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Thursday, 28 March 2013

Mirror Language

There are two languages in the language world.                                                         
One is real language, the other is mirror language.
Real language has distance in the real world.
Mirror language has distance in the mirror world.
Typical real language is a cooking language.
There is a recipe in the kitchen.
A person cooks by the recipe, later delicious dishes put on the table.
Here the recipe is in real language.
Delicious dishes are in the real world.
Typical mirror language is a pray language.
A person prays to god in a shrine, later he verifies God’s help.
Here pray is in mirror language.
Verified God’s help is in the mirror world.
Quanta of real language have distance from the real world.
Quanta of mirror language have distance from the mirror world.
In real language starting point of distance is a quantum on a linear orbit, and ending point of distance is a standstill point of a sentence.
In mirror language starting point of distance is a mirror image point of a quantum on a linear orbit, and ending point of distance is a standstill point of a sentence.
Mirror image point is a plane symmetrical point about a standstill point of a sentence.
Standstill point is a symmetrical plane.
Real language and mirror language are both physically speak and read in the real world.
But distances are absolutely separated.
The distance of real language is real.
The distance of mirror language is imaginary.
Quanta of real language finally go to the real world.
They have real distance.
Quanta of mirror language also go to the real world.
They have imaginary distance.
They approach to the real world from mirror world.
Distance of real language is shown by the real number.
Distance of mirror language is shown by the imaginary number.
When real language and mirror language are mixed, they are, at first, all in the mirror language. And finally they go to the real world.
For example, the sentence- /God/ /saves/ /me/, it is at first in the mirror language for /god/. And words-/saves//me/ return to the real world for their reality.
Second example, a sentence-/I//pray// god/, it is also at first in the mirror language for /god/. And words-/I/ /pray/ return to the real world.
Each distance has strength.
Longer distance is stronger than shorter distance.
Probably /god/ is a quantum that has the strongest distance in the world.
For details about strength, see <strength rule> in <Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis>.
The concept of mirror will be useful for the linguistic examination of religious field in anthropology.


Tokyo June 10, 2004
Sekinan Research Field of Language

[Referential note June 5, 2009]

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