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Monday, 4 March 2013

5 Reversion Theory

In <Quantum Theory for Language> two major principles are worked.
One is <time principle>.The other is <reversion principle>.
From <time principle> two major rules are derived.
One is <connection rule>. The other is <separation rule>.
From <reversion principle> one rule is derived. It is <strength rule>.
In the theory language is divided into two categories.
One is <actual language>. The other is <imaginary language>.
<Actual language> and <imaginary language> are belong to <real language>.
<Real language> and <Mirror language> are opposed.
<Mirror language> of <actual language> is <imaginary language>.
<Mirror language>of <imaginary language> is also considered.
In <real language> <reversion principle> is always worked.
This principle guarantees the credibility of language.
In the theory language is constructed from the linear arrangement of plural number of <quantum of language>.
In the linear arrangement the first quantum is the weakest. The last quantum is the strongest. In this situation <strength rule> is worked.
The strongest quantum touches the real world.
The real world is the standstill point of the reversion of language.
The reversion of language is the main power of integration of sentence.
A quantum of language sends messages to the next quantum.
Messages succeed to the last quantum which gives the standstill of sending messages.
The standstill point of language is < real world>. 
<Real world> is an axis of symmetry on <actual language> and <imaginary language>.
<Real world> is an axis of symmetry on <real world> and <mirror language>.
Messages of quanta are digital signals of electricity on the model simplified level of the quantum theory for language.
This model is abbreviated to <MSL> of the theory.
In the model two elements are worked.
One is <time element>. The other is <distance element>.
Both are abbreviated to <TE> and <DE>.
The succession of <time element>s and <distance element>s makes <word>s and <sentence>s.
This succession is subscribed by the linear digitized signals.
In the <MSL>, <TE> is classified by the longitude of time.
The minimum time is numbered by 1, the maximum time is numbered by 9.
In the number 1, subdivision is classified from 1 to 9.
If necessary, sub-subdivision is classified from 1 to 9.
In these working, all <TE> of quanta are digitally classified.
In the <MSL>, <DE> is classified by the length of distance.
Numbering is similar to the case of <TM>.
<TE> and <DE> are elements of language, especially <grammar> and <meaning>.
In <Quantum Theory for Language>, <meaning> is imminent in each quantum.
The typical example of the theory is Classical Chinese, especially character inscriptions on bone and tortoiseshell. In these inscriptions, <meaning> is expressed in unitary or composite figures.
The figures in each inscription are completed respectively.
Each figure is separated in writing and seeing.
The figure is a <signal>.
The inscription has a <message> which consists of signals.
A signal can be replaced with a number.
For example characters /ri/ /shang/, the sun rises in English are numbered by 1 and 2.
Characters /chuan//xia/, river flows in English are numbered by 3 and 4.
Figures are finite. Contracted numbers are also finite.
Each character has one or over one figures. So it has one or over one numbers.
This work is called <sequence of numbers on signals>.
<Sequence of numbers on signals> is regarded as <meaning> in our daily usage.

Tokyo September 27, 2004

[Referential note October 14, 2007]
<Reversion Theory> is related with the next papers for the most part.
[Referential note January 26, 2008]
Basic concepts of <Reversion Theory> are prepared under the reading of SAPIR Edward and influenced from the lecture on Linguistic circle of Prague and KARCEVSKIJ Sergej by CHINO Eiichi.
Refer to the next.
[Referential note December 7, 2008]

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