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Friday, 4 October 2019

Letter to C. To the most important nerve's analysis, eyesight cannot get any minute information

Dear C.,

I have studied on language using mathematical description.
But I have not any interest usual linguistics because of its ambiguity, for example, generative grammar, that probably cannot be expressed by mathematics.

Now I really hope that the most ambiguous natural language must be expressed by contemporary rigid mathematics for further use to human, one is medical science.

If medical image or photo can be analysed by mathematics, it will become more accurate and useful for patients and doctors. Geometry or algebraic geometry is probably one of the nearest ways for the purpose.

Now at the forefront of medicine for the image analysis, pattern recognitions are statistically gathered and classified. But they are all depended on human visual sensation, ambiguous and easy to misinterpret.

All the more, to the most important nerve's analysis, eyesight cannot get any minute information from the image or photo.

Over algebraic geometry, algebra or arithmetic is the very intimatest with computer systems.

One route:
Nerve-photo-image analysis-mathematics- computer-machine language-natural language-doctor-patient

An elementary trial sample:
What is signal?
Its contents:

For the paper, refer to the next site.
Please also refer to the next two letters.
Please publish brand new concepts for human from you that has long brilliant career of science.


T. A.

3 May 2019

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