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Saturday, 31 August 2019

Of John Donne's For Whom the Bell Tolls Note and Note 2 added

Of John Donne's For Whom the Bell Tolls
Note added

John Donne
 For Whom the Bell Tolls

On 5 August 2019, we went to see the film Wim Wenders' Submergence 2017 at kino cinema, Tachikawa. Tokyo.

In the film, the sea and the rocks are frequently appeared as if all were born from those.
At the couple's conversation, John Donne's poem, For Whom the Bell Tolls is quoted.

No man is an ireland,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

7 August 2019
SRFL Paper

31 August 2019
In summer 2013, I wrote a Haiku at my blog as the next.
This haiku was dedicated to John Donne.
I perfectly forgot this.
Yesterday I chanced to read the past blog and remembered the day.
when I was making a woodwork in the garden and heard the bell tolled from the Buddhist temple.
So I recalled the famous Donne's poem, For Whom the Bell Tolls.


Haiku for summer’s end

For John Donne
Kanashimi ha
Kieyuku Kane he
Natsu owaru
Sadness has gone
To the bell melts away 
Summer is ending
27 August 2013

[Note 2]
31 August 2019

Haiku for summer's end was written for my high school days' best friend KANEKO Yutaka who was suddenly dead age 50s. I ever wrote his memory titled To my dear friend, KANEKO Yutaka in 2013.


To my dear friend, KANEKO Yutaka

TANAKA Akio                                                 
We were always sitting at the right end of the classroom, where the seats were near the entrance from the corridor, so classmates entered the room with  rattling noises. But we liked the seats rather satisfying. We were G class of the third year of the high school, which class was all hoped to go universities of the mathematical or science fields.
The seats were free to sit but almost determined by the personalities. Serious were sitting at the comparatively before widows sites. The seats were silent and easy to concentrate. We were also serious to the learning but liked the most bad seats that could not concentrate by the various noises for entering and out-going to the room. But we loved the seats.

KANEKO Yutaka and I first met  at this class and became best friend. He probably  hoped to go to chemistry and I was physics. He was very good at mathematics and I was ordinary at math. I sometimes asked him how to solve the hard quests of math. At that time he smiled to me and said, " there's any little paper? The problem can be written enough by such a little space."

Over the our seats, frequently flew to the end of the class where the trash can was set always filled with the calculate-papers for math and writing of English. The members of the class all were eager to solve math quests for preparing to entrance examinations to the universities. At the result they threw the used papers over us to the can. So around the can, the scraps were littered with. I was never tidy but I was the nearest one to the can, so I sometimes went to trash dump to clean the can. 

After we graduated the high school,  he studied chemistry as planned at university. But I selected language study, not physics. I also liked  philosophical or linguistic fields for their long historical heritages. What I returned to the field related with physics was already over the year 30s. My research object was narrowed to language universals using mathematical writing or physical approach.   
After half a century, he died by disease in his researching way. I have learnt same theme on language using maths way not solving any quest from 1920s' Linguistic Circle of Prague. I dream that over my head still now vain calculate-papers are being thrown to the can behind us. If I ask him to help me for solving, he will say to me wanting tiny paper to write the answer concisely with his dear smiling as ever.


1. Language, amalgamation of mathematics and physics / 13 May 2013     2. Clifford Algebra A trial for amalgamation of mathematics and physics / 20 April 2014
3. Reversion Conjecture Revised /1 May 2014


                                                     22 May 2013 Text written
                                                 20 April 2014 Reference added

                                                 8 August 2014 Reference added
                            31 August 2019 Text revised
                                            Sekinan Research Field of Language

    Read more:


    To my dear friend, KANEKO Yutaka 2019 Revised :: SRFL Paper

    To my dear friend, KANEKO Yutaka 2019 Revised :: SRFL Paper

    To my dear friend KANEKO Yutaka

    To my dear friend, KANEKO Yutaka

    TANAKA Akio                                                   
    We were always sitting at the right end of the classroom, where the seats were near the entrance from the corridor, so classmates entered the room with  rattling noises. But we liked the seats rather satisfying. We were G class of the third year of the high school, which class was all hoped to go universities of the mathematical or science fields.

    The seats were free to sit but almost determined by the personalities. Serious were sitting at the comparatively before widows sites. The seats were silent and easy to concentrate. We were also serious to the learning but liked the most bad seats that could not concentrate by the various noises for entering and out-going to the room. But we loved the seats.

