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Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Birational Language Elements of Word

Birational Language

Elements of Word

1, Proposition
Weighted projective space  is birationally equivalent with projective space  .
2. Proposition
Weighted hyperplane  is isomorphic to Weighted projective space  .
3. Proposition
Weighted projective space  is one-to-one correspondent with quotient space  .
Here G is finite Abellian group to ptrojective space .
4. Definition
The next  is hyperplane defined by equation  .
Here coordinate system  of linear space V is called homogenious coordinate system of projective space  .
5. Interpretation
Language:= projective space  .
Word:=Weighted hyperplane  .
Elements of word:=coordinate system  of linear space V .
6. Conclution
When elements of word is given at linear space, language is defined at projective space using birational equivalence.

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