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Friday, 28 February 2025

Fixation 2005



1 Quantum of language is a fixed unit of language.
2 Being fixed is a condition of keeping construction at generating quantum to the language world.
3 Fixation is a root of language.
4 Quantum of language is expressed by the slashes.
5 Quantum of language has two factors, meaning and time.
6 The factor in a quantum is being fixed and not changeable.
7 Meaning and time are able to be digitized suitably for positioning. A part of materialization, see the paper of Positioning of Quantum.
8 Quantum /ri/ means sun in English, possessed time is eternity. Time’s gradations and classifications are technologically arranged in accordance with the theories. 
9 Quantum /yue/ means moon in English, possessed time is eternity.
10 Quantum /ri/ and /yue/ unite each other and generate a new quantum /ming/, which means bright in English. Possessed time is not eternal. Its time is being limited. Its gradation and classification belongs to ‘modification and degree’. See the upper mentioned paper Positioning of Quantum.
11 A newly generated quantum’ factors are also fixed.
12 Arrangement /ming/ and /ri/ make a word in accordance with <connection rule>.
13 Arrangement /ri/ and /ming/ make a sentence in accordance with <separation rule>.
14 In the process of connection and separation, any change does not occur on the factors of quanta.
15 The movement of quanta is named <drift>. See the paper of Changeability.
16 One process of connection and separation is named a <small drift>.
17 A <small drift> generates a <grammar>.
18 <Grammar> is changeable.
19 Changeability occurs from the longitude between the two quanta.
20 A short time factor has a short longitude. A long time factor has a long longitude. Refer to the paper of Reversion Theory.
21 A connective <small drift> has a short longitude.
22 A separate <small drift> has a long longitude.
23 The discrimination of longitude is a kernel of change in language.
24 The end of <small drift> is an end of a sentence.
25 The place where <small drift> ends is bordered on the real world.
26 The place where <small drift> ends is in a coordinate system.
27 One language world is in a coordinate system.
28 A coordinate system moves under the influence of the real world.
29 The movement of a coordinate system is named a <big drift>.
30 A <big drift> generates a <vocabulary>.
31 <Vocabulary> is changeable.
32 Changeability occurs from the discrimination between the language world and the real world.

Tokyo February 20, 2005
Sekinan Research Field of Language

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