1 Solid tube-ring is a solid torus in which tube-shaped vacant space exists.
2 Here solid tube-ring is cut at the maximum diameter; half pipe shaped rings are consequently made from it. New generated ring has hollowed ring in the centre of cross section. The ring is called cut-tube-ring, abbreviated to CTR.
3 CTR is divided to two rings separated by hollowed ring at cross section. Two rings are called inner ring and outer ring.
4 Now CTR’s solidity is converted to fluid. Inner ring’s fluid turns clockwise and outer ring turns anticlockwise.
5 The two turns come into contact somewhere at the bottomed of half-pipe-shaped CTR.
6 CTR that has two opposite turns generates fixed point.
7 In CTR clockwise turn meets fixed point and transformed to anticlockwise turn. In the same way anticlockwise turn transformed to clockwise turn.
Grammar February 20-28, 2005 [Theme for CHINO]
8 Now fluid that has clockwise turn is called word. Fluid hat has anticlockwise turn is called sentence. Fixed point is called end of sentence.
Refer to the following paper.
Direction Tokyo November 26, 2004 [Theme for KARCEVSKIJ 1]
9 Two turns become transmission and fixed point becomes frame.
Refer to the following papers.
Frame-Quantum Theory Tokyo March 13, 2005 [Theme for KARCEVSKIJ 2]
10 Transmission that is word and sentence is dynamic and frame that is end of sentence is static.
Quantum Warp Theory Dualism Tokyo January 2, 2006 [Theme for KARCEVSKIJ 3]
11 Fixed point that is end of sentence becomes a linguistic universal for its stillness under any linguistic situations.
12 On CTR that is transformed from cube which has A-A’, B-B’ and C-C’ faces, cross section at the maximum diameter means 1-dimension, abbreviated to A-A’ face. Vertical section at any place means 2-dimension, abbreviated to B-B’ face. Centre hollow of CTR’s cut face means 3-dimension, abbreviated to C face. Outer surface of CTR is also 3-dimension, abbreviated to C’ face.
Refer to the following paper.
Tube-Ring Theory Cut and Glue Cut-tube-ring generates multi dimensional world Tokyo July 7, 2006 [Theme for DERRIDA]
13 Now fluid of CTR’s cross section A-A’ face is converted to super fluidity that turns on the surface of cross section.
Refer to the following paper.
14 From topological transformation, if there make turns on cross section’s face, inner ring and outer ring originally have same directional turns. When inner and outer rings have same directional turns, there does not generate fixed point. But inner ring’s clockwise turn has <from left C face to C’ face> vertical section in the direction of movement, while outer ring’s clockwise turn has <from left C’ face to C face> vertical section in the direction of movement. As the result, super fluidity has two opposite electron’s directions at inner and outer rings. The two opposite directions’ flows have a fixed point at somewhere bottom in CTR.
Refer to the following paper.
15 Now super fluidity’s fixed point is called a linguistic universal when CTR’s two rings’ flow is logically called word and sentence.
Refer to the following paper.
Tube-Ring Theory True and False Hierarchy of Language Tokyo July 25-28, 2006 [Theme for CHINO and Prague]
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