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Friday, 28 February 2025

​Description to Complex Manifold Deformation Theory



For language study, its theoretical  description is a very important role for understandability and clarity of the paper. Till my age 30s , I had never been satisfied with my way to study and write. Philosophical and philological methods have been felt somewhere ambiguous and unreliable to proceed sensitive research of language.

My great turn occurred at the relearning of mathematics, especially geometrical algebra. In the past 1970s, I was also one of the many influenced students from Bourbaki, that was the brightest star in the universe of minute and rigorous road to the destination. But my poor way was always unevenness and wide deep fog was surrounded in the vast field in front of mine. 

What at last I  arrived at the gate of confirmed style was the beginning of the 21st century. At that time I wrote several trial papers related with language universals but still never had been satisfied for their ambiguity and intensive styles. My next crux came at my study of new wave of algebraic geometry, complex manifold deformation at 2008. Its result became some papers named Complex Manifold Deformation Theory. This was the very fresh and clear way to study language for me.

Conjecture A
1. Distance of Word
2. Reflection of Word
3. Uniqueness of Word
4. Amplitude of Meaning Minimum
5. Time of Word
6. Orbit of Word
Conjecture B
1.  Map between Words
2.  Understandability of Language

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