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Tuesday, 18 April 2023

1970s' Dream and Realised by CHINO Eiichi



1970s' Dream Note and Note 2 added 2019

1970s' Dream

1970s' dream, writing clear description on language universals by mathematics

The Days of Ideogram
​​​4. Time property in characters

In Autumn 2002 I got pneumonia and was hospitalized about 2 weeks, where I thought of 1970s' dream, writing clear description on language universals by mathematics. The theme was as hard as ever. So, at the bed I thought the basis of language from a side of Chinese character's classical approach which had vast heritage till Qing dynasty.
I directed my attention to the character's figure which had compound meanings containing time elements continuing from Yin dynasty's hieroglyphic characters left on bones and tortoise carapaces some 2400 years ago.
I thought that Chinese characters had containing time and its structure could be written by geometric approach once I had abandoned for difficulty. After leaving hospital, I wrote a paper titled On Time Property Inherent in Characters*3-1.   


13 October 2019
SRFL Paper

1970s' Dream is a part of Paper titled The Days of Ideogram,
which is a paper of  Ideogram Paper.

Ideogram Paper


1. Ideogram 2005
2. Egyptian Hieroglyph Exhibition, Journey through the Afterlife Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead by The British Museum 2012
Macro Time and Micro Time  2013
4. Essence of Language 2016
5. The Days of Decipherment 2016
6The Days of Ideogram 2017
7. The Days of Ideogram 2017
8. The comparison between 2003 and 2017
From Chinese character's meaning structure to Homological algebraic model of language universals
9. Letter to Y.  Toward geometrization of language 2018
10. Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th edition 2018
11. Determination of the concept, Broad Language 2018
Ars longa Seeing Masterpieces o f French Landscape Paintings from the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow 2018 

26 May 2018
8 June 2018 Paper 9 added
​12 June 2018 Paper 3 added

Sekinan Zoho


Note 2
13 October 2019
SRFL Paper

1970s' Dream was realized by the reunion to CHINO Eiichi in 1979 at my return to the university after faculty graduate in 1971.
The first meeting with CHINO is in 1969 at his Russian language class.

Fortuitous Meeting
What CHINO Eiichi Taught Me in the Class of Linguistics 


CHINO taught me the core of linguistics in the class of structural linguistics.
The most remarkable thing is what he explained the paper of KARCEVSKIJ to us.
The title is “Du dualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique”. It became a miracle of my life.
 I summarize the essence of the paper from one of CHINO’s most major book,Gengogaku eno hirakareta tobira, Janua linguarum reserata in Latin. Language has the dualism.
One is firm structure. The other is flexible variability.
This is a very revelation in the roaming of study.
At first I selected the firmness of language for my research target.
It overlapped with the research of Chinese characters.
Thought of KARCEVSKIJ fructified the quantum of language.
The theory I reached is Quantum Theory for Language.
The starting point of the theory was given from CHINO.
I deeply appreciate him for teaching me almost all the things on language. 
CHINO Eiich died March 19, 2002.
At age 70.

December 5, 2004
July 16, 2014 Added
Sekinan Research Field of Language 

​Linguistic Circle of Prague 

The Linguistic Circle of Prague was taught from CHINO Eiichi in his class of Structural Linguistics in the late 1970s. We first met at the university in 1969. He was young, probably the age 30s. I was 21 years old.

Now referring his chronological record, CHINO was born in 1932, graduated Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in 1955, entered Carrel University at Czechoslovakia in 1958 and returned to Japan in 1964. So we met after 5 years from his returning. 

Sometimes we conversed at the coffee shop near the station we used. California, it was the name of the shop, up the rattled stairs, under the dim light. It was the youth time of mine and probably with him.The greatest thing he gave me was teaching me the existence of KARCEVSKIJ Sergei in the Linguistic Circle of Prague. My latter half life was almost determined by KARCEVSKIJ's one paper, " Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique" .
One day on the train after school, he calmly but definitely said to me that he never was linguist because he never discovered any new language or law and he only was the introducer to general linguistics.

