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Friday, 30 August 2019

Woodwork is my happiness, floor lamp 2013

Woodwork is my happiness, floor lamp

Floor lamp named “Lodge”
How do you think on this lamp’s shape, fine or queer?
This summer we have very hot days and heavy rains, frequently hearing ” the severest in history” all over Japan from south to north. In my home air conditioner is equipped three in main room but one more settled preventing the hot days’ continuance. So we use more frequently the ground floor room than the first floors. So I thought to make a new floor lamp for the ground floor using the short chips at making the garden house, bench and flower shelf.
When I combine the chips for the covering the lamp, wife said that such  queer- shaped woods are suitable to the lamp. Before she said to me, I myself questioned the finish shape. But human being is great. While I combine the chips from left to right and the next from right to left at last from under to upper or its reverse, the shape was gradually rather suitable to the floor lamp. Wife,  seeing my long and hard struggle (against great difficulties) said to me “You work fine, you have a good talent of art”. Really? All the shapes of this lamp is derived from the chips. I have not any art talent bu if this lamp be fine outer,  it shows a little talent of art, because I had cut the woods as if I would prepare the future lamp’s  style.
Further more one unexpected effect I must tell the reader of this blog, it is the wooden effect to the inner lamp itself. When come the night, we turn on the lamp, its spread light is so soft and mild, for which we are very comfortable and relaxed as though we spend a calm night at the highlands lodge where we frequently visited. So wife called this lamp “Lodge at the highlands”.
The lamp’s image is “Lodge”. Is it proper?
The light shows gentle and soft image in the room.
The lamp sends a fine dim light to the ceiling.

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