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Tuesday, 21 January 2025

A little about the change of the times 2018. Translated by Google 2025


A little about the change of the times

07/06/2018 23:11

Dear Y.,
Thank you for coming all the way on Saturday.
It`s great to see progress and change and to be entering a new year.
Now onto today's main topic: changing times.
usually post about 20-30 tweets a week and 100-200 tweets a month on Twitter.
There has been a slight change since last year, and sometimes the number exceeds 1,000 .
These are generally papers that, from my perspective, seem important, and are a little different from mechanical access.
The number of hits for Dimension of Language, which I introduced on Twitter on December 24th, 2017, is 3,940 as of today, January 8th, and the Note Add Edition version released on December 30th has had 2,441 hits, for a total of over 6,300 .
This essay is about how, assuming that dimensions exist inherently in language, this situation can be expressed mathematically, and is probably of little relevance to the average person.
I understand that the idea of ​​dimension is attractive to many people, but most people would not think .
I have regularly posted similar articles on my website in the past, but they have received little response.
The simplest example of language involving dimensions is that of a Möbius strip.
Canada's Fields Institute started following me around spring of last year , so that may have had some influence, but looking at Blogger statistics, my reach extends to Africa and South America .
It seems that the mathematical expression of something as inconsequential as the dimensions of language has begun to interest certain members of our society .
In my opinion, the 21st century is the century of language, and visual language , such as the characters we see on our PCs, is one example of this.
I wrote a little about language and letters last spring.
The importance of letters is also mentioned in a paper published in the summer of 2013, which describes the historical situation of letters in relation to the decipherment of the Greek alphabet .
In a Möbius strip, dimensions only have meaning if you assume the existence of time .
In other words, dimensions only have meaning when you move through them in the same direction in time.
My idea of ​​language, or rather the notion of time inherent in writing, began when I was in my twenties, in the early 1970s, when I read a paper by Wang Guowei , an undisputed genius of modern China .
However, in order for me to write an extension of this, I needed to use a mathematical expression, so it took more than 30 years.
Wang Guowei's paper states that the oracle bone inscription of the character 渡  depicts a boat traveling back and forth between the two banks of a river, and that from this the character 常  came to have the meaning of temporal permanence, " ."
In other words, the letters indicate the passage of time.
Historically, ideograms disappeared early in the West, so they had almost no connection to our Eastern sense of letters.
However, in recent years , visual elements have become more prominent, such as visual characters represented by PCs, emojis, LATEX , etc.
Some have even said that LATEX is one of the 20 greatest discoveries in history.
The emoji for an "emergency exit," which has come to be used worldwide, also expresses the temporal action of " escape ."
Just by looking at a few of these, the notion of time inherent in language may have provided some insight for some people in linguistics and other fields .
But for me, philosophical statements do not have universality, and for absolutely needed mathematics.
In my case, my first real encounter with mathematics was through the French group of mathematicians called Bo urbaki, also in the 1970s.
Bourbaki brought about .
At the same time, I worked hard on Kruto Gödel's incompleteness theorem, which fundamentally questioned the meaning of set theory, which was rapidly gaining popularity at the time, and the consistency of theory.
In this regard, the essays of Takeuchi Gaishi, who was a friend of Gödel, were a good guide.
However, in set theory and mathematical foundations, I felt that the mathematical expressions in the language I was thinking of were still not sufficient, partly due to my own lack of ability at the time .
I feel that it was probably after 1980 that mathematics evolved to the point where it could broadly and deeply .
The combined efforts of countless mathematicians had somehow come to yield great, perhaps unexpected, benefits.
I also followed the developments in modern mathematics, and in the process I met Eiichi , who told me about the Linguistic Circle of Prague and its central figure, Sergej Karcevskij.
This was a crucial turning point for me.
The days I spent talking with Chino in the creaky California coffee shop on the second floor were priceless to me and irreplaceable.
However, it took another 20 years from 1980 to express this direction in a way that suited me, that is, as algebraic geometry .
It was around the time of my 2006 discussion of von Neumann algebra that my direction began to bear fruit in the form of a mathematical expression .
The main papers from this point on will be written in quite detail on several Zoho sites.
The major trends from 2003 to the present are outlined in the following essay .
And now I'm thinking about the geometrization of language.
Now that statistical image analysis is being used in fields such as medicine, theoretical papers like mine may begin to .
But that is not my original intention, I am just pursuing my favourite subject
language universals, which is my life's goal.
I've explained this in a hurry, so it may be hard to understand, but
In conclusion, I feel that a situation has arisen in the last one or two years where theoretical, abstract papers like those I have written are being read by a small number of people.
Perhaps the times have made people feel that they need me a little.
To conclude this email I feel that it is important to continue research with a certain degree of long-term perspective, while also dealing with the immediate necessary requirements.
I think it's important not to chase the times, but to follow your own free inclinations and move forward .
I wanted to talk to you about that, but I was busy that day, so I decided to write you an email .
I hope you stay healthy and successful.
Thank you so much for everything the other day.
Please take care of your health.
January 8th

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