Energy Distance Theory Conjecture 2 Geometry of Word
Conjecture 2
Geometry of Word
Word is infinite cyclic group.
(Preissmann’s theorem)
When (M, g) is connected Riemann manifold and sectional curvature of M is always KM < 0, non-trivial commutative subset of functional group of M, π1(M) always becomes infinite cyclic group.
Preparatory proposition for Preissmann’s theorem
(Proposition 1)
When (M, g) and (N, h) are compact Riemann manifold and N is non-positive curvature KN≤0, arbitrary continuous map f ∈C0(M, N) is free homotopic with harmonic map u∞∈C∞(M, N).
(Proposition 2)
When M is compact Riemann manifold, Ricci tensor of M is positive semidefinite RicM≥0 , N is non-positive curvature KN≤0, and harmonic map is u : M→N, the next is concluded.
When N is negative curvature KN<0, u is constant map or map of u coincides with map of closed geodesic line.
Consideration for the theorem and propositions
m-dimensional C∞ class manifold M
Point of M x
Tangent space of x TxM
Inner product of TxM gx
Coordinate neighborhood of M U
Local coordinate system of U (x1, …, xm)
Function gij : gx ( (∂/∂xi)x, (∂/∂xj)x), 1≤i, j≤m
gij is C∞ class function over U.
Family of inner product g = {gx}x∈M
g is called Riemannian metric.
When M has g, (M, g) is called Riemannian manifold.
Riemann manifold (M, g)
M’s C∞ class vector field X (M)
Linear connection of M ∇
X, Y, Z∈X(M)
What ∇ and X, Y, Z uniquely satisfy the next is called Levi-Civita connection.
(i) Xg(Y, Z) = g(∇XY, Z) + g(Y, ∇XZ)
(ii) ∇XY -∇YX = [X, Y]
m-dimensional Riemann manifold (M, g) M
Levi-Civita connection of M ∇
X, Y∈X
R(X, Y) : = ∇X∇Y - ∇Y∇X - ∇[X, Y]
Map R : = X(M) ×X(M)×X(M) → X(M)
R(X, Y, Z) : = R(X, Y)Z
R is called curvature tensor of M.
2-dimensional subspace of tangent space TxM σ
σ’s normal orthogonal basis on gx {v, w} {v’, w’}
K(v, w) = R(x)(v, w, w, v) = gx(R(x)(v, w)w, v)
v’ = cosθv + sinθw, w’ = ∓sinθv±cosθw (double sign directly used)
K(σ) : = R(x)(v, w, w, v) = R(x)(v’, w’, w’, v’)
K(σ) is called sectional curvature.
<Example of word’s infinite cycle is shown by the bellow.>
<On minimum unit of meaning, refer to the next.>
To be continued
Tokyo November 23, 2008
[Reference November 30, 2008]
[Reference November 30, 2008]
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