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Friday, 3 August 2018

History of SRFL 2015

History of SRFL

History of SRFL
  • SRFL started originally as a study library named Sekinan Library at Tachikawa, Tokyo in 1986 .From that time on,  several sites have been made  for the various research activity, In learning days of 1970s, Kurt Godel and Nicolas Bourbaki were strong admiration of keeping the study. 
  • In 1980s, the heart of activity was study of Chinese ancient hieroglph influenced by the Qing Dynasty's scholar WANG Guowei. But last time of 80s, research turned to the basic factors of language, gradually putting language universals in shape.
  • In 1990s, Great turn came to th study. Linguistic Circle of Prague in 1920s and its member Sergej Karcevskij definitely opened the direction for the vast and ambiguous approach to the study of language universals. All the hints were given from CHINO Eiichi who had studied on the Slavs at Carrel University between 1958 and 1967. I first met him at his Russian class in 1969. He was 37 and I was 21.
  • Since 2000s language universals has became the core theme of study using and arrangring the contemporary resuls of mathematics, esdpetially algebraic geometry that sufficiently reflects the intuitive and concrete images of thinking on complexed language's phenomena. In 2008 Zoho site sekinanlogos was started up for mathematical expression. 
17 August 2015

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