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Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Stochastic Meaning Theory Conjecture 1 / July 12, 2008

Stochastic Meaning Theory

Conjecture 1


Stochastic Meaning Theory
From <heading 8>
Conjecture SMT1-1 Meaning has period and sequence.
Stochastic Meaning Theory 2
From <heading 21>
Conjecture SMT1-2 Word has specific time and specific meaning.
Stochastic Meaning Theory 3
From <heading 4>
Conjecture SMT1-3-1 Word is finite in bounded time and infinite in unbounded time.
Conjecture SMT1-3-2 Sentence is on the sphere that has unit radius from the coordinate’s origin.
Conjecture SMT1-3-3 Language is infinite.

<On finite and infinite>
Kac-Moody Lie Algebra / Conjecture 1 / Finiteness in Infinity on Language / Tokyo February 10, 2008
Operator Algebra / Conjecture 3 / Recognition / Tokyo March 23, 2008
von Neumann Algebra 3 / Note 1 / Properly Infinite / Tokyo May 1, 2008
von Neumann Algebra 3 / Note 2 / Purely Infinite / Tokyo May 1, 2008
<On commutative and noncommutative>
Algebraic Linguistics / Language Result / Deep Fissure between Word and Sentence / Tokyo September 10, 2007
von Neumann Algebra 4 / Note 1 / Tomita’s Fundamental Theorem / Tokyo May 3, 2008
von Neumann Algebra 4 / Conjecture 1 / Relation between Word and Sentence / Tokyo May 5, 2008
<More details on the upper two themes>

Tokyo July 12, 2008
Sekinan Research Field of Language

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