Clifford Algebra Note 5 TOMONAGA's Super Multi-time Theory. PDF Text added
Note 5
TOMONAGA’s Super Multi-time Theory
1 <Schrödinger equation>
State vector ψ
Time t
Electromagnetic field A
Hamiltonian H
ψ( t) = Hψ( t), ψ(0) = ψ (1)
2 <Dirac’s paraphrase of Schrödinger equation >
Coordinate x
Momentum p
Electron N in number
Electromagnetic field A
H-em Electromagnetic field Hamiltonian
[ H-em +
Hn ( x n, p n, A ( x n) ) +
] ψ( t) = 0 (2)
3 <Representation by unitary transformation>
u( t) = exp{
H-emt }
A ( x n, t) = u( t) A ( x n) u( t) -1
Φ( t) = u( t) ψ( t)
Hn ( x n, p n, A ( x n, t) ) +
] Φ( t) = 0 (3)
4 < Dirac’s multi-time theory- Time variant in number N >
[ Hn ( x n, p n, A ( x n, tn) ) +
] Φ( x1, t 1; … ; xN, tN ) = 0 (4)
5 <Tomonaga’s representation of electromagnetic field>
Unitary transformation
U ( t) = exp {
( H 1 + H 2 ) t }
Schrödinger equation
[ H 1 + H 2 + H1 2+
] ψ( t) = 0
Independent time variant txyz at each point in space
[ H 12 ( x, y, z, txyz ) +
] Φ( t) = 0 (5)
6 < Tomonaga’s super multi-time theory>
Super curved surface C
Point on C P
4-dimensional volume’s transformation of C
Infinite small variation of state vector Φ[ C] = Φ[ Txyz]
Φ[ C]
[ H 12 ( P ) +
] Φ[ C] = 0 (6)
<Past work on multi-time themes>
Aurora Theory / Dictoron, Time and Symmetry <Language Multi-Time Conjecture> / Tokyo October 6, 2006
<For more details>
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Clifford Algebra Note 5 TOMONAGA's Super Multi-time Theory
27 February 2018
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