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Log 5 Quantum Linguistics Summary Review and Log 5 Quantum Linguistics 2006-2008


Sekinan Research Field of Language

Log 5 Quantum Linguistics
Summary Review 



Brief Review on this Site till January 2006
By inverted Style on Date

Quantum Linguistics
1.1 Quantum Linguistics Solidity and Flexibility 

Advocacy of Quantum Linguistics
Theoretical Stand Point at Present 
January 14, 2006
Quantum Warp Theory 
1.2.1 Folding 

Physical cause of quantum's dualism
January 8, 2006 
1.2.2 Dualism 
Phenomenon of quantum's property, frame and sentence
January 2, 2005 
1.2.3 Warp 
Cause of quantum's generation 
December 31, 2005

Robot Language 
2.1 Set Theory 
Consideration for theory's mathematical prospect
August 14 - August 23, 2005 
2.2 Robot Language 
Preparation of theory's industrial realization
October 28 – November 5, 2005 
2.3 Group Theory 
Further consideration for mathematical prospect
November 23 – December 11, 2005 
2.4 Duplicability Theory 
Careful survey for frame and sentence
Preparation for Quantum Linguistics 
December 11 – December 26, 2005

Frame-Quantum Theory 
 Frame-Quantum-Time Theory 
3.1 Descriptiveness 
Expression of frame's fixation 
March 10, 2005

Quantum Theory for Language 
4.1 Vector 
Quantum is generated from frame.
Meaning consists of proto-meaning and vector.
Sentence is analyzed to a set of proto-meaning and vector.
Vector is memorized in frame together with proto-meaning and proto- grammar.
Vector is essential basis of meaning.
March 21, 2005 
4.2 Lineation 
Quantum has lineation. Therefore quantum has not any branch.
March 11, 2005 
4.3 Ideogram 
Ideogram is a source of language.
Ideogram generates of language.
March 4, 2005 
4.4 Recognition 
Language consists of static frame and dynamic quantum.
March 4, 2005 
4.5 Frame 
The static state on language is substantial and unchangeable on paper, can, bottle and so forth.
This state is called frame of language.
The dynamic state on language is energetic and movable in human mind, electric machine and
so forth. This state is called quantum of language.
Language consists of frame and quantum.
February 27, 2005 
4.6 Substantiality 
Substantiality is a frame of language.
February 27, 2005 
4.7 Fixation 
Fixation is a root of language.
Changeability occurs from the discrimination between the language world and the real world.
February 20, 2005 
4.8 Changeability 
Quantum has a direction and a longitude.
The direction and longitude generates a meaning.
January 8, 2005 
4.9 Uniformity 
For the aim of unconditional reproduction of language, firm and uniform state of language is
demanded. November 26, 2004 
4.10 Warp Theory 
The cause of warp is supposed to be in the suspension of utterance of human being.
This suspension occurred by the proceeding of thinking in human being.
The suspension occurs inevitably in thinking, which is an entirely new stepping into our world
of idea.
October 24, 2004
4.11 Reversion Theory 
From reversion principle, one rule is derived. It is strength rule.
The real world is the standstill point of the reversion of language.
The reversion of language is the main power of integration of sentence.
September 27, 2004 
4.12 Distance Theory 
Distance theory is an extension of strength rule in the quantum theory for language.
What quanta of language propel to the end of the sentence is for the purpose of the guarantee
to language, in which quanta of language finally unite the real world in the end of propelling.
March 5, 2004 
4.13 Quantum Theory for Language 
The Chinese character is the basis of this theory.
The quantum of language is the smallest unit of language.
The quantum of language has a force.
This concept originated in the concept drift of SAPIR Edward.
August 23, 2003

On Time Property Inherent in Characters 
First, inscriptions which are original shapes of characters, in some cases, have a proceeding
time in characters themselves.
Second, on inscriptions, several aspects of various phenomena which occur on the proceeding
time in characters are sometimes shown by the images on implications.
Third, on inscriptions, several aspects which are shown by the remarkable figures transmit
the messages. 
March 28, 2003

January 14, 2006
Sekinan Research Field of Language

[Postscript July 7, 2008]
On extension of Quantum Linguistics and Quantum Warp Theory,
refer to the next.
Work Chronicle / Recent Work / Current Work

