Cut and Glue
Cut-tube-ring generates multi dimensional world
1 Tube-ring is cut at the maximum circumference on the surface.
2 By the cut, two half-tube rings are generated.
3 On the cross section of half-tube-ring, inner vacant space is seen at the state of half pipe hollow.
4 Now the edge of maximum circumference’s surface and the outer edge of inner space hollow’s surface are glued by topological transformation.
5 Consecutively at last, the edge of minimum circumference’s surface and the inner edge of inner space hollow’s surface are glued by topological transformation.
6 Here generates new inner vacant ring that is called second-tube-ring.
7 Second-tube-ring has perfectly glued 3 dimensions in itself.
8 From topological sequence, second-tube-ring expresses 4 dimensional world by figure.
See the following paper.
9 Now second-tube-ring is abbreviated to STR. Tub-ring is also abbreviated to TR.
10 STR’s outer wall is smaller cross section. Inner wall is bigger cross section.
11 Outer wall and inner wall are the part of solid tube-ring.
12 Cross section, namely solidity is regarded as a set of concentric circles.
13 A circle of complex concentric circles expresses the first dimension of 3 dimensional word, namely cube.
14 A set of concentric circles is regarded as the development of the first dimension of the world.
15 Now second-tube-ring is cut at the maximum circumference on the surface.
16 By topological operation, third-tube-ring is generated. The ring expresses 5 dimensional world by figure.
17 Thus n cut of tube-ring generates 3+n dimensional world by figure.
18 Cut-tube-ring generates multi dimensional word.
19 Cut-tube-ring’s surface eternally expresses the first dimension of the whole world.
20 The first dimension is lineation.
21 Lineation has distance from the starting point, namely the origin of the coordinate axis.
22 Distance is the root of the world.
Tokyo July 7, 2006
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