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Monday, 20 August 2018

Tale To Winter 2015 English Precise Heading

To Winter  2015
English Precise Heading

1 Tram 
The northern part of Central Tokyo, Tram for old bookstore street

2 Print
Fireworks moving up in the print

3 Inscription of ancient China
Kanda old bookshop streets at central Tokyo, Inscriptions on animal bones and tortoise carapaces, WANG Guowei, Renjian Cihua, DUAN Yucai, Shuowenjiezi 

4 The eve
Japan Craft Object Exhibition,  Nihonbashi, Mitsukoshi department store, Linguistics, Kinokuniya Bookshop, CHINO Eiichi

5 Fireworks 
Essence of fireworks

6 Bulbul
Japanese autumn rain

7 Warehouse 
Work at the warehouse

8 HAYASHI Inao, WANG Bi, OSHIKA Ken-ichi, Ludwig Wittgenstein, George Kingsley Zipf, Kurt Godel and CHINO Eiichi
Laozi zhu, WANG Bi, HAYASHI Inao, The supreme god in old China, OSHIKA Ken-ichi, Teichmuller space, Finiteness theorem, Finite group, language universals, Foundation of mathematics, Kurt Godel, Incompleteness theorem, UENO Kenji, MORITA Shigeyuki, Complex structure transformation and cycle,  Lie of the Crete, Mobius band,  Ludwig  Wittgenstein, George Kingsley Zipf, Law of Ziph, CHINO Eiichi, Janua Linguisticae Reserata,  Inner structure of language, Set theory, Figure, algebra, time, Zhuanzhu, End of wandering

9 Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov 
Dark vowel and light vowel in Russian, Teach yourself series

10 Quantum
Writing by Tex, Physics' verification and mathematics' theory, Making model, freedom in research 

11 Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
OKA Kiyoshi, NAKAYA Jiujiro, MATANO Hiroshi, Discreteness on Time and space, Language model, NISHIJIMA Kazuhiko, Erwin Schrodinger, The Schrodinger equation, Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, TOMONAGA Shin-ichiro, National New Art Centre, Amedeo Modigriani  

12 Amedeo Modigliani 
KAWADA Junzo, Non letter world, Open judgement, " The road is Far,  but the sun does not set down", Claude Monet

13 Poem of Yuan Dynasty 
Yuanqu,  MA Quyuan

14 John Peabody Harrington, Roman Jakobson, FUKAYA Kenji, Maxim Kontsevich, ZHANG BInglin and Roger Penrose
Dreamweaver, Expression Web,Office, Zoho, La Tex, SugarSync,  John Peabody Harrington, American- Indian language, FUKAYA Kenji, Roman Jakobson, Semantic minimum, Meaning minimum, Invariant, Quantum cohomology ring, Gromov-Witten potential, Maxim Kontsevich, Homological mirror symmetry, ZHANG Binglin, Wenshi, Roger Penrose, Aurora Theory, Language is aurora dancing above us, SAEKI Shizuto

15 Why Human Time Flows Fast and Slow on Occasion 
Aurora Theory, Why Human Time Flows Fast and Slow in Occasion, Gauss plane, Riemann surface, Photon

16 Stephen William Hawking, Sergej Karcevskij, Janos Killar, MORI Shigefumi and Vsevolod Mikhajlovich Garshin 
Prayer, Mirror, Riemann surface, MInkowski space, Mirror language,FUKAYA Kenji, Mirror symmetry, Hodge diamond, Prague in 1920s, Magazine TCLP, Dualism, Sergej Karcevskij, Quantization, Maxim Kontsevich, Transformative quantization of Poisson manifold, Janos Killar, MORI Shigefumi, Vsevolod Mikhajlovich Garshin, Old Testament, The Book of Daniel
17 Winter comes as grace falls 
Junkudo bookshop, TANIYAMA Yutaka, Fermat's  theorem

20 August 2018
Sekinan Archive

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