Log 5 Quantum Linguistics 2006-2008

Log 5 Quantum Linguistics


Summary Review on this Site till January 2006
By inverted Style on Date

Quantum Linguistics
1.1 Quantum Linguistics Solidity and Flexibility 

Advocacy of Quantum Linguistics 
Theoretical Stand Point at Present 
January 14, 2006 
1.2 Quantum Warp Theory 
1.2.1 Folding 

Physical cause of quantum's dualism 
January 8, 2006 
1.2.2 Dualism 
Phenomenon of quantum's property, frame and sentence 
January 2, 2005 
1.2.3 Warp 
Cause of quantum's generation 
December 31, 2005

Robot Language 
2.1 Set Theory 
Consideration for theory's mathematical prospect 
August 14 - August 23, 2005 
2.2 Robot Language 
Preparation of theory's industrial realization 
October 28 – November 5, 2005 
2.3 Group Theory 
Further consideration for mathematical prospect 
November 23 – December 11, 2005 
2.4 Duplicability Theory 
Careful survey for frame and sentence 
Preparation for Quantum Linguistics 
December 11 – December 26, 2005

Frame-Quantum Theory 
 Frame-Quantum-Time Theory 
3.1 Descriptiveness 
Expression of frame's fixation 
March 10, 2005

Quantum Theory for Language 
4.1 Vector 
Quantum is generated from frame. 
Meaning consists of proto-meaning and vector. 
Sentence is analyzed to a set of proto-meaning and vector. 
Vector is memorized in frame together with proto-meaning and proto- grammar. 
Vector is essential basis of meaning. 
March 21, 2005 
4.2 Lineation 
Quantum has lineation. Therefore quantum has not any branch. 
March 11, 2005 
4.3 Ideogram 
Ideogram is a source of language. 
Ideogram generates of language. 
March 4, 2005 
4.4 Recognition 
Language consists of static frame and dynamic quantum. 
March 4, 2005 
4.5 Frame 
The static state on language is substantial and unchangeable on paper, can, bottle and so forth. 
This state is called frame of language. 
The dynamic state on language is energetic and movable in human mind, electric machine and 
so forth. This state is called quantum of language. 
Language consists of frame and quantum. 
February 27, 2005 
4.6 Substantiality 
Substantiality is a frame of language. 
February 27, 2005 
4.7 Fixation 
Fixation is a root of language. 
Changeability occurs from the discrimination between the language world and the real world. 
February 20, 2005 
4.8 Changeability 
Quantum has a direction and a longitude. 
The direction and longitude generates a meaning. 
January 8, 2005 
4.9 Uniformity 
For the aim of unconditional reproduction of language, firm and uniform state of language is 
demanded. November 26, 2004 
4.10 Warp Theory 
The cause of warp is supposed to be in the suspension of utterance of human being. 
This suspension occurred by the proceeding of thinking in human being. 
The suspension occurs inevitably in thinking, which is an entirely new stepping into our world 
of idea. 
October 24, 2004
4.11 Reversion Theory 
From reversion principle, one rule is derived. It is strength rule. 
The real world is the standstill point of the reversion of language. 
The reversion of language is the main power of integration of sentence. 
September 27, 2004 
4.12 Distance Theory 
Distance theory is an extension of strength rule in the quantum theory for language. 
What quanta of language propel to the end of the sentence is for the purpose of the guarantee 
to language, in which quanta of language finally unite the real world in the end of propelling. 
March 5, 2004 
4.13 Quantum Theory for Language 
The Chinese character is the basis of this theory. 
The quantum of language is the smallest unit of language. 
The quantum of language has a force. 
This concept originated in the concept drift of SAPIR Edward
August 23, 2003

On Time Property Inherent in Characters 
First, inscriptions which are original shapes of characters, in some cases, have a proceeding 
time in characters themselves. 
Second, on inscriptions, several aspects of various phenomena which occur on the proceeding 
time in characters are sometimes shown by the images on implications. 
Third, on inscriptions, several aspects which are shown by the remarkable figures transmit 
the messages. 
March 28, 2003

Tokyo January 14, 2006

[Postscript July 7, 2008] 
On extension of Quantum Linguistics and Quantum Warp Theory, refer to the next.
Work Chronicle / Recent Work / Current Work

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