    KANEKO Yutaka and I first met  at this class and became best friend. He probably  hoped to go to chemistry and I was physics. He was very good at mathematics and I was ordinary at math. I sometimes asked him how to solve the hard quests of math. At that time he smiled to me and said, " there's any little paper? The problem can be written enough by such a little space."

    Over the our seats, frequently flew to the end of the class where the trash can was set always filled with the calculate-papers for math and writing of English. The members of the class all were eager to solve math quests for preparing to entrance examinations to the universities. At the result they threw the used papers over us to the can. So around the can, the scraps were littered with. I was never tidy but I was the nearest one to the can, so I sometimes went to trash dump to clean the can. 

    After we graduated the high school,  he studied chemistry as planned at university. But I selected language study, not physics. I also liked  philosophical or linguistic fields for their long historical heritages. What I returned to the field related with physics was already over the year 30s. My research object was narrowed to language universals using mathematical writing or physical approach.   

    After half a century, he died by disease in his researching way. I have learnt same theme on language using maths way not solving any quest from 1920s' Linguistic Circle of Prague. I dream that over my head still now vain calculate-papers are being thrown to the can behind us. If I ask him to help me for solving, he will say to me wanting tiny paper to write the answer concisely with his dear smiling as ever.


    1. Language, amalgamation of mathematics and physics / 13 May 2013     2. Clifford Algebra A trial for amalgamation of mathematics and physics / 20 April 2014
    3. Reversion Conjecture Revised /1 May 2014


                                                       22 May 2013 Text written
                                                   20 April 2014 Reference added

                                                   8 August 2014 Reference added
                              31 August 2019 Text revised
                                              Sekinan Research Field of Language

      Of John Donne's For Whom the Bell Tolls Note added

      Of John Donne's For Whom the Bell Tolls
      Note added

      John Donne
       For Whom the Bell Tolls

      On 5 August 2019, we went to see the film Wim Wenders' Submergence 2017 at kino cinema, Tachikawa. Tokyo.

      In the film, the sea and the rocks are frequently appeared as if all were born from those.
      At the couple's conversation, John Donne's poem, For Whom the Bell Tolls is quoted.

      No man is an ireland,
      Entire of itself.
      Each is a piece of the continent,
      A part of the main.
      If a clod be washed away by the sea,
      Europe is the less.
      As well as if a promontory were.
      As well as if a manor of thine own
      Or of thine friend's were.
      Each man's death diminishes me,
      For I am involved in mankind.
      Therefore, send not to know
      For whom the bell tolls,
      It tolls for thee.

      7 August 2019
      SRFL Paper

      31 August 2019
      In summer 2013, I wrote a Haiku at my blog as the next.
      This haiku was dedicated to John Donne.
      I perfectly forgot this.
      Yesterday I chanced to read the past blog and remembered the day.
      when I was making a woodwork in the garden and heard the bell tolled from the Buddhist temple.
      So I recalled the famous Donne's poem, For Whom the Bell Tolls.


      Haiku for summer’s end

      For John Donne
      TANAKA Akio
      Kanashimi ha
      Kieyuku Kane he
      Natsu owaru
      Sadness has gone
      To the bell melts away 
      Summer is ending
      27 August 2013


      Friday, 30 August 2019

      Haiku for summer’s end 2013

      Haiku for summer’s end

      For John Donne

      TANAKA Akio
      Kanashimi ha
      Kieyuku Kane he
      Natsu owaru
      Sadness has gone
      To the bell melts away 
      Summer is ending
      27 August 2013
      The Belfry of Todaiji Temple, Nara, Japan, since a.d.745
      World Heritage

