Sunday 30 November 2014

Farsight of Andre Martinet / 16 July 2012, Title changed 30 November 2014

Farsight of Andre Martinet 

Reread Andre Martinet’s ELEMENTS DE LINGUISTIQUE GENERALE, 1970. When I was a student in 1970s, the book was already determined the established reputation. Now at rereading, I confirmed that one of his most concerned thing was the amalgamation of moneme, which is still radically never solved . But by his approach or any other similar approached researchers, Martinet-like style of studying is very difficult to progress. I have taken the another way to think on the themes influenced from KARCEVSKIJ Sergej by using the mathematical methods, especially algebraic geometry.
Recent result on the relation between characters and time in language is shown below.
16 July 2012
On WANG Guowei, refer to the next.

21 January 2013 added

30 November 2014
Title changed from Read Andre Martinet to Farsight of Andre Martinet.
For Andre Martinet's farsight of the concept, "
the amalgamation of moneme".
My recent result is the following.


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