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Sunday, 3 March 2013

3 Folding


1 Language consists of <quantum>.
2 Quantum has two functions of <frame> and <engraving>.
3 Frame function generates <ex-word> that is minimum unit of remained language. Ex-word is expressed by the notation /  /.
4 Remained language is solid state namely as letter.
5 Engraving function generates <word> that is minimum unit of generating language. Word is expressed by the notation *  *.
6 Generating language is variable state namely as speech.
7 Frame has solid condition. Ex-word is solid and duplicable.
8 Engraving has variable condition. Word is variable and not duplicable.
9 Frame function and engraving function are putted together in quantum.
10 What two functions are putted together is <dualism of language> that was proposed by KARCEVSKIJ.
11 Two functions are reduced to separated state by adequate device. The device is expressed by the notation D. 
12 When quantum’s succession containing ex-word and word /he/ *he, /love/ *love and /world/ *world: sends to D, D reduces the following.
/he/ /love/ /world/ 
*he* /love/ /world/
/he/ *love* /world/
/he/ /love/ *world*
*he* *love* /world/
*he* /love/ *world*
/he/ *love* *world*  
*he* *love* *world*
13 Above 8 states of quantum is outputted together as quantum’s <folded> succession as the behavior of quantum.
14 In the states, all word state *he* *love* *world* generates <sentence> that is altered to adequate <form> by <grammar>. Sentence is expressed by the notation [  ].
15 New sentence [he loves world] is generated after D.
16 Form and grammar are noted by other papers.

Tokyo January 8, 2006

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