Sunday, 15 March 2015




1 <Quantum> is generated from <frame>.
2 <Quantum> is expressed by adequate value.
3 <Quantum> is a set of <active element>.
4 <Frame> is a set of <passive element>.
5 Inner of <system> is expressed by <equivalent circuit>.
6 <Passive element> is transforms to <active element>.
7 <Passive element> consists of <proto meaning> and <proto grammar>.
8 <Proto grammar> is finite and descriptive at start.
9 <Grammar> is completed in <frame> after analysis of <quantum>.
10 <Proto meaning> generates <meaning> at the situation of <quantum>’s <active element>.
11 <Meaning> consists of <proto meaning> and <vector>.
12 <Proto meaning> is finite and descriptive by itself.
13 <Meaning> is finite and descriptive at the connection of next <quantum>.
14 Natural language is transformed to <language> in <frame> by reading devise.
15 <Language> is transformed to<sentence> in <quantum>.
16 <Sentence> is analyzed to a set of <proto meaning> and <vector>.
17 <Vector> is memorized in <frame> together with <proto meaning> and <proto grammar>.
18 <Vector> is expressed by <function>.
19 Main <function> is below.
f (connect)  let <quantum> connect to next <quantum>
f (lack)  search lack of <quantum> in <sentence>
f (order) determine order of <quantum>
f (memory) memorize the situation of connection
20 <Vector> is essential basis of <meaning>.

TOKYO March 21, 2005 
Sekinan Research Field of Language

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