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Monday, 5 January 2015

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Note 2 Polydisk Bridge between Ring and Brane / October 31, 2007

Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented

Note 2
Bridge between Ring and Brane


For algebraic approach toward language, analytic space is prepared
Polydisk Dn that is useful* to identification of some different figures is defined by the following.
Dn = { ( x1, …, xn )  For all ixi < 1 }
Dn has real topology that is stronger than Zariski topology.
On real topology, refer to the next.
Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented / Preparatory Consideration 1 Distance / Tokyo October 8, 2007
On Zariski topology, refer to the next.
Algebraic Linguistics / Linguistic Note 13 Zariski Topology / Tokyo August 24, 2007
Dn has structure sheaf OhDn that has complex analytic function.
On sheaf and structure sheaf, refer to the next.
Algebraic Linguistics / Linguistic Premise / Premise of Algebraic Linguistics 4-1 / Tokyo September 29, 2007
Finite complex analytic function h1, …, hm  ( DnOhDn )
Sheaf of ideal I h1, …, hm ) OhDn
On ideal, refer to the next.
Algebraic Linguistics / Linguistic Premise / Premise of Algebraic Linguistics 2-1 / Tokyo September 20, 2007
Subset = V ( ) = { P  Dn ; All of jhj ) = 0 }
Sheaf OhM OhDn I
Local ringed space ( MOh) is the model of complex analytic space.
On local ringed space, refer to the next.
Algebraic Linguistics / Linguistic Premise / Premise of Algebraic Linguistics 4-2 / Tokyo September 29, 2007
On complex analytic space, refer to the next.
Algebraic Linguistics / Linguistic Note 9 Homomorphism / Tokyo July 28, 2007
Neighborhood UOhM | U ) is isomorphism of the model.
On isomorphism, refer to the next.
Algebraic Linguistics / Linguistic Premise / Premise of Algebraic Linguistics 2-1 / Tokyo September 20, 2007

*Usefulness of polydisk will be developed at Distance Theory Algebraically Supplemented Brane Simplified Model on extension of circle’s identification as line segment.
On circle, refer to the next.
Algebraic Linguistics / Linguistic Note 4 Grassmann Manifold / Tokyo July 21, 2007

Tokyo October 31, 2007

Sekinan Research Field of Language

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