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Friday, 14 April 2023

Appendix from The 30th Anniversary of Sekinan Library Memorial Essay


Tuesday, 26 April 2022


Language between Sergej Karcevskij and string theory, one century's trace
The 30th Anniversary of Sekinan Library Memorial Essay

1. Chronicle
  1. Chronicle / 2015
2. Tree
  1. Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper Sixth Edition / 2015
3. Story
  1. To Winter / 2015
  2. 10 Extracts from Story, To Winter, 2015



  1. On Time Property Inherent in Characters
  1. Algebraic Linguistics
  1. CLifford Algebra
  2. Energy Distance Theory
  3. Functional Analysis
  4. Holomorphic Meaning Theory
  5. Kac-Moody Lie Algebra 
  6. Operator Algebra
  7. Reversion Analysis Theory
  8. Stochastic Meaning Theory
  9. von Neumann Algebra
  10. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory 

  1. Complex Manifold Deformation Theory
  2. Language Manifold Theory
  3. Topological Group Language Theory
  4. Symplectic Language Theory
  5. Floer Homology Language
  6. Arithmetic Geometry Language

  1. Imaginary Language
  2. Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej
  3. Time of WANG Guowei
  4. Stable and Unstable of Language

  1. Projective Space Model
  2. Diophantine Language
  3. Hyperbolic Language
  4. Grassmann Language
  5. Grassmann Language 2
  6. Birational Language
  7. Dual Language
  8. Infinite Loop Space Language

  1. Homotopy Language         
  2. Operad Meaning Theory
  3. Arithmetic Geometry Language 2

  1.  Algebraic Geometry Language 

  1. Flow, Time and Dimension of Language
  2. Energy of language

  1. Derived Category Language

  1. What facts do Three Conjectures for Dimension, Synthesis and Reversion show us?
  2. How is the time alive in language?
  3. The days when I was thinking of Energy Distance Theory
  4. Why is boundary necessary in language?
  5. Where is the change's power or energy?
  6. Why do you think that language has structure?​

  1. The Days of Decipherment / 2016
  2. The Days of Distance / 2012
  3. The Days of Sekinan Library / 2015
  4. The days between von Neumann Algebra and Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / 2015
  5. The Days of von Neumann Algebra / 2015
  6. The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory / 2015
  7. The Time of Language / 2012
  8. The Time of Quantum / 2008
  9. The Time of WANG Guowei / 2011
  10. The Time of Wittgenstein / 2012
  1. LITTLE Williams et al. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford. 1933.  Revised 1958.  Tradition of Dictionary / 2012  
     2. KANNO Michiaki. JIgen. Tokyo. 1923.
  1. DUAN Yucai:  Suowenjiezi. Reprint Edition. Taibei. 1972. Prague Theory Dedicated to KARCEVSKIJ, PRAGUE and CHINO / 2004 
  2. WANG Guowei. WANG Guowei Quanji Riji. Beijing. 1978. The Complete Works of WANG Guowei, Revised / 2016
  3. JAKOBSON Roman and WAUGH Linda. THE SOUND SHAPE OF LANGUAGE. Indiana. 1979. Roman Jakobson / 2012
  4. SAPIR Edward, Language. 1921Substantiality Dedicated to SAPIR Edward / 2005 Edward Sapir&s Language, 1921 / 2014
  1. PASCAL Blaise. PENSEES. Translated and Introduction by A.J. Krailsheimer. PENGUIN BOOKS. 1966. Macro Time and Micro Time / 2013
  2. WITTGENSTEIN Ludwig. TRACTATUS LOGICO-PHILOSOPHICUS. Translated by C.K.Ogden. 1922. Dover edition. 1999. Citation from Ludwig Wittgenstein / 2012
  3. SHAKESPEARE William. THE COMPLETE WORKS. Oxford. 1988. Henry the Fourth, For SAEKI Shizuto and Shakespeare / 2012.
  1. NAMBU Yoichiro. Development of Particle Physics. Tokyo. 2009.
  1. FUKAYA Kenji. Symplectic Geometry. Tokyo. 2008. 
  2. TAKEUCHI Gaishi.  
  3. TODA Yukinobu. Several problems on derived category of coherent sheaf. Tokyo. 2016. Bridge across mathematics and physics / Revised / 2016
  1. Sekinan Search
2. Zoho
  1. Sekinan Zoho
3. Essay
  1. SRFL Essay. top page. Search site window
4. Paper
  1. SRFL Paper. top page. Search site window
5. Essay and Paper
  1. Sekinan Table
  2. SRFL News

1. Site
  1. Sekinan Archive
  2. Sekinan Comment
  3. Sekinan Library
  4. SRFL Collection
  5. SRFL Essay
  6. SRFL Paper
2. Twitter

   1. Sekinan Library 

It  is used for the outer essays and papers of Sekinan Library's sites.

