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Saturday, 2 March 2013

14 Time Shift of Meaning in Moduli Space

Time Shift of Meaning in Moduli Space

1 Word has variation of meaning in accordance with time shift in space.
Refer to the following papers.
2 Space that is deformed successively is described by parameter that is called moduli.
3 Set M consists of all of moduli.
4 Moduli space M (M) is presented for variation of word’s meaning.
5 Parameter t is presented for time shift of meaning in word.
Calabi-Yau manifold K has two moduli that are deformation of complex structure and Kähler manifold. Moduli have symmetry that is called Mirror symmetry.
K’s Ricci tensor is the following.
Rij¯ = 0   is regular coordinate. j¯ is non-regular coordinate.
Refer to the following paper.
8 Replaced two moduli in Calabi-Yau manifold K is called reflection Calabi-Yau manifold K~.
Refer to the following paper.
9 In K, Kähler manifold, n-dimensional toric manifold Pn is presented.
Complex torus of Kähler’s form ω described by polar coordinates is the following.
ω dzi  dzd|zi|2  dθi
P1 with line bundle’s direct sum becomes resolved conifold.
10 Conifold’s toric graph has line segment that has the longitude | z1 |2+ | z2 |2 = r. r is parameter of conifold.
11 Parameter r becomes parameter t that is described as complex.
12 Resolved conifold that has parameter = 0 and is deformed becomes deformed conifold that has S3.
13 Parameter t of deformed conifold Smeans time of word’s meaning variation in language.
14 Deformed conifold Smeans word in language.
15 P1× P1 becomes square that is connected by world sheets.
16 P1× P1 means sentence in language.
Refer to the following paper.

Tokyo May 23, 2007

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