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Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Disposition of Language 2014


Disposition of Language

At this paper, disposition means arrangement at language.


Language probably possesses the disposition not to disturb the thinking of human being.
Now  I cannot find any clue for entering this difficult theme. What I  know is that I can show some examples for the wonder of the disposition of language as the following.

Chinese classical writing form is one variation of vast forms of languages. It is strictly depending the disposition as the following.
The upper example shows the strict direction rule to read from left to right.
If this rule is neglected and the below example to read from right to left,

Disposition 1.
Language has direction.

I ever wrote a trial paper titled "Direction" in 2004, that is dedicated to Sergej Karcevskij.

  1. Direction / For KARCEVSKIJ Sergej / 26 November 2004


Language frequently shows True-false problem like "The Crete's lie".
The details are shown at the papers in SRFL's library.

  1. True-false problem of the Crete / The example of what language has structure / 22 July 2013
  2. Supposition on Dimension / 25 October 2013 (One of the kernel papers on Disposition till now)
Disposition 2.
Language has dimension.


Language is said to be changeable like "old meaning" and "new meaning".
If this changeability be true, from where one meaning becomes "old" and becomes "new".
This situation hints me the existence of basic point in language.

Disposition 3.
Language has basic point.


At Disposition 3. the difference between "old meaning " and "new meaning" is supposed to be shown by the distance from the basic point.

Disposition 4.
Language has distance.


Language's disposition seems to be macro rule but also shows the phases of the micro rule like the description of "meaning"at Disposition 4. The example is the following.

  1. Condition of Meaning / Notes for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej / 11 September 2011


Results till present

Disposition  shows the clear and linear development of human thinking from the so called chaos situation of human brain's inner events. But I do not deal with the situation related with inner events. I only deal with the outer and statistic situation being accomplished as language. Several concepts in mathematics are probably useful to describe the disposition, such as oriented, dimension, cardinal point, distance  and so forth. Some phases have been studied using mainly algebraic algebra at the Zoho sites of SRFL. Details are shown at the below. 

  1. Zoho Past / SRFL Sekinan research Field of Language / 2008 2013
  2. Zoho Now / SRFL Sekinan Research Field of Language / 2013- 2014


Study after this

I would challenge Disposition 1. Direction because this field seems to be related with group theory, especially with finitely generated group and its surroundings or development, for example Bers-Thurston conjecture, "All the infinitely generated Klein group is algebraic limit of geometrical infinite group".

12 September 2014
Sekinan Research Field of Language


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