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Saturday, 2 March 2013

17 Holomorphic Meaning Theory

10th for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej

Word has meaning.
Meaning consists of semantic minimum.
Semantic minimum is the term that is used by JACOBSON Roman, ESSAIS DE LINGUISTIQUE GÉNÉRALE, 1973.
Semantic minimum is abbreviated to SM.
Word generates sentence.
Language consists of semantic meaning, word and sentence.
Language is in space.
Space is considered as n-dimensional complex space.
n-dimensional complex space is notated to Cn.
Point of Cis expressed by z.
Open set of Cis expressed by Ω.
Ω is proto-meaning minimum.
Language has distance.
| = ( | z1|2 + … + | zn|2 ) 1/2
| is proto-distance.
Set of all the nonnegative integers is expressed by Z+.
For every point a of Ω, power series that is convergent to complex valued function f over a neighborhood of a is called Pa.
P(z) = αZn+ cα(z – a)αcαC
When there is P(z), f is called holomorphic function.
Holomorphic function is C class.
When complex adjoint z   is holomorphic, f is called antiholomorphic.
Set of all the holomorphic functions over Ω is expressed by A (Ω).
A (Ω) is proto-word.
All the holomorphic functions are the solution of Cauchy-Riemann equation.
Cauchy-Riemann equation is simultaneous differential equation.
 = 0,  j = 1, …, n
Cauchy-Riemann equation is proto-sentence.


Tokyo June 15, 2008

 [Reference December 22, 2008]

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