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Monday, 4 March 2013

1 Premise of Tube-Ring Theory / Advance of Dimension

 Premise of Tube-Ring Theory
   Advance of Dimension

Conducted by KARCEVSKIJ

1 Language is expressed by lineation and rectangle on Gauss’ plane.
Refer to the following papers.
2 Lineation is topologically transformed to circle. Circle belongs to 2 dimensions.
3 Plane is topologically transformed to torus. Torus belongs to 3 dimensions.
4 Now time influences word and sentence to give growth.
5 Lineation and rectangle have thickness owing to time.
6 Rectangle that has thickness becomes to cuboid.
7 Cuboid is topologically transformed to inner vacant torus, namely tube-ring.
8 Here inner wall and outer wall that indicate time’s thickness approach each other.
Limit approach of two walls makes ring. Ring belongs to approximate 4 dimensions.
10 Limit ring makes limit approach of starting time and ending time of language.
11 Limit time makes limit space of 4 dimensions.
12 Language that has grown time expresses approximate 4 dimensional space.
13 When outer wall’s vector is expressed by x, y, t, inner wall’s vector is expressed by x, y, -t.
14 Tangent space of limit wall has vector x, y, 0.
15 Limit wall that expresses approximate 4 dimensional space has no time in its space.
16 Limit walls extinguish time dimension from its approximate 4 dimensional space.

Tokyo June 25-26, 2006

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