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Letter to WPM On the Root of Language. 22 February 2020


Letter to WPM On the Root of Language. 22 February 2020

Letter to WPM On the Root of Language. 22 February 2020

Dear WPM,
22 February 2020
Thanks a lot for rapid RTs of Sekinan View’s today posts.
The theme, root of language is rather latest work for me.
I have dealt with the theme tied up language universals so far, but this theme’s definition is vague and boundless.
Several factors are surely countable, for example, distance, arrangement, dimension and so forth, but by them language are cutted off on one side.
So through keeping the entirety of language, I decided to approach the essence of language and have been led to signal, which is seemed to exist in all of language phenomena, and in many signals around us, I selected nerve of human being, which has been fancied for long time.
I ever referred to it at a paper titled Macro Time and Micro Time, taking up the relation between human being and inner signal as natural language in 2013.
The short all text is the following.

Macro Time and Micro Time
24 July 2013

Through natural language, in human being, occurred the electrical signal by eye or ear. These complex situations are beyond this paper’s limits.
Language is a physical object as signal and its transmission. At this circumstances, language must be recognised to be the existence that has finite time.
An apple on the desk gradually becomes rotten by passing the time very after the crop in the orchard. #0
Like an apple, language has passing physical time in oneself.
Language is metamorphosed  by the time progressing.  #1
Language includes the outer world from human being to universe. At this declaration, I recall Blaise  Pascal’s Pensées. XXXIII. PROOFS OF JESUS CHRIST 308 The infinite distance between body and mind symbolizes the infinitely more infinite distance between mind and charity, for charity is supernatural. (Translated by A.J. Krailsheimer, 1966) #2
Language’s time goes freely from the present to the future or the present to the past. #3
Language symbolises the time from finiteness to infinity. #4
Human being recognises this vast language world perfectly. #5

PASCAL PENSÉES. Translated with an introduction by A.J. Krailsheimer. PENGUIN BOOKS 1966.
Escalator language and Time For SHINRAN’s Idea and BODHISATTVA / Escalator Language Theory / December 16, 2006 / Sekinan Research Field of Language
To be continued.

In this paper, I pointed out the existence of the electrical signal by eye or ear, but never floated the nerve itself as signal. 
What I felt an imminent  importance of nerve was at the hospital where my wife was hospitalized for a month as  evaluation of her disease.
When I waited her examination of body’s rolling of centre of gravity at the inspecting room, I saw a explanation of the exam, in which showing the illustration of rolling.
At that time I felt that if this illustration could be transferred to clear language expression, it would be very useful for the patients.
It was the real start of the paper, What is Signal? and it was continued as a title, Quantum- Nerve Theory.

Dear WPM,
It is a simple explanation of The Root of Language.


22 fEBRUARY 2020

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