The relation between language and time is at first given to me from Edward Sapir’s Language 1921.

Sapir’s concept drift is still very important for me.

For more details, refer to the following paper.

Edward Sapir, Language, 1921  Revised

Edward Sapir’s Language, 1921 showed me the dynamism of language proposing the concept, drift.

Drift shows us the macro phase of natural language and I was hinted by Sapir’s this concept and proposed the micro phase of natural language. The paper ”Quantum Theory for Language” 2003 is my first total proposal paper describing the natural language’s model.


Substatiality Dedicated SAPIR Edward / 27 February 2005

5 September 2014
Sekinan Research Field of Language 

[Additional Explanation]

17 November 2019

SRFL Paper

Edward Sapir’s LANGUAGE AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF SPEECH 1921 gave me a moment for study in 1980s while I was roaming about the darkness of not- getting any aim to study on language. I ever wrote a short paper being influenced in 2005 and after also wrote a memo on his book in 2014.Substantiality / 2005

Edward Sapir, Language, 1921 / 2014A moment came from his famous concept drift. At the near-end Chapter 7 Sapir wrote the three major drifts, that were the next .“The drift toward the abolition of most case distinctions
the correlative drift toward position as an accompanied
the drift toward the invariable word

This “the three major drifts” are all apparently seen in Chinese, especially in the classical written language. At my age 20s and 30s I continuously had read Qing dynasty’s classical linguistic books and papers. WANG Guowei, ZHANG Binglin, DUAN Yucai, WANG Yinzhi were the most reliable works for me.

Read more:

This paper is unfinished.

Read more:

Papers written on Edward Sapir are listed up at the next.

From Edward Sapir’s theme  3rd Edition

  1. Warp Theory Dedicated to SAPIR Edward 2004
  2. Substantiality Dedicated to SAPIR Edward 2005
  3. Changeability To SAPIR and KARCEVSKIJ  2005
  4. Language and Spacetime Shift of Time From SAPIR Edward to KAWAMATA Yujiro 2007
  5. Edward Sapir, Language, 1921  2014
  6. Flow of Language, Heritage of WANG Guowei and Edward Sapir 2014
  7. Pioneer of language study at Gist of Sekinan Study 2015
  8. Edward Sapir gave me a moment to study language universals together with Sergej Karcevskij 2017
  9. Edward Sapir, Language, 1921 Revised 2019


18 October 2019

SRFL Paper

Read more:

15 June 2021

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