Stochastic Meaning Theory
Period of Meaning
12th for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej
On what there exists time of meaning in word
Set X
Family of subsets of X M
When M satisfies the next <1>(i)(ii)(iii), M is called σ-field.
(i) X, Ø ∈M
(ii) a∈M ⇒ X╲A∈M
(iii) An∈M (n=1, 2, …) ⇒∪∞n=1 An∈M
( X, M ) is called measurable space.
Function over M μ
When μ satisfies the next <2>(i)(ii)(iii), μ is called measure over measurable space ( X, M ).
(i) μ (A)∈[0,∞]
(ii) μ (0) = 0
(iii) An∈M , An ∩Am = 0 (n≠m)
μ (∪∞n=1 An) = Σ∞n=1 μ (A)
( X, M, μ ) is called measure space.
When measure space satisfies the next <3>(i), it is called complete measure space.
(i) A∈M, μ (A) = 0 ⇒ B⊂A, μ (B) = 0
<2>(iii) is called complete additive or σ additive.
Measure space that is all the measure is 1 is called probability space.
Measure that all the measure is 1 is called probability measure.
Set Ω that is called whole possibility
Element of Ω ω that is called sample point
σ-field F
Element of F A that is called event
Function over F P
Measure for A∈F P (A ) that is called probability
Probability space ( Ω, F, P )

When X is F- measurable, it is called random variable.
When value of measurable space (S, M) is not
but S, variable is called S valued random variable.

Expectation of random variable over ( Ω, F, P ) : = ∫Ω X(ω)P(dω) EX
Family of subsets of Ω { An }∞n=1
When { An }∞n=1 satisfies the next <1>(i)(ii), it is called countable decomposition of Ω.
(i) An ∩ Am = Ø ( n ≠ m )
(ii) ∪∞n=1 An = Ω
Almost countable set S that has σ-field
Separable space ( Ω, F )
Sequence of S valued random variable {Xn}∞n=0
Sub-σ-field of F Fn : = σ ( Xk ; 0 ≤k ≤1)
x, y ∈S
0 ≤p (x, y) ≤1
When Σ y ∈S p(x, y) = 1, x∈S is satisfied, p is called transition probability.
Family of probability measure {Pz}z∈S
When {Xn}∞n=1 and {Pz}z∈S is satisfies the next <2>(i)(ii) for bounded function over S, they are called Markov chain that has transition probability p.
(i) Pz ( X0 = x ) = 1
(ii) Ex ( f (Xn+1 ) | Fn ) =Σ y ∈S p (Xn, y) f(y) a. s. Px
<2>(ii) is called Markov property.
n = 1, 2, …
Measurable map : Ω → Ω
Shift of pass θ
θn・θm : = θn+m
Xn(θmω) : = Xn+m( ω )
Markov chain that has shift θn {Xn}∞n=0
F∞ : = σ ( Xn ; n = 1, 2, … )
Bounded function over F∞-measurable Ω f
Ex ( f (θnω ) | Fn ) = Exn xn( f ) a, s Px
Space that has Markov chain {Xn}∞n=0
Transition probability p ( x, y ) : =Σx1, x2, …, xn p ( x, x1 ) p ( x1, x2)…p ( xn, y )
N0 : = N∪{0}
N (x) = { n∈N0 ; p ( x, y ) > 0 }
Greatest common divisor of N (x) dx
dx is called period of x∈S.
When x∈S is dx =1, it is called aperiodic.
In early work, time within inner structure of word was considered.
The paper is “On Time Property Inherent in Characters” in which Chinese character /geng/ 亙that means eternity in English is taken.
This character is supposed to have period of Markov chain.
Meaning elements is supposed to be sequence of random variable.
OnTime Property Inherent in Characters / Hakuba March 28, 2003
Tokyo June 22, 2008
Sekinan Research Field of Language
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