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Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Place where Quantum of Language Exists 2004

Place where Quantum of Language Exists
1            Quantum of language is the smallest unit of language.
2            Quantum of language moves linearly on the floor of language.
3            Linear movement is the properties of quantum.
4            Floor of language is on the space of language.
5            The space of language is two dimensions.
6            Two dimensions are horizontal and vertical.
7            Horizontal movement makes word, #1
8            Vertical movement makes sentence. #1
9            The space of language is electrical digitized place.
10        Chinese /jiao shi/ means classroom in English. 
11        /Jiao/ is a quantum of language.
12        /Shi/ is a quantum of language.
13        /Jiao shi/ is a word.
14        /Jiao/ sends a quantum to /shi/ quantum.
15        /Shi/ quantum receives a quantum from /jiao/ quantum.
16        What sends quantum is called positive.
17        What receives quantum is called negative.
18        Quantum has positive energy in original condition.
19        Quantum changes negative in the situation of quanta set.
20        Quantum change occurs in two situations in general.
21        One situation is what quanta stand side by side on a floor and neighboring quanta connect well. #2
22        The other situation is what quant change oneself by the non-use of quanta meaning in language history progress. #2
23        Word has a positive- negative construction.
24        Positive-negative construction occurs on a floor.
25        Sentence has a positive-positive construction.
26        Positive-positive construction occurs on different floors.
27        The latter quantum transfers on a different floor. This transfer is called <jump>.†
28        Quantum has electrical energy which flows to the electrical zero level.
29        Electrical zero level is a sentence end where quantum of language ideally accord with the real world. #3
30        A floor of language is a non-branches electrical circuit.
31        Word is a non-branch circuit.
32        Sentence is a branch circuit.
33        The meaning of word and sentence is a compound system of electrical signals.
#1 Definition of word and sentence can be seen in the paper Method of Linguistics and other papers on the site of Sekinan Research Field of Language /
#2 Definition of connect well can be seen in the paper of “Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis” and other papers on the site of SRFL.
#3 Definition of sentence end can be seen in the paper “Mirror Theory”“Mirror Language” and other papers on the site of SRFL.
Tokyo July 18, 2004
Sekinan Research Field of Language
[Referential note November 9, 2007]
<Place where Quantum of Language Exists> is related with the next papers on the concept.

<Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented>  
  1. Brane Simplified Model <Continuation of Escalator Language> 2 Distance   Tokyo October 26, 2007
<Quantum Theory for Language>
  1. On Time Property Inherent in Characters   Hakuba March 28, 2003
  2. Quantum Theory for language Synopsis   Tokyo January 15, 2004
  3. Reversion Theory Tokyo September 27, 2004
  4. Prague Theory Dedicated to KARCEVSKIJ, PRAGUE and CHINO   Tokyo October 2, 2004
  5. Mirror Theory For the Structure of Prayer   Dedicated to the Memory of CHINO Eiichi   Tokyo June 5, 2004
  6. Mirror Language   Tokyo June 10, 2004
  7. Guarantee of Language For LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude   Tokyo June 12, 2004
  8. Actual Language and Imaginary Language To LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude    Tokyo September 23, 2004


[Referential note February 9, 2008]
† Concept <jump> of /27/ is thinkable in connection with <quantum group’s parameter q> at the paper Kac-Moody Lie Algebra / Quantum Group /.
Refer to the next.
  1. Kac-Moody Lie Algebra / Quantum Group / February 9, 2008

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