      Woodwork is my happiness, floor lamp 2013

      Woodwork is my happiness, floor lamp

      Floor lamp named “Lodge”
      How do you think on this lamp’s shape, fine or queer?
      This summer we have very hot days and heavy rains, frequently hearing ” the severest in history” all over Japan from south to north. In my home air conditioner is equipped three in main room but one more settled preventing the hot days’ continuance. So we use more frequently the ground floor room than the first floors. So I thought to make a new floor lamp for the ground floor using the short chips at making the garden house, bench and flower shelf.
      When I combine the chips for the covering the lamp, wife said that such  queer- shaped woods are suitable to the lamp. Before she said to me, I myself questioned the finish shape. But human being is great. While I combine the chips from left to right and the next from right to left at last from under to upper or its reverse, the shape was gradually rather suitable to the floor lamp. Wife,  seeing my long and hard struggle (against great difficulties) said to me “You work fine, you have a good talent of art”. Really? All the shapes of this lamp is derived from the chips. I have not any art talent bu if this lamp be fine outer,  it shows a little talent of art, because I had cut the woods as if I would prepare the future lamp’s  style.
      Further more one unexpected effect I must tell the reader of this blog, it is the wooden effect to the inner lamp itself. When come the night, we turn on the lamp, its spread light is so soft and mild, for which we are very comfortable and relaxed as though we spend a calm night at the highlands lodge where we frequently visited. So wife called this lamp “Lodge at the highlands”.
      The lamp’s image is “Lodge”. Is it proper?
      The light shows gentle and soft image in the room.
      The lamp sends a fine dim light to the ceiling.



      Today I and wife went to Hanno, Saitama that is located at the next to my home town, north-west of Tokyo . The city was the very intimate place for some dear fiends of high school days.
      We were always play in home town in the long vacations of summer, winter and spring, but sometimes using bicycles we went to Hanno to play the baseball at the city ground and see the Iruma River that flows the centre part of the city and rarely learnt the vacation work at the old city library alike a tiny elementary school building.
      Along the bicycle road used to go and back, fantastic silver grasses were calmly swaying in the Autumn wind. We ran fast the slope road seeing the rail road at right side. Occasionally  we met the diesel train.
      Today I went there with wife, with whom I went camping or barbecue at the river side far old days together with two children. Now they are already growing up and working in the central Tokyo. I and wife are enough old and feel tranquil seeing the river and the hills behind.
      When the children were very young, we let them buy some confectioneries at the river side tiny shops that are still remain in the same old style. The time flew fast and all afar went. The river is only sparkling with same beauty.
      5 October 2012

      Old Shops in Home town

      Old Shops in Home town 
      TANAKA Akio
      My home town belongs Metropolis Tokyo, located at the west suburb, some 40 km afar. I was born and  grew up here, so many tiny shops were very intimate and to them I have dear feelings.
      There are some old shops still now, where in the boy’s days I bought the daily use things for being ordered by mother sometimes from father. The remained styles of them are now all off-painted wall, unreadable signboards and rough roofs. Nowadays people including with my family always go to the big supermarket or shopping mall having very wide parking lots. Old main roads and shops decline day by day. It is surely modern social phenomenon. But we that know the ever busy conditions of the shops, feel very sad and lonesome.
      Glossary shop unopened now
      Tokyo 30 October 2012, Sekinan Library

