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Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Through Models to Language Universals

Through Models to Language Universals

                       TANAKA Akio                                     
Language universals are essentially pursued through natural language.
I pursue language universals through language models described by mathematics.
The reason is depended on natural language's nature that is partially pointed out at the paper, Presupposition on Natural Language 2012.
On natural language, at least, even word cannot be defined by my study level.
My main target pursuing language in at letters or characters that are stable and recordable, furthermore remained language's original images especially at Chinese characters.
Models can be written by adequate mathematical description using adequate theorems already established in the history of mathematics.
Kurt Godel and Nicolas Bourbaki made the mile stones for application to the humane studies.
Described mathematical models are reflecting some part of natural language.
If a certain theorem is  effective to pseudo-language universals,  the theorem probably should be newly rewritten or constructed in the space of natural language. Its situation are perfectly unknown  in my present study stage.
For example, paper, Loop Time of Character 2011 describes the relationship between character and its time. From these presuppositions, meaning of word is defined by mathematics. But the situation of presuppositions does not become clear viewpoint in mathematics and natural language.

                                                         25 August 2012

                                       Sekinan Research Field of Language

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