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Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Quantum Linguistics Nature of Quantum Toward Realization of Quantum Language Machine 2006

 Quantum Linguistics

Nature of Quantum
Toward Realization of Quantum Language Machine

1 Natural-language, natural-word and natural-sentence is the basis of quantum linguistics. These four are abbreviated to NLNW, NS and QL.
2 Natural-word and natural-sentence have the notations, namely /   / and [   ].
3 LanguageWord and sentence are used on quantum linguistics, namely QL.
4 In QL, word is the fundamental of language. Word has a universe that is called word universe, abbreviated to WU.WU is one of growing universes.
5 In QL, sentence is an expanded concept of word.
6 Word and Sentence have the notations, namely //   // and [[   ]].
7 In QL, language consists of quanta.
8 In QL, quantum consists of frame and transmission.
9 In QL, Quantum has physical nature.
10 In QL, the demonstration of the linguistic theory is realized by quantum language machine. The machine is abbreviated to QLM.
11 In QLM, language has substantiality.
12 In QLM, word universe, namely WU, fulfils a pivotal role.  
13 In QLM, For instance, NS [I have a book] is transmitted to WU //I//, //have//, //a// and //book//.
14 In QLM, WU //I//, //have//, //a// and //book// is transmitted to sentence that is shown as [[IhaveABook]].
15 NS [I have a book] is solid as frame. WU //I//, //have//, //a// and //book// is flexible as transmission. Sentence [[IhaveABook]] is again solid as frame.
16 Language has lineation.
See the paper Lineation March11, 2005.
17 Language has substantiality.
18 Language has fixation.
19 Language has changeability.
20 Language has uniformity.
21 Language has vector
See the paper Vector March 21, 2005.
22 Language has propelling energy that afar corresponds with SAPIR’s concept drift.
23 Language has grammar. Grammar works in transmission.
Also see the paper Grammar February 28, 2005.
24 Grammar is the connection rule of language.
Also see the next papers.
25 Connection is seemed to be worked by the mechanism in quantum.
See the next trial papers.
26 Connection is a main theme of quantum theory.
See the next trial papers.
27 Quantum has the nature of dualism. Dualism is a theoretical theme of KARCEVSKIJ.
See the next trial papers.
28 Dualism is the physical nature of quantum in QLM. Dualism of language will be clearly obtained in quantum mechanics.

29 Dualism of language is frame and transmission in QL.
Natural-word of natural-language, namely NW of NL, contains elements of frame and transmission.
30 In quantum gates, rotation gate simultaneously prepares both frame and transmission in QL that simulates NL.
One input of solid word in NL is outputted as two outputs that are solid frame and variable transmission in QL.
One input of solid situation simultaneously prepares both solid duplicability and variable generation in QL.
 In QL, duplicability makes frameable dictionary that keeps old concept in NL.
 In QL, generation makes transmissionary word that brings new concept in NL.
31 In quantum gates, all the information is expressed by unitary transformation for quantum calculation.      
32 In rotation gate, separated dictionary and word are again unified to one output.
33 In rotation gate, frame and transmission of QL is shown by situation folded.
34 In quantum gates, controlled NOT gate prepares both input and output as situation folded.
35 In QL, word universe, namely WU, that keeps the situation folded, grows from definite natural-word, namely NW, to infinite WU.
36 Definite NL guarantees infinite QL in substantiality of physical mechanics.

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