      Thursday, 29 August 2019

      To Winter 4 Eve

      4 Eve
      4 前夜

      雨になりそうな天気だったが、Aは工芸展を見に行くのに、Iを誘った。  都市線をK駅で降りて簡単に食事を済ませてから、大通りへ出た。 ―このまえ一緒に来たのはいつだったかしら? Iは遠くをふりかえるように言う。 ―いつだったろう、ほかの人とは来なかったの? ―たまにはそうしたいけど、だめみたいね。  Aを見て彼女はほほえむ。  降りはじめたが、傘をさすほどでもない。 天使のやさしさで振る雨。 ―こんな日に誘ってわるかったね。 ―そんなことない。うれしかったわ。 以前よりあかるくなった彼女を見ると、ほっとする。 通りにはいろんな看板が見える。 左手奥にたしか老舗の海苔店がある。  ―今日はかえりに海苔を買いたいな。 ―海苔? ―少しだけいい海苔を食べてみたい。ほかにおかずもいらないし。 ―そんな食事ばかりなの? ―朝はね。夕食はちゃんとつくるよ。 通りの窓に、雨の都市で語らう人たちが映し出される。 工芸展はM百貨店で毎年秋に行なわれていた。 ―十日くらいで終わってしまうと、なかなか見に来れないものだね。 ―誘ってもらってよかったわ。 ―ひとりで来ようか、すこしまよったんだよ。 ―ありがとう。 傘をさす人はほとんどいない。  二人が再会して、三度目の冬がまもなく来る。こんなにしばしば会うようになったのは、比較的最近のことだ。  AがG市に移ってからはS駅に出やすくなったので、むかしよく行っていたK書店にまたときどき出かけるようになった。そこでI と再会した。  車と人がしだいに増えてきた。  中心街へ入ってくると、点灯した車のライトがまぶしい。建物が高くなってきた。二人の頭上には、はなやかな、赤と紺の地に金で 縁取りされた小旗が歩道に沿って飾りつけられ、それがずっと先まで続いている。 ―祝祭の前夜のようだね。 iii 何に対しての前夜だったのか、自分がその中にいるとおもった日々が、かつて確かにあった。 ―前夜? ―そう、前の日の夜。 ―クリスマスのような。 ―そんなすてきなものじゃなかった。でもきっと、なにかを待っていたんだろうね、自分なりに。 ―なにを待っていたの? Iの髪に車の光が移って行く。 ―もうよくおもいだせないけど、たぶん、やすらかな自分をかな、へんな言い方だね。 ―そんなことない。私はもっとだめだったから。 ―でもなにも来なかった、たぶん。 祝祭は遂に来なかったのかと、あらためておもう。 こまかな雨が行く人の肩をぬらしている。 ―それでもなんとかなったんだね。こうしているから。  いつからか祝祭を待つおもいは消えた。あるいは祝祭も前夜も、知らぬ間に過ぎて行ったのかもしれない。 二人が、というより二人を含む何人かがともに大きなテーブルを囲んで学んでいたころから、もう遠いところに来ていた。 ―Yが亡くなったのか。 Iはだまってうなずく。 再会したK書店を出て、立ち話をしているうちに、Yが亡くなったことを伝えられた。Aは彼の死を知らなかった。 ―いい人ははやく逝ってしまう。  言語学のほとんどすべてをを教えてくれたCも早く逝った。塔と橋のある古い都市をこよなく愛したC。彼が書き残したものの中に 「カルパチアの月」というのがあった。 彼は記す、会議を終えてキエフを発し、カルパチアの山に月と教会を見て、ひたすら西へ向かい、スロバキア、モラビア、ボヘミア を過ぎ、遂に「黄金のプラハへと着いた」と。彼の青春であったプラハ。 あれほどの言語を自在に駆使しながら、彼からもうその逸話を聞くこともできない。新聞は 彼の死を、小さな見出しで言語学の天才 と報じた。 夕ぐれにはまだ時間があるのに、イルミネーションが灯り始めた。雨がこまかく降っている。M百貨店も右手前方にあかるく光って いる。 ―帰りにコーヒーを飲んでいかない? 手前の新しそうな店を見ながら、Iが言った

