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Saturday, 2 March 2013

12 Description of Meaning

Description of Meaning

6th Time For KARCEVSKIJ Sergej

1 Word consists of meaning and time.
Refer to the following paper.
2 Sentence consists of connection of words.
Refer to the following paper.
3 Now presheaf is presented by MACLANE Saunders.
Presheaf is contravariant functor F on small category C.   F: Cop  Set   (Set is all of small sets and functions.)
Category has duality principle by axiom.
Category C has opposite category Cop.
Arrow has opposite arrow f op.
Object of Cop is object C.
Arrow of Cop is arrow op.
Presheaf F gives homomorphism by the following.
U    ( V and U  are arbitrary open sets.)
ρ : F (U)  F (V)
ρ gives restrictive mapping.
5 From category, word is given intuitively as below.
F (V) is starting point of meaning.
F (U) is ending point of meaning.
Presheaf is time for shifting meaning.
Grp that consists of groups and homomorphisms are presented.
Now here exist a group G and other groups H.
Arrow’s set HomGrp( H,G) makes the relation between H and G clear. ( HomGrp( H,G) is all the arrows’ set connecting objects H and G in category Grp.)
Here G is meaning of word. H is elements of meaning G.
7 Meaning of word is clarified by all the arrow’s set.
8 The clarification is called description of meaning. 

Tokyo April 16, 2007

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