1. File
  1. File / 2003-2007
  2. Zoho wiki index / 2016
  3. SRFL Essay. top-page Search site-window / 2015-2016
  4. SRFL Paper. top-page Search site-window / 2015-2016
2. Person
  1. BOURBAKI Nicolas
  2. CHADWICK John
  3. CHEN Donhai
  4. CHINO Eiichi
  5. CHO Shokichi
  6. CHOMSKY Noam
  7. DUAN Yucai
  8. FUKAYA Kenji
  9. Godel Kurt
  10. JAKOBSON Roman
  11. KAJIMURA Hideki
  12. KANEKO Yutaka
  13. KARCEVSKIJ Sergej
  14. KARLGREN Bernhard
  15. KONTSEVICH Maxim
  16. KURATA Reijiro
  17. LITTLE Williams
  18. MURAVIJOVA Natary
  19. NAMBU Yoichiro
  20. NISHI Junzo
  21. ONO Shinobu
  22. PASCAL Blaise
  23. PENROSE Roger
  24. SAEKI Shizuto
  25. SAITO Kohei
  26. SAPIR Edward
  27. SHAKESPEARE William
  28. SINAI Yakob G.
  29. SONTAG Susan
  31. TAKEUCHI Gaishi
  32. TAN Sitong
  33. TANIYAMA Yutaka
  34. TODA Yukinobu
  35. TOMONAGA Shin-ichiro
  36. VENTRIS Michael
  37. von NEUMANN John 
  38. WANG Guowei
  39. WANG Niansun
  40. WANG Yinzhi
  41. WAUGH Linda
3. Place
  1. Hakuba
  2. Kanda
  3. Linguistic Circle of Prague
  4. Prague
  5. Sekinan Library
  6. SRFL
  7. Tachikawa
  8. Ueno
4. Book
  1. Grammata Setica Recensa
  2. Guantangjilin
  3. Laozi
  4. Pansees
  5. Shuowenjiezi-zhu
  6. The Authenticity and nature of the Tso Chuan
  9. Yi-jing

5. Term
  1. algebraic
  2. amalgamation
  3. category
  4. conjectures
  5. description
  6. dimension
  7. disposition
  8. elements
  9. energy
  10. faq
  11. flow
  12. genealogical tree
  13. jiaguwen
  14. language universals
  15. Linear B
  16. meaning minimum
  17. model
  18. set theory
  19. Small study
  20. stability
  21. themes
  22. time in word
  23. Xiaoxue
6. Japanese Edition Essay
  1. Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language / 2003
  2. Story, To Winter / 2015
  3. 10 Extracts from Story, To Winter / 2015
  1. Coffee shop named California 
  2. Winter comes as if grace arrives  
  3. Generation and extinction of quantum in the field space   
  4. Canal, saint and wandering is over now
  5. CHINO Eiichi and Prague 
  6. Finiteness of 3 dimensional standard flop and shutting up to finite 3 dimensional world of language from infinite 4 dimensional world
  7. Non-symmetry, 1920s' Prague and Sergej Karcevskij   
  8. From Hodge diamond of mirror symmetry by KONTSEVICH to mirror language
  9. Quantum space through Poisson manifold's deformation quantization by Kontsevich
  10. From Gromov-Witten invariant to quantum cohomology ring and Gromov-Witten potential, in the centre considered homological mirror symmetry

7. Paper
  1. assumption
  2. connection
  3. discreteness
  4. distance
  5. generation
  6. lineation
  7. manuscript
  8. mirror
  9. potential
  10. quantization
  11. reversion
  12. stability
  13. substantiality
  14. synthesis
  15. time property
16 August 2016 - 16 September 2016

Sekinan Library

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