Now I really think that I am also never linguist nor introducer. I only love language, so have written on language or its around  till now. CHINO taught me the the study or rather more deep attitude  to the life itself.
Regretfully he died in 2002, age 70.

He wrote several books on linguistics. The masterpiece that I confirmed is Janua Linguisticae reserata, 1994, that is the general invitation to linguistics for further studying of wide and deep view.

The title was determined by the famous book of Jan Amos Komensky 1592-1670Janua Linguarum reserata 1632Here I feel CHINO's deep love to the history and culture to Czechoslovakia where he studied for Czech in 7 years. 

[Note added]
I frequently heard on Linguistic Circle of Prague (LCP) from CHINO. But now standing in the twilight of my learning, I have not understood anything about it essentially, that had probably much more heritage for contemporary language study than my thinking. I already old and  can never start to cultivate the new frontier on LCP  or its successive study. Only saying is what I really recognise that LCP and Russian philology is the heimat of my language study. It is and will be  the heimat of my soul evermore. 19 July 2012 

13 July 2012
19 July 2012 Note added
Sekinan Research Field of Language

My Heimat of Learning, the Linguistic Circle of Prague   

TANAKA Akio                                          

My heimat of learning is the Linguistic Circle of Prague on which I was taught from my teacher CHINO Eiichi.
Sadly he died almost suddenly by disease in 2002 at age 70.

After a decade, I am now already 65 and near his later year days. When we met and told at the university or station-front old coffee shop, he had been a researcher and I had been a student all the time, and maybe sometimes been a younger friend.

If we meet again,  we will be the researcher-student relation same as old days but or this time only become friends that are absorbed in language problems under the dim light of a narrow coffee-shop.

3 October 2012

Refer to the next.

Coffee shop named California
Linguistic Circle of Prague
Prague in 1920s
Under the Dim Light 

Since 1979 I again learnt from CHINO on Linguistics especially on Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij.

Under the Dim Light

I frequently talked with CHINO Eiichi at the coffee shop near the station we used to get on. The shop was at the second floor and the steps upstairs always sounded squeaking. Under the dim light the topics of conversation was on language or linguistics after all. He was already the university professor but I was a poor research student. But he was always showed me the general tenderness.
The subject he gave me were impressive and useful for me, in which the most important is the history of The Linguistic Circle of Prague and the excellent pioneers of language study. He had of course the unique approach to the study but I had never any conspicuous one except boundless interest on the study.
In his wide and precious telling for me I gradually determined my course to proceed. It was the making of basic and radical foundation on natural language by searching the structure of language through simple and clear description. For keeping this difficult aim I had a decision that there was only way to use mathematics that I had abandoned at the past for its hardness.
In my age 20s, I had read Ludwig Wittgenstein and Nicolas Bourbaki in concentrating. I did not clearly understand  Wittgenstein's approach. But I borrowed his writing style that was simple and clear. So my early work's descriptions were nearly at him. But I decided that I never adopted strongly-intuitive thinking.
I always considered mathematical basis or analogy. My aim was the independence from the intuitive description. Keeping on this course, there was seen the mathematical basis that I must adopt the model in which language universals are clearly described. I entered to the mathematical description of study that was confirmed premises of my way.

1 August 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Related papers with About 2
  1. Sergej Karcevskij, Soul of Language
  2. Follower of Sergej Karcevskij
  3. For KARCEVSKIJ Sergej
  4. Linguistic Circle of Prague
  5. Half Farewell to LCP with References
  6. Prague in 1920s
  7. 40 years passed from I read WANG Guowei
  8. The Complete Works of WANG Guowei
  9. For WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig Revised
  10. The Days of von Neumann Algebra
  11. The Days between von Neumann Algebra and Complex Manifold Deformation Theory

2 February 2016
Geometrization Language

This Essay is unfinished.

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