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Friday, 23 June 2023

QNT Paper Total


QNT Paper Total


QNT Basis

Quantum Language between Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Generation of Word 2008 adding their days and after A conclusion for the present on early papers of Sekinan Library. 2018

08/05/2020 19:16

The Complete Works of WANG Guowei, Revised. 2012

06/05/2020 22:31

To Winter. RI Ko. 2015. 3 Inscription of ancient China. Translated by Google translate 2020

06/05/2020 19:08

Letter to Y. Toward geometrization of language 8 January 2018. Translated by Google translate 2020

05/05/2020 22:47

To Winter RI Ko. 14 John Peabody Harrington, Roman Jakobson, FUKAYA Kenji, Maxim Kontsevich, ZHANG BInglin and Roger Penrose 14 Description of Language. 2015. Translated by Google translate 2020

05/05/2020 18:29

Sayama Assumption on Language. 2012

05/05/2020 18:28

​Letter to O and Letter to Y. 2018

04/05/2020 19:21

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Newly revised edition with Note, Note 2 and Note 3. 2003-2019. Original Japanese Edition

03/05/2020 19:34

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language Newly revised edition with Note, Note 2 and Note 3. 2003-2019. Translated by Google translate 2020

03/05/2020 19:29

Prague in 1920s

26/04/2020 17:36

To Distance Theory and Reversion Theory / At the campus of university Abstract from The letter to O. again. 2 January 2018

26/04/2020 17:21

Letter to WPL Abstract from 4 February 2020

25/04/2020 22:55

1960s, 1970s, KIYOOKA Takayuki' poem, Quantum Theory for Language 2004 and Quantum-Nerve Theory 2020 / P.S. 3 8 February 2020

25/04/2020 22:36

What is signal? A mathematical model of nerve 2018-2019 and Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003. Note 2, 2 May 2019

25/04/2020 22:33

Sixties, Luxun or Maodun, CHINO Eiichi Russian and KAJIMURA Hideki Korean and MAEDA Yoichi French. Note, 30 November 2014

25/04/2020 22:29

French Symbolism, Martinet, Bourbaki and Sergej Karcevskij. Note, 28 October 2014

25/04/2020 22:24

Language and Spacetime Time Flow in Word For KOHARI Akihiro and His Time

24/04/2020 22:29

Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 5th Edition

09/04/2020 20:02

Distance Theory Historical Review

07/04/2020 23:03

Hyperbolic Language Connection of Words. 2012-2020

07/04/2020 22:56

Distance of Word

07/04/2020 22:37

How is the time alive in language?

05/04/2020 19:51

Manuscript of Quantum Theory for Language 2003-2019 Newly revised edition with Note 3

02/04/2020 19:39

Essence of Language Seeing the exhibition TREASURES OF ANCIENT GREECE, Tokyo National Museum

18/03/2020 22:24

Farewell to Language Universals

18/03/2020 19:40

Half Farewell to Sergej Karcevskij and the Linguistic Circle of Prague with References

18/03/2020 19:39

Letter to WPM On the Root of Language. 23 February 2020

11/03/2020 19:15

The days when I was thinking on Energy Distance Theory 2014

11/03/2020 17:39

From Edward Sapir's theme 3rd Edition. 2019

11/03/2020 17:35

Ideogram Paper 1-16 With Addition

11/03/2020 16:39

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