      To Winter RI ko 2015

       冬へ                                                  里行

      背の高い建物群が青緑色に見える。都市線の高架の下を南北に広い道路が走り、そこをゆっくりと路面電車が進んで行く。駅を降り て歩道をすこし南に行くと、Aの住まいに着く。一階はブリキ屋で外付けの階段を上った二階に住んでいる。物置のように使われてい たところを住まいにかえただけの殺風景な部屋だが、窓が道路に面した東と、駅の方の北に取ってあって明るい。 彼が初めてこの駅で降りたとき、曇り空の下にくすんだ高い建物が背景となった風景になんとなく惹かれて、歩き始めてすぐに目に ついた貸家の張り紙のままに、「トタン・ブリキ製造」と看板があるガラス戸を開けて、その場で部屋を借りることにした。 駅からここまで来る途中の路面電車の中継基地とでも言うのか、そこから道路に向かって電車が出て行く光景が今も初めて見たとき のように好きだ。線路は赤く錆びていて、車輪の当たるところだけが、銀色に光っている。電車はいつも道路に向かってカーブしてい くときにギシギシときしんだ音を立てた。 彼はここから都市線に乗って仕事に行く。仕事は倉庫での仕分けで、見た目ほどの力仕事でなく、作業は明確だ。乾物系の食料品と 日常の家庭雑貨を、注文先の伝票に合わせて仕分けして台車に載せていく。納入先は町のスーパーなどが主だ。倉庫の中は夏でも涼し いが、秋も深まるとコンクリートの床が底冷えするようになる。その代わりに昼休みの日光浴がなんとも快い。ときどきそのためにこ の仕事で働いているのかとおもうくらいだ。年上の同僚のSとは気が合っていて、なんでも気楽に話せる。 ―いまどきブリキ屋とはめずらしいね。 住まいの話になったとき、Sがなんだかなつかしそうに言った。 ―いや私が勝手にそう言っているだけで、最近は銅板をたたいていることが多いです。 ―というと、お寺の屋根かなんかかな。 ―それはわかりません。いつもおそくまで仕事をしてます。でもきっとそうかもしれません。 主人と二人の若者が黙々と仕事をしている。ときどき裏のトラックに出来上がったものを積んでいる。 ―それでその町が好きなのか。 ―いい町ですよ。ずっと住んでいてもいいくらいです。 ―おれはもうずっといなかに住んでいるから、都会はだめだ。 ―都会といえるほどじゃないですけど。 ―でも高い建物があるんだろ。 ―駅のむこうですが。高架線のむこうは高い建物なのに、こっちはむかしのままの家が多くて。そこを路面電車がきしみながら進んで 行くんです。 ―そこをずうっと行くと古本屋街に着くんだったな。 ―そう、それもよくて。 午後の休憩のときの会話。あと一息で一日が終わる。 ―こないだ、彼岸のものを入れたとおもったらもう十三夜か。 納入品で季節の推移がわかる。 ―Aさん、片見月はいけないというのは知ってるかい? ―一応。十五夜をやったら、十三夜もやらないといけないということでしたっけ? ―そう、若いのによく知ってるね。 もうそんな年でもないと、Aはおもう。 Sは五十代後半、いろいろなことをよく知っているし、人生をたのしみながら生きている。春は花見、秋は紅葉を奥さんと見に行く 。 それをまたたのしそうに話してくれる。釣りも好きで、よくわからないAに、こまかく話してくれる。 ―しかし釣りも仕事をしてないと、おもしろくないな。 ―そうですか。 ―まえに、自分の仕事を廃業したとき、毎日釣りをしたが、あまりおもしろくなかった。 Sはむかし電気店をしていたが、それをやめてから、いくつかの仕事を経て、いまの仕事となった。そのへんのこともよく話してく れる。船のロープを作っている会社で働いていたことや、トラックの集積場で働いていたことなど。どの話もいつも淡々と話してくれ る。 ―船のロープってどういうのですか? 初めてその話を聞いたとき、まっさきにたずねたことだった。 ―そりゃあ、いろいろさ。それを注文にあわせて切っていく。これがなかなかたいへんでね。たとえば荷揚げ用のロープとか 、頑丈で ね。 ふたりはこうして倉庫に行き着いたのか、とAはおもった。

      For more reading

      Sekinan Archaeology ​of Language

      Sekinan Archaeology ​of Language

      27 December 2015

      18 August 2019 Renewed

      Archaeology of a youth who had pursued language

      To Winter   RI Ko   PDF Contents  2015
      To Winter  English Precise Heading  2015

      Archaeology of Model
      Language Universal Models  2012  

      For LEVI-STRAUSS Claude Supplemented

      Monday, 26 August 2019

      Language Universal Models

      Language Universal Models  

      Posted on May 19, 2015 
      1. Repeated Integral Model
      1.1 Hyperbolic volume Volume of Language
      1.2 Hyperbolic space Hyperbolic Space Language

      2. Minimal Model
      2.1 Free group Notes for KARVESKIJ Sergej, “Du dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique”
      2.2 Fundamental group Description of Language
      2.3 de Rham complex Structure of Word
      2.4 de Rham complex on spherical surface Condition of Meaning

      3. Knot Theory Model
      3.1 Hida deformation space Loop Time f Character

      4. Jones-Witten Theory Model
      4.1 Witten invariant Symmetry of Language

      5. Moduli Model
      5.1 Projective algebraic manifold Completion of Language
      5.2 Projective algebraic manifold Meaning Minimum of Language

      6. Arithmetic Geometry Model
      6.1 Riemann-Roch Formula Language, Word, Distance, Meaning and Meaning Minimum
      7. Projective Space Model
      7.1 Grothendieck theorem Vector Bundle Model

      8. Diophantine Approximation Model-Diophantine Language
      8.1 Faltings theorem Finiteness of Words
      8.2 Noguchi, Winkelmann theorem Dimension of Words

      January 25, 2012
      February 1, 2012 Added
      Sekinan Research Field of Language