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Saturday, 30 March 2013

Complex Manifold Deformation Theory 5 Time of Word

Complex Manifold Deformation Theory

5 Time of Word

Word has time.

¶Mathematics is a view in which I freely appreciate objects as if I see flowers, mountains and vigorous port towns at dawn. 
Kähler manifold     X
Kähler form     w
A certain constant     c
Cohomology class of w     2πc1(X)
Kähler metric     g
Real C function     f
X (ef- 1)wn = 0
Ric(w) -wf
Monge-Ampère equation
(Equation 1)

Use continuity method
(Equation 1-2)

Kähler form     w' = w +  f
Ric(w') = tw' + (1-t)w'
I = {  }

 is differential over t.
Ding's functional     Fw

There exists constant that is unrelated with t.
When utis the solution of equation 1-2, the next is satisfied.
Proper of Ding's functional is defined by the next.
 Arbitrary constant     K 
Point sequence of arbitrary P(X, w)K     {ui}

When Fw is proper, there exists Kähler-Einstein metric.

¶ Impression is developed from the view.
 If word is expressed by u , language is expressed by Fw and comprehension of human being is expressed by C, what language is totally comprehended by human being is guaranteed.
Refere to the next paper.
#Guarantee of Language
If language is expressed by being properly generated, distance of language is expressed by Kähler-Einstein metric and time of language is expressed by t, all the situation of language is basically expressed by (Equation1-2).
Refer to the next paper.
#Distance Theory
If inherent time of word is expressed by t's [δ, 1], dynamism of meaning minimum is mathematically formulated by Monge-Ampère equation.
Refer to the next papers.
#1<For inherent time>
On Time Property Inherent in Characters
#2<For meaningminimum>
From Cell to Manifold
#3<For meaning minimum's finiteness>
Amplitude of Meaning Minimum

Tokyo December 23, 2008

Sekinan Research Field of language

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