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Saturday, 2 March 2013

8 Quantum Language Machine

Quantum Language Machine
For the Forth Time to KARCEVSKIJ

1 When intention is inputted to system, sentence is outputted from system. The system is called language machine.
2 Intention is divided to frame and transmission.
3 Frame is expressed by /   /. Transmission is expressed by [   ]. Sentence is expressed by [[    ]].
4 Frame is a name tag or complex of the tags. For instance, /I/ is a frame. /My/, /me/ and /mine/ are also frame under the tag of /I/.
5 Transmission is a variation of tag. For instance, [me] is a transmission of frame /I/.
6 When intention is inputted by the style of name tag, namely /I/, /buy/, /book/ and /yesterday/, machine selects transmission [I], [bought], [a book] and [yesterday]. Output becomes [[I bought a book yesterday]].
7 Quantum carries frame and transmission simultaneously. Differential recognition of the two is done by the phase’s difference of quantum.
8 Quantum takes out frame and transmission as probability of a half by theoretical random bit.
9 For instance, on natural language, word ‘I’ is carried by 4 quanta, namely /I/-[I], /I/-[my], /I/-[me] and /I/-[mine]. The 4 quanta are bundled in one named tag /I/.
10 Intention is generally done by tag’s indication.  
11 Frame is equivalent to dictionary or solidity on natural language.
12 Transmission is equivalent to grammar or flexibility, namely conjugation and declension.
13 Solidity and flexibility on natural language is the kernel concept of KARCEVSKIJ Sergej.
14 Simultaneous carrying of solidity and flexibility indicates identity of the both things from mechanism or construction of natural language.
15 Quantum language machine’s diagram is shown next. Intention-Indication-Frame (Dictionary)-Transmission (Grammar)-Sentence. Quantum Language machine is abbreviated to QLM.
16 Identity of solidity and flexibility on natural language will be on demonstration by QLM.
17 Identity and separativeness in quantum is a new answer to KARCEVSKIJ as mechanism of language.

Refer to the papers on Language Machine below.

Refer to the papers on Robot Language below

Further details on Robot Language, see below.

Tokyo January 23, 2006
Tokyo, January 29, 2006 Revised

Sekinan Research Field of Language

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